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That meant that the Glimmer Chestplate could no longer earn Shi Feng a lot of money. After all, the major buyers of the equipment were mostly those Guilds. Maybe there were some nouveau riche who could afford to buy one to toy around with, but they were in the extreme minorities amongst the average players.

Shi Feng walked into the Auction House, into the large hall that was packed with people. Without a better option, Shi Feng looked for a corner and silently brought up the display screen of the Auction House. He then placed twenty copies of the Forging Design for the Glimmer Chestplate on auction. The base price for each Forging Design was set at 30 Silver Coins, and they would be sold one by one at intervals of half an hour.

It was not because Shi Feng did not wish to sell them in bulk, but because doing so would result in their price staying low. Only through hunger marketing would he be able to reap the greatest profit. Let those Guilds slowly fight amongst themselves.

Afterwards, Shi Feng cleaned out the accumulated Hard Stones and Card Sets from the Auction House. He then left the Auction House and headed towards the Library.

Chapter 70 - Success or Failure Boils Down to the Same Person

Kuruk Fields, this was the playground for the Level 6 Grassland Lion Cubs. At this stage of the game, there were very few players who would come here to grind and level up.

That was because the level here was slightly higher. Moreover, the monsters were numerous and concentrated, making them hard to kill.

These Grassland Lion Cubs hunted in groups of three to five. Sometimes, they would even be followed by a fully grown Elite Grassland Lion, making them very hard to deal with.

However, there was currently a six-man party on these fields, fighting a group of lions. A girl dressed in water-blue armor brandished her greatsword, directly confronting an Elite Grassland Lion. Not only did she easily evade the Grassland Lion's sharp claws, she even took the chance to attack and deal damage. Her valiant appearance could captivate even women.

This girl was the Snow Goddess, Gentle Snow. She had already reached Level 5, and she wore the Level 4 Bronze Set Equipment, Azure Scar. In her hands, she held the Mysterious-Iron ranked Conqueror's Sword. Compared to before, her current strength had greatly increased.

Also, there was also a Shield Warrior who was not any weaker, tanking four Grassland Lion Cubs at once. The party's healer, Xiao Yue'er, chanted a prayer, her delicate hands tracing divine texts in midair. Xiao Yue'er took care of the Shield Warrior while also healing Gentle Snow, allowing both their HPs to remain above the safety line.

The Flame Witch, Zhao Yueru, was also wearing the Level 4 Fantasy Flame Set Equipment. Large Fireballs constantly shot out from her hand, causing a frightening amount of damage to appear above the Grassland Lion's head.

Within moments, they massacred the group of Elite-led lions.

Gentle Snow picked up the loot from the Grassland Lion, discovering that it was a skill book. No equipment dropped. She then looked towards Xiao Yue'er, saying, 'Xiao Yue'er, it's your Sacred Light Shield; learn it quickly. After some rest, we will continue looking for another Grassland Lion. We absolutely must get the Revival skill.'

'Great! With this skill, healing won't be so intense anymore,' Xiao Yue'er happily said as she received the skill.

Currently resting, Zhao Yueru suddenly asked in a curious tone, 'Snow, that Hammer Trading has already garnered a huge amount of fame. We should at least send a person to recruit him. We can still increase our Guild's fame if we're successful. Moreover, his forging skills are not bad. It would be unfortunate if we were to let some other Guild snatch him away.'

'No need. It won't be long before Level 3 Bronze Equipment is of little value. He only knows how to forge Level 3 Bronze Equipment and doesn't possess any Forging Designs for higher level equipment. Why should we spend a large sum of money fighting over him? We would just lose out on earning a little money. Moreover, we don't even know when our Guild would be able to obtain a Forging Design for high-leveled Bronze Equipment. What would we need him for?' Gentle Snow shook her head. She held no particular interests towards a person like Hammer Trading. Instead, she said, 'On the contrary, I'm more interested in the Black Flame Forger, especially the forger's actions. I can not see through his intentions.

'If he wanted to attract the attention of first-rate Guilds and stand out, then he has no reason to hide his name. There would be plenty of large Guilds contacting him. However, he has hidden his name, preventing anybody from contacting him. That means that he does not wish for others to know of his identity. Yet, he still competed with Hammer Trading, lowering the price for his equipment and letting everyone know of him once more. Now that he has entered our eyes, at the most heated moment, he suddenly withdraws from the competition and fades out of our sight once more.

'He has continuously brought us three different kinds of forged equipment. Being able to obtain that many Forging Designs for Bronze Equipment shows that he has great strength. Yet, why would he suddenly withdraw? What is this Black Flame Forger's goal? Or did he withdraw because he already achieved his goal?

'Until now, I still don't know what that Black Flame Forger is trying to do. He is filled with mystery in all aspects.'

'Snow, how about I have someone research this forger? Hearing you say so, even I want to see what kind of person he is.'

After hearing Gentle Snow's analysis, realization struck Zhao Yueru. She suddenly grew an interest towards this Black Flame Forger. She also felt this person was not simple. Her interest towards the Black Flame Forger's identity overflowed. Just the thought of being able to expose this person's identity made her feel slightly excited.

Meanwhile, inside an Intermediate Forging Room on the second floor of the Forging Association...

'Everyone, how goes your consideration?' Hammer Trading sat cross-legged, casually asking as he looked at the representatives of the first-rate Guilds with narrowed eyes.