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Just when Shi Feng was wondering about Sharlyn's actions, a change suddenly came over the diary. Black smoke suddenly appeared on its pitch-black cover, and a sinister-looking face came into view. It looked as if it was in extreme pain.

'Evil be gone! Divine Spear!'

Sharlyn shouted, her jade-like hand drawing out Divine Words in midair. At the same time, she started singing out a Tier 3 Divine Curse, her voice echoing throughout the entire Library. A golden colored hexagram appeared above the Library, covering the entire building, and from the magic formation, three golden Spears of Judgement came flying out. The spears pierced the diary, tearing apart the sinister face.'Hahaha, I won't give up! We will meet again!' The sinister face loudly laughed as it spoke the bone-chilling words. Both of its eyes were firmly affixed toward Shi Feng as if the words it spoke were meant for him.

Within a moment, the black smoke above the diary dispersed. Meanwhile, Sharlyn's forehead was covered in sweat. Her complexion was deathly pale, and she currently looked extremely weak.

System: You have been cursed by a Great Demon[1]. All Attributes reduced by 50%, experience received from killing monsters reduced by 95%.System: You have been eyed by a Great Demon. The phantom of the Great Demon will come for you in thirty days. If you are killed by the phantom, your body will be taken over by the Great Demon.'Crap! Make it more ruthless, why don't you?' Regardless of how self-restraint he had been, Shi Feng could not help but curse when he saw this notification. When compared to human standards, a Great Demon was the equivalent of a Tier 4 Job. It was on the same level as a Sword Emperor. Although it was just a phantom, it would still require Sharlyn, who had a Tier 3 Job, to handle it. However, instead of aiming for Sharlyn, the Great Demon actually went for a bystander and a minor character like Shi Feng.

With this curse around, how would he be able to level up? Not to mention the 50% reduction in Attributes. It had caused his Attributes to sink down to the level of an average player. It would be a problem if he wanted to kill monsters of a higher level. He also had to face the phantom of the Great Demon...

'Miss Sharlyn, are you alright?' although he was cursed, Shi Feng still spoke politely.

Sharlyn shook her head slightly, speaking with a smile, 'Nothing too bad. I never imagined that you would actually bring such a terrifying item. You've weakened me quite a bit. However, the problem has been resolved now. If you had dragged on for a few more days, your body might have been possessed by the Great Demon, and your body would suffer in Hell for all eternity.

'Thank you, Miss Sharlyn. If it weren't for you, I might have already been dead.' Although Sharlyn's words felt somewhat wrong, Shi Feng had still thanked her. He rejoiced at the fact that he had come to the Library without delay. Otherwise, he would truly be finished. However, the problem right now had yet to be resolved.'No need for thanks. This diary is not as simple as it seems. It is a key. In it records the method to unlock the curse on a gate. Your job now is to find this gate, enter through it with this diary, and find the Bible of Darkness that is kept within. I can destroy the Bible of Darkness as long as you retrieve it for me. Once it is destroyed, the Great Demon would not be able to descend,' Sharlyn explained.System: Epic Quest 'Darkness Descends' accepted. Find and destroy the Bible of Darkness and prevent the Great Demon from descending. Rewards unknown.Although Shi Feng had known about the extreme difficulty of completing an Epic Quest, there was still no need for it to be so damnable! At the very least, the Quest should tell him where to find the Bible of Darkness!

In Shi Feng's previous life, Fantasy Extinguisher had completed this Quest in Black Dragon Empire. However, Shi Feng couldn't just go to Black Dragon Empire.Even if he went there, the Teleportation Gates had not been activated at this stage of the game, so he would have to run there. However, even if he ran till his legs broke, he would still need to waste several months before he could reach the borders of Black Dragon Empire.

TL Notes:

[1]Great Demon: this is a rank for Demons (not monsters). This will be further clarified in future chapters when Demons are better introduced.

Chapter 55 - Moon Drip

Shi Feng entered deep thought. He did not understand how Fantasy Extinguisher completed this Epic Quest in his previous life.

Who the heck would know where the Bible of Darkness was stored?

Moreover, in his previous life, the information Shi Feng collected regarding this Quest was very incomplete, so the parts he could use as reference were extremely limited.

Currently, the evil curse Shi Feng was shouldering even made leveling a problem. No matter what, he had to think of a solution to this problem. Otherwise, the problems he would face in the future would be even greater.

'Esteemed Miss Sharlyn, I am now cursed by the demon. Do you have any methods to resolve it?' Shi Feng calmed his heart. He turned to look at Sharlyn, who was currently in a delicate state, asking, 'Also, where can I find the Bible of Darkness? Even just a clue is helpful.'

Hearing Shi Feng's series of questions, a bright smile appeared on Sharlyn's pure countenance.

'You sure have a lot of questions, huh, you little bastard? It's not like I don't have a method to resolve your curse. However, you should know, to get something, you have to give something in return. There is only one way to dispel the curse, and that is to carry out a Moon Drip. The Moon Drip is a ceremony that can dispel all magic and curses in the world. However, many materials are required to carry out this ceremony. I will provide the materials required, but in return, you have to pay 3 Gold Coins as remuneration for my services. If you wish to obtain a clue to the Bible of Darkness, you have to pay an additional 10 Gold Coins as an information fee.'

Shi Feng felt a chill going down his spine as he looked at Sharlyn's expression, which became more excited the more she explained. It was especially true for Sharlyn's eyes. Even if she looked incomparably pure right now, her appearance was still not enough to hide the burning desire within her eyes.

In the end, one word still dictated everything.


System: Do you wish to accept the Quest to dispel the curse?

'Esteemed Miss Sharlyn, I am willing to pay the remunerations.' What else could he have said? However, Sharlyn's asking price of 3 Gold Coins was just too high. There was not a single player in White River City who could afford such an amount right now.

'Since you are willing, then pay a deposit of 1 Gold Coin,' Sharlyn stretched out her delicate hand without restraint.