With that being said — if you are going to break the law, please make sure that it doesn’t harm anyone else and by all means, don’t get caught. There are enough harmless people in prison already. (This was written back in 2001, I have to admit that since that time I’ve learned something very valuable that I would like to pass on –
If you aren’t breaking the law, you have nothing to worry about. If you are breaking the law, you are better off if the police are your friends. Why in the world would you ever antagonize someone with that much power to make your life miserable? Don’t do it. Cops are people. Some are good, some are bad. Make them your friends, either way.
What Do You Love To Do?
I’ve sat and watched the world for too long without speaking up. Someone has to let you know that you are living your lives like insane people. What exactly is it that you are all working so hard for? Do you even know? Many people think they are looking for freedom, but the biggest joke is that they have it if only they choose to take it. Really. Even you. Even if you are reading this from a prison cell. It really is that easy.
The people of the world have allowed themselves to be told that life is about being the slave of societies, corporations, and other people. They’ve been told that their dreams are for too much, too quickly. They’ve been told that if they shut up and work hard they can then travel, change the world, and help others. I’m here to tell you that they’ve been lied to. We all have. The proof is in the suicide rates, mental illness, and sense of disillusionment that most of us feel or experience.
People of the world! It’s time to stop working for the masters and start living like free men and women. No matter what your beliefs, I can tell you that the only life you have right now is the one you hold. Sure, there is probably more and faith can help you to carry on in the darkest nights of this life, but in fact, this life has been given to you for a reason and that isn’t so you can earn profits for someone else or spend your life as a wage slave. If you can be certain of anything, you can be certain of that.
It might make you feel comfortable to know you aren’t the only one who has been living this way. In the year 2013 the world is filled with people who don’t like their jobs. When you look at the number of people who aren’t satisfied with their work who are fifty years old or less, what you find is that more than half wish they did something else. And yet, they don’t. Why is that?
When you stop for a moment to think about why the world is like it is, it is puzzling. How can it be that so many of us hate our jobs or at the very least do them without a bit of passion. Why is it that we spend so little time doing what we really love to do?
Are you one of those sad people that slaves away more than forty hours each week only to spend a few hours on the weekend doing what it is that you really love? Why is that? Why do you think you continue to do it? Why do you sit around on Sunday so completely bummed that you have to work the next day?
I say it’s not time to stop working. It’s time to start working on those things that bring you joy, happiness, and satisfaction. Don’t stop working, start living!
The Typical Wage-Slave Mentality
If you were to chart the mental maps of most people you would find they are filled with desire but constrained by hard-core industrial brain-washing. It doesn’t look so good, does it.
Our mentalities are reflective of the societies we live in. Things have become totally awful and one of the reasons why is because people have allowed themselves to become completely dependent on the wage they take home each week.
There is good news though. The dawn of the internet has made it possible for people to break the chains that bind them to the work they hate and to begin to become less dependent on bosses, wages, and jobs they loathe. People are discovering they can survive just as well or better by doing what they love. I’m one of them, you can be too. You can start to find what I call your ‘Passion Income’. Your passion income is what comes from doing what you love. All there is to it, is to do it.
A part of the reason this book is important is because it will give you the chance to become one of the pioneers of this revolution. By no means is this book intended as a comprehensive index of those who have changed their mentality and found their passion income. Every day more and more people are becoming independent of their employers, their geography, and their countries. In this chapter, I will introduce some of the better known people who have done this, and hopefully inspire you to become one of them.
Like you, most of them were once miserable too. They were chained to desks and filing TPX reports in triplicate or dealing with unhappy customers with a fake smile. Each of them decided they’d had enough. Just like I did. Just like I hope you will do too.
Passion Incomers are doing what they love and letting the money follow. It’s not just a feel good phrase. It’s true, the key is to be steady. You have to keep going. You can’t just give up at the first or the second or the third obstacles.
You can do it. I’m going to show you the ways that others have done it. You won’t be able to do it exactly the same way since you are not exactly the same person, but it is my true hope and desire that you can discover the path to your own freedom and happiness.
Don’t stop working, start living. Find your passion income. Start living the dream.
The Hardest Thing
Are you excited to start? Good! Now comes the really hard part.
How are you going to quit that job you hate so much? I can hear you saying “I can’t” “I need it” “I’ll keep it until I figure this out” but the truth is, you may have to quit. It’s sucking the life from you. It’s stealing your soul. You hate it and as long as you are focused on that hate, you can’t really do what you love.
I know. It’s crazy to even think about. What is the hardest part about it? Why are you saying it’s impossible?
Is it that you have financial responsibilities?
Is it that you are ‘loyal to the brand’? Why? Is it loyal to you?
Is it that your job makes you happy and energized? I doubt it or you wouldn’t have read this far or even picked up this book.
Is it that you want the income and status? Even though it makes you miserable?
Is it that you want people to respect and admire you? But can you really respect and admire yourself if you don’t quit?
In fact, it isn’t any of that. You want to quit so you can work on your own life. You want your life to be your greatest achievement.
I’m fairly certain of that just by the fact you are reading my words, then you need to stop what you are doing and focus on something that will fulfill your soul.
Your work should be fun, creative, valuable, fulfilling, and contributing something but it’s not. Is it?
And the real problem is that you don’t really believe that all you have to do to change things is quit. It can’t possibly be that easy. All the things you’ve learned about jobs can’t be totally and completely wrong. Can they? Isn’t your job the key to your success?
I used to think so and guess what? I was wrong and so are you.