Look what you have been doing with your work. You’ve been working five days to give yourself two days off. You’ve been working 50 weeks to have 2 weeks off. Wouldn’t you rather have it the other way around? You can. All there is to it is to do it. Find your passion income.
Starting A Business Isn’t The Answer
A lot of people dream of starting their own business. I’m going to tell you something you may have never heard before. Starting a business is a lousy answer to freedom. When you start a business you chain yourself to the employees, the clients, and the idea. Most businesses fail and the reason why is because people have no idea just how much work they have to put into them.
My advice to you is not to start your own business. Maybe you don’t know what to do with all those hobbies you can’t figure out how to freelance with like watching soap operas, reading, or playing World of Warcraft, but the answer to having more time for your hobbies is NOT to start some other business so that you can have more time. If you can start a business around your passions, that just might work, but otherwise, avoid this bad idea like it is the bubonic plague.
You can find ways to make money doing what you love. Watch soap operas and then record a podcast about what happened for those who didn’t see it but want to stay caught up, learn how to gold farm in World of Warcraft and sell the gold for real cash (Check out the work of author Julian Dibbell to see how that can actually make you rich), or sign up for one of the many reading for dollars programs on the internet. Maybe you start slow, but you can do it.
Passive Income= Freedom From Worry
If you want something really great to dream of, think about how to set up passive income streams for yourself. There are ways that you can work hard now and profit from it forever. It’s actually not hard to do.
If you don’t believe me just look at how bloggers like Jeremy Shoemoney and Darren Rouse are doing it. These guys have done it and they will explain to you exactly how you can too. Not with their passions, but with yours. The techniques work. You might have to work your ass off at first, but the rewards are worth it and you aren’t working for someone else, you are working totally for yourself.
I don’t know about you, but I work harder when it’s for me than I do for anyone else.
Once you’ve figured out that you can make money consistently and for all time by using the skills you already have, you will find that quitting your job is one of the best things you can do for your family, your self, and your life.
In fact, you may not want to make your passion your income. You may be afraid you will taint it with money. That can happen. Indeed it has happened a lot, but it doesn’t have to. The key is to set up your passive income and incorporate these passions into it. You could even call it passion income.
I’m convinced that we all have our passions for a reason. It’s like digging a tunnel. As you start it seems like it doesn’t go anywhere. In fact, it doesn’t. You sweat, you toil, you get dirty. You wonder why you ever started in the first place. Of course, most tunnels are there so that you can go through the mountain instead of over it and in the process save yourself some sweat. But the tunnel doesn’t dig itself. Once you reach the other side though, you never have to dig it again. You never have to go over that mountain again. And you never know, you might strike gold when you are halfway through even though it wasn’t what you were looking for in the first place.
At this point it seems like maybe you are getting something for nothing as other people pay you to use your tunnel, but in fact, you worked your ass off to break through the other side. Your reward is that it continues to serve you. Just don’t give up!
The truth is by reading these words you have already picked up the pick and shovel. What are you going to make your passive income with? Where is your tunnel taking you? What mountain are you going under instead of over?
You’ve got to figure that out. I can’t tell you. Look at what you really love. Can you dig it? Can you dive into the work it will take. I know you can. Whatever it is you love the most is the key to making your passive income. I don’t care if you love teaspoons and bottle caps. There is a way. You have to find it. Dig man, dig!
What you don’t want to do is be dishonest about what it is that makes you happy. Maybe you are the fart king and nothing makes you happier. Don’t hide that from yourself. Just admit it and think about ways you can make those farts pay. Think they can’t? You’re being lazy. Want proof? Go to Google and look up ‘iFart’.
Nobody has to know what really makes you happy except you, but that thing is the key to your future prosperity. It may sound ridiculous, but it is totally true.
There are many buses that all lead to the same destination and in this case that destination is freedom from being a slave. I’m telling you, you’re passion is the key no matter how strange it may be. It’s you, accept it and go with it. It’s how to tunnel your way to happiness.
Here are three buses that can take you to the state of liberty you desire. There are more, but these are the ones that carry the most passengers to the state of grace. Read on oh mighty farter!
Unless you take the first swing of the pick right now, you will continue to be miserable. Now is the time for all good people to come to the aid of their own happiness. Do it while you still hate your job. The timing is perfect.
Let your hated employment shelter you while you dig the tunnel that leads to your enjoyment. Maybe your tunnel leads right to this hammock laid out under a lauhala tree in the Hawaiian Sunshine. Or maybe it leads someplace even better.
Bus #1 (Belle)
The first bus heading to destination freedom is freelancing. The term comes from back when men in shining armor fought each other to determine who would serve and who would eat. Those who were not affiliated with a specific house or Lord were known as free lances. Pretty cool, right?
Are you ready to get your freelance game on?
What does it mean to be a freelancer? Well in simple terms what it means is that you don’t work for anyone but yourself. The most common ways people break into freelance work is in the fields of writing, photography, graphic design, computers, web design, and illustration.
If you want to start out as a freelancer and you have these skills, you shouldn’t have a hard time finding work. Each of these fields have literally hundreds of websites dedicated to helping freelancers. You can find clients, learn about your trade, and even find out about the necessities of taxes, insurance, and the process of doing the work itself.
I can tell you from experience that you can do this. Some people say that freelancing is less secure than having a boss, but as a freelancer, I have many clients, none of them can take away my total income. Can you say the same of your boss? I couldn’t. I’m in complete control of my work. If I don’t like a client, I don’t have to work with them again. In fact, I have more than ten streams of income as a freelancer right now and none of them know each other. I’ve told two clients in two days that I can’t work with them any longer because their rates are too low. You can’t do that with a regular job. You know why? Because you are the expendable one.
So, what’s your passion? Do you really want to know?
It’s simple. If you could be doing anything at this moment, what would you be doing? That’s it. That’s your passion. Now comes the harder part…how do you turn Guitar Hero into a career? Hopefully very few of you actually chose this, but my friend Julian did. You know what he did with it? He started giving Guitar Hero lessons and people are paying him for them.