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Another set of hands attempt to grab me from behind as I make my way down to the ground, on my knees, burying my face into her lifeless neck. I kiss it gently for the last time, before my head is yanked backwards and I’m torn away from her. I’m pushed down to my face and a knee digs into my neck.

This is where my world ends. This is where I stop wanting to live. This is where I lose her . . .

Twenty months later . . .

I LOOK MYSELF OVER IN the full-length mirror one more time before turning to Madison and gesturing to my outfit. It’s a black form fitting skirt that stops just below my ass, paired off with a low cut silver blouse and black stiletto boots. It’s been sitting in my closest since I bought it over a year ago.

“There. You happy I squeezed my huge ass into this just for you?” She nods and rubs her hands together, showing her excitement. “Yeah, you better damn well be, Madi. My plan was to own this sexy getup but never ever wear it. You just ruined that for me and I have a feeling that if I bend in any way, my ass is going to rip right through this stupid, overpriced fabric.”

“Oh, shush it.” Madison bumps me out of the view of the mirror so she can get a look at herself. Her strawberry blonde curls are pulled up into a loose ponytail and her curvy body is wrapped in a little black dress, hugging her perfectly. She’s stunning in it. Apparently, every girl should own one. I don’t, but whatever.

“That’s what I’m here for, Ava; to ruin your plans, because frankly they all suck ass and involve boring shit lately. Oh, and by the way, your ass looks fantastic in that skirt. There’s nothing wrong with a voluptuous ass. If I were a dude, I’d be all over it, trying to bite it. Just saying.” She smacks her red lips together and grabs for her little, red handbag. “Let’s go. The cab is waiting.”

“Yes, Master Madi,” I tease as I shove my phone into my purse and switch off the light on my way out the door behind her.

Apparently Jax, this guy I’ve never met, has this huge, all out party at his house once every month, and finally I have let Madison talk me into going. I work long hours at Stylin’—the hair salon I work at, and by the time I get home the last thing I’m worried about is partying it up and getting wasted out of my mind.

We’re in the cab for about twenty minutes before we pull into what seems like a mile-long driveway. I look at Madison, who seems giddy as can be and then back beside me out the window. It’s already dark, so there’s not really much that I can see besides trees, bushes, and statues. I can tell that it’s beautiful though, and well kempt. Whoever owns this place pays good money to keep it looking nice.

“Look, if we don’t pull up at this house in the next two seconds I’m tapping out. Seriously, who needs a whole block as their driveway? It’s insane. Maybe we should just go to Flynn’s, get some beer, and play some pool instead.”

Madison grins like a maniac as we pull up in front of what looks like a fucking brick mansion. It’s insanely huge. Okay, so I may be exaggerating a bit, but it still looks like three of our houses put into one. It’s lit up by some kind of blue lighting in the front and has a huge fountain off to the right side of the door that people are standing around, with drinks in hand. There’s at least a hundred or more cars and motorcycles parked in various spots in front of the house.

“I need a drink and fast. Our boss is a grade-A-bitch and I still want to choke her over what happened this morning. Fucking old, stuck up cunt.” She tosses the elderly cab driver a twenty-dollar bill, blows him a kiss, and gets out of the cab. I shake my head at the guy and hurry out of the cab as he looks me up and down and wiggles his bushy eyebrows.

Trying not to fall, I jog up the pathway to catch up with Madison. “Nice, Madi. I think Old Man River just ejaculated on himself while looking at my tits.” I shake in disgust and let out a small breath to calm myself. “If we get stuck with him when we leave, my ass is walking.”

“Hey, old men need release too,” she teases. “Don’t be so selfish.” I slap her arm and she laughs before throwing her arms up and swaying her hips to the small group of people gathered around the fountain talking. “Just promise me you’ll try to have fun. I know this isn’t your thing, but I swear it will be fun. There’s a good chance that you will meet some cool, laid back guy and forget about Colton and his small dick.”

I can’t hold back the laughter that erupts when she calls Colton’s dick small. I told her that one time when we were both trashed. I never for one second thought that she’d remember that night. I’ve spent the last six months hoping that she won’t get pissed at me and out me to Colton. I seriously have to kiss major ass every so often and butter her up a bit.

“Thanks for the reminder.” I hold up my pinky and wiggle it around. “Thank God for fucking vibrators.” Hey . . . I might as well have a little fun out of the situation. Colton can be an ass sometimes.

“Hell yes! Exactly!” She presses a hard kiss to my forehead, no doubt leaving her big red lip prints. “Screw Colton. Thank fucking God for vibrators and let’s have fun.”

I grab her arm, slowing her down as she begins walking away. “That doesn’t mean I’m here for guys. He’s still my boyfriend. I promise I will have fun tonight, but no guys for me. Just drinks. Got it?”

She rolls her eyes. “Oh, honey. Colton is temporary. He’s already been around for six months too long if you ask me. If he were doing it for you, then his size wouldn’t even bother you. It’s how he works it that should matter, so I’m guessing he’s falling short in that department too.”

I open my mouth in surprise, but close it when I realize that I really don’t want to get into this conversation tonight; not when I’m stuck here with her for who knows how long.

I met Colton six months ago when he came into the salon for a haircut. He spent the first two months making me feel special and wanted, until he got me right where he wanted me, and now the last four months have been spent with him working what seems like twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. If I’m being honest, no, he doesn’t satisfy my sexual needs . . . not even close. Does that give me reason to dump him? Madison seems to think so.

She pushes the enormous blue door open and pulls me into the foggy, dim house. The music blasts through the rooms, mixed with shouting and laughter as Madison dances her way through the crowd, bumping people with her hips to get through. Some people look back at her with glares, while others just ignore her and move out of the way. That’s what I love about her. She doesn’t give a shit, and usually, I don’t either.

We push our way through two large rooms until we finally find our way into the kitchen. We stop in front of what appears to be a drink buffet. “Drink choice for the night, sweetness?” Madison asks loud enough for me to hear her over the fast beat of the blaring speakers.

“Vodka and anything,” I scream back. “I don’t really care as long as it’s strong enough to make me forget about tomorrow altogether.”

“Gotcha, honey.” Madison reaches for two plastic red cups and searches through the various bottles of liquor for any kind of Vodka she can find. She holds a bottle up in the air and winks when she finds it. Then she walks over to the table covered with pops and juices and snatches up the bottle of lemonade right before some uptight chick with too much makeup reaches for it.