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“You’re here with me now,” he says firmly. “No one fucks with you. Not even my brother.”

“Are you shitting me, Marie? You’re going to let him kiss you like that? Get over here with me. Now.”

Releasing my hair, Royal turns to face Colton again, but gets up close and personal in his face this time. “Do I need to fuck her in front of you for you to get the fucking hint, brother? Leave. Her. The. Fuck. Alone. Touch her again and I’ll slit your fucking throat. Don’t test me.”

“Fuck you both. You’re a crazy lunatic and she’ll figure it out soon enough.” Colton pulls out his phone and grins as he looks away from it as if he’s just won something. “I have better pussy waiting for me anyway. You remember Misty, right? Not that dried up shit . . .”

Before Colton can finish, Royal swings out hard, punching him right in the mouth. Colton falls back into some guy that pushes him back to his feet and complains about him spilling his beer.

“Watch what the fuck you say,” Royal growls. “Better show her some fucking respect.”

Grabbing his mouth, Colton looks at me as if I should feel sympathy for his ass. “That’s really the kind of guy you want? He just fucking punched me in the middle of a nightclub. He’s crazy as hell.”

Closing my mouth from the initial shock of Royal swinging at him, I smile with confidence and run my hand over Royal’s dick, before moving it up his body to stop on his stiff abs. He needs to see just how much better Royal is than him. I’m sick of his shit.

“Yes, because unlike you . . . your brother knows how to work his big cock and keep my pussy wet.” I try to pull my hand away from Royal’s body, but he grabs my wrist, stopping me. “So fuck you, Colton,” I continue. “I’m here with Royal.”

“Fine. Whatever. I’m out of here.” Colton turns around and bumps into Blaine, flinching when Blaine playfully flexes at him.

Blaine lifts a brow and smirks in amusement as Colton backs away and walks around him.

“Fuck, I’ve always hated that walking douche,” Blaine says with an amused laugh, while watching Colton shove the door open and leave.

“Me too,” Madison agrees. “I’ve been telling this chica over here that for months.” She shakes her head at me and rolls her eyes. “Thank God, she finally dumped his pussy ass. Her vagina was aching for some real action.”

“Seriously!” I give Madison a hard look, but then look over at Royal as he slips his arm around my waist and pulls me against him.

God . . . I love it when he touches me. Probably a lot more than I should.

“How long have you been here?” I ask, while looking him over, suddenly curious as to how long he’s been hanging around.

“Long enough to make sure no assholes bother you while dancing.” He presses his lips to mine again, before pulling away and licking his bottom lip off. “Let’s get out of here. You girls follow us to Savage & Ink.”

Blaine steps up to Madison and picks her up, throwing her over his shoulder with a cocky smirk. “You’re mine tonight, babe. You got a problem with that?”

Madison squeals and grabs onto the back of Blaine’s jacket as he turns a bit to look at the guy Madison was previously dancing with before the show went down. “Definitely not, as long as you’ll be handling me like this. Fuck dancing. Let’s get out of here, Ava.” She glances over to the somewhat scared looking guy. “Sorry, guy. Thanks for the dance.”

Blaine takes off walking toward the door in a hurry and Royal reaches out and grabs my hand, pulling me through the crowd behind them.

By the time we make it outside, Blaine has Madison backed up against her car, leaning in close to her neck. They’re talking, but I can’t make out anything that they’re saying.

“You riding with your friend or me?” Royal questions, grabbing my attention.

I turn back to Madison and watch, as she pulls out her keys, ready to unlock her door. “I’ll ride with Madison since she’s not leaving her car here.” I run my hand through my tangled hair, fixing it a bit. “We’ll meet you there.”

Smiling, I back away and walk over to Madison, pulling her away from Blaine’s sexy, dirty ass. “We’ll meet you guys there, Playboy. Just keep it in your damn pants a little longer. Zip it back up.”

“I’ll try my best,” he says while checking out Madison’s ass and then walking over to join Royal by the bikes.

“I guess you got what you wanted. Thanks to those sexy men. You better be sure to thank Royal later.” Madison smiles at me over the top of her car and then opens the door, jumping inside.

“I want to,” I say to myself, while watching Royal watch me. “So damn bad.”

They wait until we’re both in the car safely, before starting their bikes and taking off for us to follow them.

ONCE WE PULL INTO THE back of Savage & Ink, Madison turns off her car and starts checking herself over in the mirror. “I’m so damn sweaty and my hair looks like ass.”

She runs her hands through her hair a few times and then turns to me. “Better?”

“Do you really think Blaine cares what your hair looks like? I’m pretty sure he plans to mess it up later.”

She perks up and watches Royal and Blaine through the window as they park their bikes and start walking our way. “Damn, I hope so. Everything about that boy is ultra-sexy.”

I laugh and reach for my purse, joining her in watching the boys talking while slowly making their way over. “What about Jax?”

“I’m willing to take them both.”

My heart slightly jumps as Royal pulls the door open and reaches for my hand, pulling me out to my feet.

“Thanks.” I give Royal a thankful smile and look over to see Blaine on the other side of the car as Royal shuts the door for me.

“Oh damn,” Madison says, while eyeing Blaine up and down in his leather jacket and ripped jeans, as he guides her out of the car and to the back door. “Sexy as hell, tough as nails, and knows how to open doors for ladies. God, I’ve been missing out on so much for the last twenty-two years.”

“I can make up for it,” Blaine says playfully, while slapping her ass, making her yelp. “Damn you have one fine ass, girl. Stay close to me when we get inside.”

Royal shakes his head at his friend and possessively grabs for my hand, pulling me against him. “Tonight should be pretty calm, but if someone makes you feel uncomfortable, let me know and they’re out. No fucking exceptions. You’re here with me and I take care of you.”

With my heart pounding from his words, I nod my head and walk in front of him as he holds the door open for me to walk in first.

I notice right away that it’s a lot quieter than the last time we were here and I’m hoping that’s a good sign, and that nothing crazy like the last time we were here will go down.

I’ve already seen Royal knock a grown man on his ass tonight and I can’t deny that it oddly turned me on. Something about his demanding and powerful tone sets my whole body ablaze with a need that is impossible for me to snuff out.

With his hand still in mine, Royal walks straight up to the bar and pulls out a stool for me to sit on.

As soon as my ass hits the stool, he places both of his hands around my face and looks me in the eyes. “Stay here while I grab us some drinks.”

He turns to Blaine who has Madison sitting one stool over from me, standing between her legs. “Don’t let anyone even breathe on her. Got it?”

Blaine smirks. “I can handle both girls. No need to worry.”

“Fuck you.” With that, Royal walks away and joins Jax behind the bar.

I see them both talking, but can’t make out anything over the rock music playing softly in the background.