Выбрать главу

 return 0;



#include ‹stl.h›

#include ‹iostream.h›

int main() {

 typedef vector‹int› IntVector;

 IntVector v(10);

 for (int i = 0; i ‹ v.size(); i++) v[i] = i;

 IntVector::iterator location = v.begin();

 cout ‹‹ "At Beginning: " ‹‹ *location ‹‹ endl;

 advance(location, 5);

 cout ‹‹ "At Beginning + 5: " ‹‹ *location ‹‹ endl;

 return 0;



#include ‹stl.h›

#include ‹iostream.h›

int main() {

 vector‹int› v1(10);

 for (int i = 0; i ‹ v1.size(); i++) v1[i] = i % 5;

 ostream_iterator‹int› iter(cout, " ");

 copy(v1.begin(), v1.end(), iter);

 cout ‹‹ endl;

 replace(v1.begin(), v1.end(), 2, 42);

 copy(v1.begin(), v1.end(), iter);

 cout ‹‹ endl;

 return 0;



#include ‹iostream.h›

#include ‹stl.h›

int main() {

 vector‹int› i;







 int n = 0; // Must be initialized, as count increments n.

 count(i.begin(), i.end(), 2, n);

 cout ‹‹ "Count of 2s = " ‹‹ n ‹‹ endl;

 return 0;



#include ‹iostream.h›

#include ‹stl.h›

bool bigger_than(int x_, int y_) {

 return x_ › y_;


int main() {





 sort(v.begin(), v.end(), bigger_than);

 vector‹int›::iterator i;

 for (i = v.begin(); i != v.end(); i++) cout ‹‹ *i ‹‹ endl;

 return 0;



#include ‹iostream.h›

#include ‹stl.h›

struct odd: public unary_function‹int, bool› {

 odd() {}

 bool operator() (int n_) const {return (n_ % 2) - 1;}


int array[3] = {1, 2, 3};

int main() {

 int* p = find_if(array, array + 3, unary_negate‹odd›(odd()));

 if (p != array + 3)

 cout ‹‹ *p ‹‹ endl;

 return 0;



#include ‹iostream.h›

#include ‹stl.h›

int main() {

 vector‹int› years;





 sort(years.begin(), years.end());

 vector‹int›::iterator i;

 for (i = years.begin(); i!= years.end(); i++)

 cout ‹‹ *i ‹‹ endl;

 return 0;



#include ‹stl.h›

#include ‹iostream.h›

int odd(int a_) {

 return a_ % 2;


int main() {

 vector‹int› numbers(100);

 for (int i = 0; i ‹ 100; i++) numbers[i] = i % 3;

 int elements = 0;

 count_if(numbers.begin(), numbers.end(), odd, elements);

 cout ‹‹ "Found " ‹‹ elements ‹‹ " odd elements." ‹‹ endl;

 return 0;



#include ‹stl.h›

#include ‹iostream.h›

int main() {

 vector‹int› v1(20);

 for (int i = 0; i ‹ v1.size(); i++) {

  v1[i] = i/4;

  cout ‹‹ v1[i] ‹‹ ' ';


 int* location = lower_bound(v1.begin(), v1.end(), 3);

 cout ‹‹ "\n3 can be inserted at index: " ‹‹ (location - v1.begin()) ‹‹ endl;

 return 0;



#include ‹stl.h›

#include ‹iostream.h›

const unsigned size = 6;

char n1[size] = "shoe";

char n2[size] = "shine";

int main() {

 bool before = lexicographical_compare(n1, n1 + size, n2, n2 + size);

 if (before) cout ‹‹ n1 ‹‹ " is before " ‹‹ n2 ‹‹ endl;

 else cout ‹‹ n2 ‹‹ " is before " ‹‹ n1 ‹‹ endl;

 return 0;



#include ‹stl.h›

#include ‹iostream.h›

int main() {

 vector‹int› v1(10);

 for (int i = 0; i ‹ v1.size(); i++) v1[i] = i;

 vector‹int› v2(v1.size());

 copy_backward(v1.begin(), v1.end(), v2.end());

 ostream_iterator‹int› iter(cout, " ");

 copy(v2.begin(), v2.end(), iter);

 cout ‹‹ endl;

 return 0;



#include ‹iostream.h›

#include ‹stl.h›

int sum(int x_, int y_) {

 return x_ + y_;


int input1[4] = {7, 2, 3, 5};

int input2[4] = {1, 5, 5, 8};

int main() {

 int output[4];

 transform(input1, input1 + 4, input2, output, ptr_fun(sum));

 for (int i = 0; i ‹ 4; i++) cout ‹‹ output[i] ‹‹ endl;

 return 0;



#include ‹stl.h›

#include ‹iostream.h›

int numbers[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

int main() {

 int result[5];

 copy_backward(numbers, numbers + 5, result + 5);

 for (int i = 0; i ‹ 5; i++) cout ‹‹ numbers[i] ‹‹ ' ';

 cout ‹‹ endl;

 for (i = 0; i ‹ 5; i++) cout ‹‹ result[i] ‹‹ ' ';

 cout ‹‹ endl;

 return 0;



#include ‹iostream.h›

#include ‹stl.h›

char* array[] = {"laurie", "jennifer", "leisa"};

int main() {

 vector‹char*› names;

 copy(array, array + 3, back_insert_iterator‹vector‹char*› ›(names));

 vector‹char*›::iterator i;

 for (i = names.begin(); i!= names.end(); i++) cout ‹‹ *i ‹‹ endl;

 return 0;



#include ‹iostream.h›

#include ‹stl.h›

struct odd: public unary_function‹int, bool› {

 odd() {}

 bool operator() (int n_) const {return (n_ % 2) - 1;}


int array[3] = {1, 2, 3};

int main() {

 int* p = find_if(array, array + 3, not1 (odd()));

 if (p != array + 3) cout ‹‹ *p ‹‹ endl;

 return 0;



#include ‹stl.h›

#include ‹iostream.h›

int numbers[6] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

int main() {

 int result[6];

 reverse_copy(numbers, numbers + 6, result);

 for (int i = 0; i ‹ 6; i++) cout ‹‹ numbers[i] ‹‹ ' ';