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“I know you. I’ve known you for a long time. You’re going to sleep with that woman’s husband, but you’re pissed off at me for kissing his daughter.”

I laughed to myself, turning away from him. There wasn’t anything to say when he was right.

“He’s in his forties. What could he possibly do for you that I can’t?” Mason grabbed ahold of me. “For the record, Kendall, her lips met mine. I had no intention of kissing her. I didn’t even want to kiss her. I was trying to go along with it so I didn’t ruffle any feathers,” he said.

I slapped him on the arm, offended.

“What happened to the Mason in the car who gave a damn?”

“I’m not thinking about sleeping with Lainey. I don’t want to. But you, you’re willing to let that man have his way with you. He’s old, Kendall. Think about why he would want to do such a thing,” Mason said. He pulled at his hair, turning away, irritated with me.

“Men are men, they’re all alike. You proved that today. Just when I thought you were proving me wrong,” I said.

“If you sleep with him, Kendall, I’ll… God I don’t know what I’ll do, but it won’t be good.” He wagged his finger in my face like I was some child he had the right to tell what to do.

“Mason, shut up,” I said, daring him to make a bigger deal of what had happened.

I didn’t want to talk about it anymore. He was used to being pushed around, and although I hated to push, he deserved it.

“No, I’m not shutting up. This was supposed to be me and you. And you’re letting this flaky family get between us. I still care about you, Kendall. And I know you care about me. Or you would have never mentioned me kissing Lainey.”

“Oh, don’t flatter yourself,” I said, rolling my eyes. My cheeks heated.

“It’s never been an issue before. Don’t lie to yourself,” Mason said, throwing his hands up in defeat. He left, the sound of his heavy footsteps echoing down the stairs. He was angry, but I didn’t care.

Maybe he was right, but at this time and in this moment, I didn’t mind being wrong.



WE WERE STILL at Roger’s. Aunt Wanda had had no luck getting her hands on any more money. She was playing it safe to maintain what connection she had with Roger and Anna. This wasn’t something I’d ever seen her do before. Most of the people she knew were either dead or wondering how they could get to her so they could beat the tar out of her.

It was a unique situation. I knew she wouldn’t hurt Roger and his family. I tried to crawl inside Wanda’s mind, to figure out the weird loyalty. Could this be the man Aunt Wanda had a thing for? He was good looking—what woman her age wouldn’t want him?

Anna had convinced me to come outside to garden with her and Lainey. She had me pulling weeds and digging holes for her flowers.

I did my best, trying to keep busy so neither one would talk to me. My knees were sore from resting in the dirt for so long. I wiped the sweat from my brow with the back of my hand, my shoulders aching.

“Almost done, girls. I’ll get us some lemonade,” Anna said sweetly, taking her gloves off. She pecked Roger on the cheek and went inside. He took a seat in front of us at the patio. Lainey was oblivious to her father’s presence as she went about covering roots with fresh dirt.

“Looking good,” he said, chewing on a toothpick. He flicked it back and forth between his lips. I tried my best to keep him out of my head. His eyes were glued to my every move, and he was probably getting quite a view as I dug the holes.

I fumbled with the straps of my camisole, hoping my chest wasn’t visible from the position I was crouched in.

“I never cared for tulips,” Lainey said, more to herself. She stared at Mason as he mowed the grass off in the distance. Anna had found a job for all of us. I didn’t think Mason was too upset since he hadn’t wanted to talk to me since the temper tantrum he’d thrown the other night at the duplex.

I watched him use the bottom of his shirt to wipe the perspiration from his face. His flat muscular stomach called out to me, along with the dark happy trail that leads to impressive parts of him that I was quite familiar with.

I shook my head, wondering when I had become such a pervert. “I never cared for flowers,” I told Lainey.

She didn’t respond. She removed her gloves and tossed them down. It was all too obvious she was busy staring at Mason now.

“He hasn’t said more than two words to me in days,” she said faintly.

“Mason is a jerk. Don’t waste your time,” I told her, tossing a hunk of soil in the hole I dug.

“Yeah, but he’s so smart and carefree. And so nice, he’s got the most incredible eyes. He’s exotic.” She bit her lip and she studied him at work.

“His dad was Spanish. That’s not exotic, he’s a mutt.” I laughed.

Lainey glared at me, agitated by my remark.

“It was a joke, I apologize,” I said, standing up.

“Not a very funny one, Kendall. Do you think he’s upset with me?” She stood too as if lost in a dream—completely mesmerized by Mason.

“I don’t know. Best way to find out is to ask him.” I jumped as a bunch of wood was dropped at my feet. Noah shot me an angry glare as he pushed the wheelbarrow past me.

“Now if you want to know what a jerk is, that’s one right there,” she said, pointing at Noah.

I laughed, watching Anna make her way out with a tray of lemonade.

“Wow, good job, girls,” she said, setting the tray on the table.

“I agree. Looks good,” Roger spoke up in agreement. He leaned back, resting his arm on the chair beside him.

“Have a seat, girls. I’m going to get Mason and Noah so they can take a break before they die of heatstroke.” She hurried off.

I studied Roger’s pleased expression as I took the seat next to him.

I ran my hands across my knees wiping off some of the dirt.

“Nothing a shower can’t fix,” he said, trailing a finger across my kneecap. I gave him a weird look, suddenly growing a bit uncomfortable.

“Lainey, could you grab my paper?” Roger asked. She shot right out of her chair, eager to please him, and left us alone.

“Sorry about the other day…getting interrupted and all,” he said.

“Maybe it’s for the best,” I said, my eyes pinned on Anna who was approaching with Mason.

“Well, that’s a little disappointing to hear,” he said.

“I think your wife is really nice. I don’t want to ruin her impression of me.” I felt a bit ill all of a sudden. The smile on Anna’s face, as she closed in on the patio, was nauseating.

“I agree. My wife is a wonderful woman.” He nodded, watching Anna.

“I’m glad we agree then, Roger,” I said.

“I could make you feel things you never felt before. You’re a beautiful girl, Kendall. You have a lot to offer someone.”

I pondered what he said—what it could mean.

All he knew about me was the way my breast felt in his grasp. Or what my lips felt like against his neck. He knew nothing about me.

To him, I was just a naïve girl—a girl who resembled her mother, and who he was attracted to. He probably thought I was stupid and would let him do to me what his wife wouldn’t let him do to her anymore. Or maybe it was the thrill of having a young girl on the run. I didn’t really know, but odds were Mason was right. He was hoping to live out a fantasy of my mother through me.

“I’m sure I can imagine what it would be like.” I smiled as soon as Anna’s feet touched the patio. Mason plopped his shirtless body down next to me. I looked at him, and Roger watched my every move.

“I could really use a swim,” Mason said, looking at me to agree with him. I ignored him. Lainey came out of the house excited.