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His face contorted in pain, quickly followed by anger.

While he was somewhat dazed, I took that opportunity to rush out the door.

My heart hammered in my chest and air filled my lungs as I tried to pick up speed.

“You didn’t even get to hear my options,” he yelled. He picked up speed and was quickly gaining on me.

I ran toward the trailer then came to a dead stop. Did I dare barge in there with all the guns I’d seen? I’d be dead as soon as I hit the door.

I was frantic when the memory of the two guns Mark had flashed my way. I turned in a circle, not knowing what to do next. Dust swirled at my feet.

“Mason!” I screamed. I hoped he was all right and wondered if he could hear me calling for him.

I pushed forward in a run. It felt like I stepped on every rock or nail in my path. My body froze as a single gunshot rang out. My shoulders drew up in defense mode and I dove to the ground behind a big heap of metal. My lungs burned from breathing so hard.

I’d been in a lot of bad situations in my life, but I’d never been where someone was actually trying to kill me. Payton and Wanda had gone off the deep end and needed to be stopped. If Aunt Wanda hadn’t been in agreement with this plan, she would have stopped me from leaving in the first place.

Now I sat behind the pile of metal wondering if Mason and I would get out of this mess alive. Or were we really the sitting ducks he’d spoken of.

“Peekaboo!” Mark yelled, jumping out of nowhere. I jumped up and kicked him in the shin, then tore across the junkyard like lightning, fear gripping at my heels as I tried to lose him again.

Another gunshot echoed through the junkyard. Where were the cops when you needed them? I had to get away from this deranged man.

I landed on my face behind the trailer. After picking myself up, I hurried up the steps to find the door was boarded up. I looked in the window to try and see Mason or that ogre of a man who held him captive. I couldn’t see anything. I pulled at the board trying to pry it lose, but only managed to break my nails.

I jumped down just as Mark found me again. He ran faster until he caught me by the arm. I screamed as my body slammed against the trailer. He grabbed me by the hair, jerking my head sideways, and sent me flying to the ground. I clawed at his legs as his big boot pressed down on the side of my head, pinning me in place. The rubber sole of his boot dug into my flesh.

“You’re not very smart are you?” He increased the pressure on his boot, making my skull ache. I pulled at his foot until it slid off my head.

I crawled across the dirt and scrambled to my feet, the fear of being shot sending me into panic mode.

I hid behind a tree.

Mark took his time to find me. He twirled the gun around his finger, slowly circling me as he continued his sick cat-and-mouse game.

“Now, Kendall, are you ready to hear my options?” he asked, his breathing ragged from all the running.

I leaned against the tree, my own chest on fire.

“Sure, why not?” I breathed, closing my eyes.

“I never said I was going to kill you,” he said. He held one arm behind his back and wiped at the blood on his forehead where I’d hit him with the dumbbell.

“Have a little faith in your fellow man. You never know what he can do for you,” he said.

I pushed off the tree, standing up straight, confused as hell. “What?” It wasn’t often I was wrong about people. But I couldn’t figure this guy out.

“You’re both young. He only wants to show your friend the meaning of respect and to make Payton feel like she got what she wanted. Then everyone’s happy. You understand?” He stepped closer to me. I flinched, expecting his fist to find my face.

Nothing happened.

“Mason’s a good kid. You should be teaching Payton a lesson, not him,” I said, letting out a relieved sigh.

Mark took me by the arm and led me back into the trailer. I was apprehensive at first.

“You sure you’re not going to kill me?” I asked, just to make sure.

“Will you calm down? I am not going to kill you. I told you,” Mark said. I hurried through the door, eager to lay eyes on Mason.

“Kendall,” he said, relief reflected in his expression. It looked like the grizzly man had worked him over good. His face looked awful.

Mason dropped his gaze back down to his feet. My heart ached for him, for the pain he’d suffered. I noticed his hands were tied.

“What kind of people are you?” I blurted.

The giant ogre moved across the room toward me, his body looming over me. He lifted my chin, surveying my eyes, taking in every detail.

“I am a man of my word,” he said, “a man of my word.”

I didn’t move a single muscle. His dirty hand held my face in place. The realization of what we had survived finally hit me.

“Mason understands. Now I want both of you to go and not speak a single word of any of this.” He released me and untied Mason’s hands, helping him to his feet.

He rubbed his wrist, standing next to me. Mark opened the door showing us a way out.

“You kids take care. Stay away from that nut job. See where she got you already?” he asked, looking at Mason.

Mason nodded. I was confused and shocked, but somehow I managed to get down the steps. Mason pulled me toward the gates and then through them.

We didn’t hear the snarling dogs we’d heard upon our arrival as we made our way out the gate.

Silence loomed as we headed back into town. Neither of us spoke of what had happened back at the trailer.

I squeezed Mason’s hand tightly as we moved past the crowds of people on the sidewalk. Anyone who looked toward us was shocked at the sight of Mason’s injuries. A few people actually had the audacity to pull out their cell phones to snap a quick picture of him. At that point, we didn’t care; we just wanted to get back to our hotel.

Mason opened the door for me, gritting his teeth in pain as I passed him.

“So what now?” I asked as he hit the elevator button.



IT WAS NEARING MORNING. I laid in bed staring at the ceiling. The only sound was Mason’s light breathing next to my head. I locked my hands together underneath the covers, afraid to make a noise, afraid to breathe.

I knew Mason wouldn’t be happy to know I hadn’t slept at all. I was too stressed to sleep and I constantly fought the urge to throw up.

We hadn’t said a thing to Wanda or Payton since our return. There had been a couple knocks at the door in the last two days, but we ignored them. He would hear the knock, then immediately fall back to sleep.

Mason never answered me when I asked him what we were going to do. He was in denial that his mom would have him beaten up, but the bruises and cuts on his face were the only validation needed.

We were almost out of money and we’d soon be out of a place to stay. I closed my eyes, begging sleep to come. A rush of nausea hit me again and I quickly ran for the bathroom.

The bathroom door came open with a thud, hitting the wall. Mason towered over me as I hugged the toilet bowl.

“You’re always letting your nerves get the best of you,” he said from above. He stroked my hair, his fingers soothing me with every light caress they made down the back of my head.

I closed my eyes, enjoying his touch.

“What are we going to do, Mason?” I asked, waiting for the sick feeling to pass.

“What do you want me to do, Kendall? Say anything and I’ll do it,” Mason said. He pushed my hair off my neck, his lips grazing my cheek. I sighed, holding tight to the side of his head.

“I really don’t know. I just wish things could be simpler,” I said.