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When she did, she was running the fastest she’d ever run. Fear propelled her forward. With each car she passed, she made an effort to look down to see if the same brick was attached to the rear bumper. From what she could see at this speed, in most cases, it was. The woman was rigging the street with explosives. She was planning some kind of terrorist attack.

But why here?

Focus. Just two houses to go. She sprinted. But then, just as the cat had done moments ago, the woman she’d seen earlier slipped between two cars, stood, moved to the sidewalk and stopped in front of her. Blocking her. In her hands was a gun with an extended silencer. She raised it while, at the end of the street, headlights rolled around the corner and shined against the woman’s back. It was the van. Its engine roared.

Theresa was running quickly, but not too quickly to think. In an instant, she dropped hard to the ground and rolled toward the woman’s feet. Surprised, the woman fired and the bullet went deep into a confetti of concrete. She made an effort to jump but Theresa was faster. She collided with the woman, who went down like a ten pin and fell hard on her chest.

Theresa leaped to her feet. Helena’s house was just up the stairs to her right. In her hand, she still clutched the key. But the van was nearly upon her now. And the woman was on her feet, though one look told Theresa that she was dazed and obviously hurt, though not badly enough to keep her from raising her gun.

Ducking, Theresa scrambled to Helena’s house. She ran up the steps and pressed the key into the lock just as the barrel of a gun pressed against the back of her head.

It was the man from the van. She could smell his breath. It was over in an instant. There was a click. A soft “goodbye.” A sudden jolt as a bullet bore through her brain and left part of her face stuck to Helena’s door. But molecules were still working, still making an effort to connect. She was aware of herself tumbling backward down the steps. She saw bricks rise up in front of her, a fan of tree limbs, a moving sky.

When her head struck the sidewalk, it did so with a sickening THWACK-and then Theresa Wu saw lights of another sort.


10:18 p.m.

In his town house on East 75th Street, Emilio DeSoto admired himself in the full-length wall mirror and realized that at last, he had created his master work.

He was now a retro piece of living art. Minimalism was dead to him. In its place was classic severity and brash beauty delivered through the driving force of haute couture.

He held out his arms and then lowered them, allowing the scalloped polyester fabric to flutter in pretty waves. He did it again and then turned in such a way that air funneled up through the garment to create the illusion of weightlessness. He had smoked a joint earlier and his glaucoma was tolerable. Though he had only tunnel vision, if he looked directly at himself, he could see his reflection, and he was thrilled by what he saw.

After months of work on his latest piece-which used his own slender, angular body as its catalyst-he now embodied two art forms, each of which enjoyed a spellbinding link separated by centuries.

When that Spellman person left, he started going through the motions of at last bringing the influences together. And it worked, just as he knew it would months ago, when the idea struck him that soon, minimalism would no longer define who he was as an artist or a person.

After a long gestation of artistic incubation, that day was now.

He always had been a creature unlike any other-it’s why they loved and celebrated him-but now he had taken his talents to a new, defining level of greatness.

His face was a shield of Kabuki makeup that consumed his features-there was no trace of them beneath it. While his skin always had been pale, now it was painted pure white. The only other color was bright red, which he’d applied to the corners of his eyes-and to the lower lids-in an effort to make them appear as if they were about to spill over with blood.

On his lips was the same red, painted in such a way that his mouth now looked so grossly small, one would be surprised if words could escape it. Naturally, some critics would look at his mouth and seek connections to his dead body of work. They’d think its tiny appearance was his nod to minimalism, but they’d be wrong. Some would lean toward the great Kabuki artist Tamasaburo and see it as something of an homage, but they’d be wrong. It was, in fact, a post-apocalyptic statement designed to honor the past-and to confuse what DeSoto believed was now a dystopian present.

He turned again in front of the mirror, lifted his arms at his sides and enjoyed the way the vintage Halston caftan moved in sync with his body. It had belonged to Barbra Streisand, he’d bought it anonymously at auction when she had her big 1994 Christie’s garage sale, and he wore it instead of the traditional Kabuki dress most would be expecting given his Kabuki makeup.

On his head was a white turban, also by Halston, which harkened back to Emilio’s days at Studio 54, where he’d use cocaine in bathroom stalls and on bathroom floors with other celebrities and danced with a freedom that was stolen away from him when he gave himself over to the dead art of minimalism.

Completing the look-and crossing boundaries but not continents-were the tall wooden Geisha shoes that now pinched and bruised his feet. He was click, click, clicking around the room while dipping his head and fanning out the caftan by lifting his arms behind him when one of the clicks sounded like a pop.

He was standing at a tall window that overlooked 75th Street. He looked down at his feet to see if he’d broken one of the shoes and when he did, he caught movement on the street below. On the sidewalk were a pair of legs lying flat between two cars. They were slender and appeared to belong to a woman. As Emilio watched, they suddenly were pulled from sight.

With that Wood woman murdered, instinct made him move to the side of the window, so he wasn’t exposed. He was confused and a part of him was frightened. There was a van idling in the middle of the street. Its driver’s side door was open. Light pooled from the van onto the street, where a man and a woman, crouched low, were leaving the spot where those legs had disappeared. They hurried to the van, stepped inside and sped toward Fifth.

And Emilio DeSoto, who rarely did the right thing unless it benefitted him, stayed true to himself. There were killers in this neighborhood. The rodents Wood led here had just taken another life. There was no reason to believe that they wouldn’t take his.

Removing his shoes, Emilio put his hands straight out in front of him so he wouldn’t bump into anything and hurried out of the room. As he moved carefully down his curving staircase and rushed to the phone that was in the living room, the caftan billowed behind him, just as it should. He picked up the phone and dialed 911.

An operator came on the line. “What’s your emergency?”

“Somebody is going to kill me,” he said.

“How do you know that, sir?”

“Because the rodents just killed somebody else.”

“What rodents, sir?”

“Wood’s rodents.”

“You’re going to have to be more specific. Are you in danger now?”

He went to a window, looked out at the street and saw those dead feet tucked between two cars. “Yes,” he said. “I’m in danger. Alright? I’m in danger.”

“By who?”

And Emilio exploded. “How the fuck do I know?” he shouted. “What more do you need from me? I just told you I’m in danger. They’re going to kill me just like they killed her.”


“They’re going to kill me because I don’t fit their mold. They’re going to kill me because I’m different. Because I’m magnificent.”


“They’re going to kill me because I’m poised for greatness. They’re going to kill me for all those reasons, and if you don’t get your ass down here now, I’ll be just another dead freak felled by the very rodents you idiots can’t seem to catch.”