Antioch, patriarch of, 89
apanage (udel) 19, 38
‘April Theses’ 281
Arakcheev, A. 180
Aral Sea 372
Archangel 102–3, 129, 419, 542
architecture 6, 35, 56, 305, 337, 339, 357
‘archival revolution’ x
Arifmetika 109
Armenia 299, 426
army 4, 13, 22–4, 37–8, 45–9, 52, 59, 63, 67, 70, 72, 74, 77–9, 91, 109–15, 120, 124, 134, 159, 176–8, 180–1, 185, 191, 196, 211, 215–16, 255, 261, 264, 220, 270–1, 277, 280, 282, 287, 289, 293, 296–8, 300, 302–3, 327, 354, 365–6, 371, 374–82, 510–11, 550–1; see also military; soldiers
art 7, 22, 26, 190, 265–6, 299, 337–8, 387, 397, 429, 513
artel 349, 393
article 87: 258
artisan 7–8, 37, 39, 42, 47, 66, 101–2, 109, 138–9, 178, 180, 221, 223–4, 385, 395
Asia 119, 256, 300, 344, 419, 438, 444, 548, 555, 561
Assembly of Russian Factory Workers 250
Astrakhan 28, 32, 41, 51
atomic bomb 383, 399, 402, 552
Augustus II 106, 110, 113, 115–16
Austerlitz, 175
Austria 103–4, 106, 123, 129, 134–6, 175, 179, 195–6, 245, 256, 264, 270, 393, 544
Austria-Hungary 245, 256
autocracy 45–6, 48, 51, 53, 62, 64, 69, 74, 80, 82, 84, 90–1, 97, 126, 132–3, 149, 184, 186, 192, 226–8, 231–2, 234–5, 250, 253, 277, 281, 544–7
Averbakh, L.L. 356
Avvakum 88, 89, 95
Azerbaijan 299, 462, 554
Azeris 398, 400, 462
Azov 79, 101–4, 108, 115, 129, 135, 193, 542, 547
Babitskii, A. 505
Bakhchisarai, Peace of, 91
Baku 215, 227
Bakunin, M. 227
Balakhna, 343
Balkan Wars (1912–13) 265
Balkans 195–6, 243, 270
Balkars 419
Baltic Germans 232
Baltic Sea 23, 31
Baltics 154, 256, 378, 395, 417, 462, 518, 543
banks and banking 148, 173, 216, 219, 232, 473–5, 478, 483, 496, 499–500, 511–12, 524, 526, 544, 547, 557
Baptist Church 336
‘Barge Haulers’ 223
barshchina xix, 173, 545
Basaev, S. 561
Bashkirs 41, 47, 129, 151–2, 154, 156, 544
Bashkortostan 515, 555
Basil, Byzantine emperor, 6
baskaki 16
batrak xix
Batu 14–16
Batumi 419
Bauman, K. Ia. 351
Bayer, G. 130
Bazarov, 226
bedniak xix
Beggrov, A.K. 194
Belarus 136, 369, 464, 521, 554–7; see also Belorussia
Belavezh Accord 464
Belevskie 39, 49
Belgorod 42
Belinskii, V.G. 192, 546
belomestnye atamany 51
Beloozero 19–21, 35–7
Belorussia xii, 151–2, 223, 256, 299, 375, 382, 426, 464, 551; see also Belarus
Belskie, princes 39
Bely, A. 265
Belyi raion 368
Berezov 97
Berezovskii, B. 469, 501, 558
Beria, L.P. 370, 404, 439, 410–11, 416, 550, 552
Bering Expedition 119, 130
Berlin 134, 165, 230, 244, 320, 379, 382–3, 398–400, 428, 546, 552
Berlin, Peace of, 546
Berlin, Treaty of, 320
beschest’e 57
Beshehr 560
Beslan 560
besprizorniki xix, 328, 334–5
Bessarabia, 256, 371, 378, 402
Bezborodko, A. 186
Bezbozhnik 336
Bezdna 208
Bibikov, D.G. 203
Bidloo, N. 107, 119
Biron, E.J. 127–8, 544
Bismarck, O. 233, 262
Bits of This and That 164
Black Sea, 3, 135–6, 154–5, 196, 243, 270, 375, 380, 520, 554, 557
blackearth 42, 205–7, 215, 239, 302
black peasant 37, 46
‘Blessed is the Heavenly Host’ (icon), 58
Blok, A. 265–6
Bloody Sunday 250, 252, 548
Blumentrost, L. 130
Board of Public Welfare 158
Bodrov, S. 473
Boeing 476
Bogdanov, A.A. 303–4
Bogoliubovo 12
Bolotnikov, I. 69
Bolotnikov rebellion 69
Bolsheviks 246–7, 269, 273–4, 280–1, 284, 286, 289–92, 295–302, 305, 307–11, 317–21, 329–33, 340, 343–5, 348–70
bondsmen 67, 69, 76, 81, 84, 95
Bonn 418
books 43, 78, 88, 91–2, 107, 109–10, 117–18, 148, 161, 165, 181, 227, 439, 471
Borderlands of Russia 223
Boris (Godunov) 52, 62, 65–8
Boris Godunov 66
Borodin, P. 471, 490, 545
Borodino, Battle of, 177, 545
Bosnia 264
Bosnia-Herzegovina 270
Botswana 475
Bourbon 186
bourgeoisie 219, 228, 235, 246–8, 260, 269, 275–6, 279–80, 285, 289, 292–3, 295–6, 301, 303, 305, 315–6, 332, 334, 337–40, 344, 347, 355, 357, 396, 426, 447
Boyar Duma xix, 65, 68
Boyars 22, 37–8, 44, 46, 55, 58–9, 61, 68–9, 71
Braudel, F. 31–2, 62
Brest-Litovsk Treaty 301
Brezhnev, L.I. 406, 408, 419, 434, 437–40, 443–5, 448–9
British Communist Party 320
Briullov, K. 193
Briusov, V. 265
Brodsky, J. 429
Bronze Horseman 101, 133
Brothers Karamazov 547
Brown R. 130
Bruce, J. 107, 118
Budennyi, S.M. 298, 387
budget 75, 111, 118, 159, 258, 261, 264, 335, 393, 408, 423, 454–6, 465, 471–3, 497–9, 507–8, 510–12, 525, 562
Bülffinger, G. 130
Bukharin, N. 311, 313–16, 318–19, 324–7, 344, 351, 362, 367, 549–50
Bulavin, K. 114–15, 543
Bulgakov, S. 266
Bulganin, N. 412, 422–3, 552
Bulgaria 393, 402
Bulgars 2, 4, 9, 12, 21, 42
Bullitt, W. 300
Bulygin Duma 254
Burdzhalov, E.N. 420
bureaucracy 38, 45, 61, 66, 71, 133, 200, 204, 208, 218–19, 227, 238, 241, 266, 272, 278, 293–4, 310, 342, 357, 360, 366, 412, 421–2, 509
Burke, E. 180
Burnt by the Sun 473
Bush, G.H.W. 473
Bush, G.W. 486, 515–7, 523, 559
Bushkovitch, P. 44
byvshie 303
Byzantium 2–4, 6–9, 22, 51, 58–9, 89, 133, 179
Cambridge University 130, 134
cameralism 109
capital flight 476–7, 499
capitalism 246–8, 292, 344, 360, 395, 484, 547
Cardis, Peace of, 86
Carlsbad 120
Carolingian court 52
Caspian Sea 32, 110, 123, 129, 156, 219, 394, 543
Cathedral of Annunciation 513
Cathedral of St Sophia 7–8
Cathedral of the Dormition 8, 22
Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin 32
Catherine I: 119, 123–6, 130, 134, 547
Catherine II (the Great) xiii, 85, 131–41, 149–51, 153–9, 161, 163–6, 168, 170, 172–3, 179, 190, 194, 544
Catholicism 27, 43, 68–9, 78, 85
Caucasus xi, 13–15, 151, 185, 195, 224, 256, 330, 349, 355, 381, 394, 440, 448, 462, 481, 486, 514, 551
cavalry 37–8, 46–7, 54, 67, 102, 116, 298, 346
censorship 165–6, 190, 193–4, 205, 212, 229, 231, 292, 413, 546–7
Central Asia 225, 244, 256, 299, 344, 346, 386, 412, 419, 438, 440, 442, 444, 448, 486–7, 521, 543, 546, 548, 555, 561
Central Committee 290, 294, 310–14, 349, 356–8, 368, 396–7, 406–10, 414–17, 420–2, 427, 434, 439, 459–60, 549
Central Powers 278
Central War Industries Committee 273
Centre for Strategic Development 493
CFE see Conventional Forces in Europe