Introduction by R. L. Garthoff. London, 1963.
Sidorov, Col. V. I., Razgrom nemtsev na Severe. Moscow, 1945. (Defeat of Germans in N. Finland and N. Norway in 1944.)
Stalingradtsy: rasskazy zhitelei o geroicheskoi oborone. Moscow, 1950. (Defence of Stalingrad symposium.)
Suprunenko, N. I., Ukraina v Velikoi Otech. Voine Sov. Soyuza, 1941-45. Kiev, 1956.
Sheverdalkin, P. R., Geroicheskaya bor'ba leningradskikh partizan. Leningrad, 1959.
(PR in Leningrad province.)
Sputnik Partizana. Moscow, 1942. (Partisan handbook.)
Timokhovich, I. V., Sovetskaya aviatsiya v bitve pod Kurskom. Moscow, 1959. (Airforce in Battle of Kursk.)
Treadgold, D. W., Twentieth-century Russia. Chicago, 1959.
Tsessarskii, A., Zapiski partizanskogo vracha. Moscow, 1956. (Reminiscences of a partisan doctor.)
Tyulenev, Gen. I. V., Cherez tri voiny. Moscow, 1960. (Of special interest are his chapters on the Caucasus fighting.)
V boyakh za Oreclass="underline" Sbornik. Moscow, 1944. (Orel battle 1943.)
Vershigora, P., Reid na San i Vislu. Moscow, 1960. (PR in W. Ukraine and Poland.) Vershigora, P., Lyudi s chistoi sovestyu. Moscow, 1948. (PR in Ukraine.)
VLKSM v tsifrakh i faktakh. Moscow, 1949. (Survey of Komsomol activity, particularly during the war.)
Vodolagin, M. A., Stalingrad v Velokoi Otech. Voine, 1941-43. Stalingrad, 1949.
Vognennom koltse. Vospominaniya uchastnikov oborony Leningrada. Moscow, 1962.
(Symposium on defence of Leningrad.)
Voznenko, V. V. i Utkin, G. M., Osvobozhdeniye Kieva, osen' 1943 g. Moscow, 1953.
(Liberation of Kiev.)
Voznesensky, N. A., Voyennaya ekonomika SSSR v period Otech. Voiny. Mos- cow, 1948. (Ec, survey of war years.)
Vyshnevsky, V., Vboyakh 2a Tallin. Kronstadt, 1944.
V trude kak v boyu: iz istorii komsomolskikh molodezhnykh brigad v gody
Velikoi Otech. Voiny. Moscow, 1961. (Komsomol during the war.)
V'yunenko, N. M., Chernomorski Flot v Velikoi Otech. Voine. Moscow, 1957. (Black Sea Navy in the war.)
Werth, A., Leningrad. London, 1944.
Werth, A., The Year of Stalingrad. London, 1946.
Yarkhumov, V. M., Cherez Nevu {67-ya armiya v boyakh po proryvu blokady
Leningrada). Moscow, 1960. (The 1943 breaking of the Leningrad blockade.)
Yeremenko, Marshal, A. I., NaZapadrwm Napravlenii. Moscow, 1963. (1941 fighting.) Yeremenko, Marshal A. I., Stalingrad. Moscow, 1961.
Yudenkov, A. F., V ognennom koltse. Moscow, 1962. (PR in Smolensk province.) Zamyatin, Col. N. M. (and others), Bitva pod Kurskom. Moscow, 1945. (Mil., analysis of Kursk battle.)
Zamyatin, Col. N. M. (and others), Stalingradskaya bitva. Moscow, 1943. (Mil., analysis of Stalingrad battle.)
(b) Poland
Anders, Gen. W., Katyn. Paris, 1949.
Bliss Lane, A., I Saw Freedom Betrayed. London, 1949.
Bör-Komarowski, Gen. T., The Secret Army. London, 1951.
Gomulka, W., Statyi i rechi. (Russian translation.) Moscow, 1959.
Istoriya Pol'shi, vol. III. Moscow, 1958.
Mikolajczyk, S., The Rape of Poland. London, 1948.
Sudebnyi otchetpo dein ob organizatorakh ... polskogo podpoVya v tylu Krasnoi Armii. . .
rassmotrennomu Voennoi Kollegiei Verkhovnogo Suda Soyuza SSR.
(Record of Moscow trial of Polish Underground—General Okulicki and others—June 18
to 21, 1945.) Moscow, 1945.
Kuusaari, N. and Nitemaa, V., Finlands Krig 1941-45 (in Swedish). Helsinki, 1949.
Lundin, L., Finland in the Second World War. Indiana U.P., 1957.
Mannerheim, Maréchal, Mémoires. Paris, 1952.
Paasikivi, J. K., Statyi i rechi, 1944-56. (Russian translation of articles and speeches.) Moscow, 1958.
Tanner, V., The Winter War. New York, 1955.
Wuorinen, J. (ed.), Finland and World War II. New York, 1948.
On ideological, economic and organisational problems during the War much more
information is to be found in newspapers and periodicals than in books.
Pravda, Izvestiya, Komsomolskaya Pravda, Vechernyaya Moskva: the Army paper Krasnaya Zvezda (Red Star) and Navy paper Krasnyi Flot Red Navy), besides Leningradskaya Pravda, Radyanska Ukraina (Kiev) and others published outside Moscow.
More specialized papers include Trud (trade unions), Gudok (railwaymen), Uchitelskaya Gazeta (teachers), Literaturnaya Gazeta (part-literary, part-political), Sotsialisticheskoye Zemledeliye (agriculture), Pionerskaya Pravda (children), and the official weekly of the Supreme Soviet, Vedomosti Verkhovnogo Soveta SSSR. Some of these more specialised papers appeared once, twice or three times a week. Another bi-weekly was Moscow News (in English). During the war the Russians published a paper in London, Soviet News, and the British a paper in Moscow, Britansky Soyuznik (The British Ally). There were also countless army papers printed locally.
Bolshevik (renamed Kommunist after the war) the principal ideological journal of the Party; Propagandist (ceased publication in 1946); Bloknot Agitatora; Bezbozhnik (the anti-God paper, ceased publication in July 1941); Kommunisticheskii Internatsional (Comintern journal, ceased publication in 1943); Voyennaya Mysl; Partiinoye
StroiteVstvo; Mirovoye Khoziaistvo i Mirovaya Politika; Voprosy Filosofii; Voprosy Istorii; Planovoye Khoziaistvo; Partiinaya Zhizn; Voina i Rabochii Klass, since 1943, renamed after the war Noyoye Vremya {War and the Working Class and New Times respectively), also published in English and other languages; Literatura i Iskusstvo, etc.
Ogonyok was the principal illustrated journal, and Krokodil the principal satirical journal.
The principal literary monthlies (though published very irregularly during the war) were Novyi Mir, Znamya, Oktyabr, Zvezda (Leningrad); on the theatre: Teatr; on the cinema: Sovetskoye Kino; on music: Sovetskaya Muzyka.
Besides all these, there were, of course, scores of specialized scientific, technical, medical and other journals.
Assmann, K., Deutsche Schicksalsjahre. Wiesbaden, 1951.
Conrad, R., Kampf um den Kaukasus. Munich, 1955.
Dörr, H., Pokhodna Stalingrad (Russian translation). Moscow, 1957.