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A Pew Research poll found that

• 72 percent of Americans expect the world to face a major world energy crisis,

• 58 percent think it “definite or probable” that there will be another world war, and

• 41 percent believe Jesus Christ will return by the year 2050.[18]

Additionally, a 2004 Time/CNN poll found that 59 percent of Americans believe the prophecies of the book of Revelation will come to pass.[19] Similar polls have revealed the following:

• 55 percent of Americans believe “that before the world ends the religiously faithful will be saved.”

• 46 percent of Americans agree with this statement: “The world will end in the Battle of Armageddon between Jesus and the Antichrist.”[20]

Similarly, “research conducted by the Brookings Institute’s Center for Middle East Policy on Americans’ attitudes toward the Middle East and Israel found that 79 percent of Evangelicals say they believe ‘that the unfolding violence across the Middle East is a sign that the end times are nearer.’”[21]

Concerning the terrible civil war in Syria, “almost one in three Americans see Syria’s recent conflict as part of the Bible’s plan for the end times. One in four thinks that a U.S. military strike in Syria could lead to Armageddon. One in five believes the world will end in their lifetime.”[22]

These statistics reveal that people everywhere have serious questions—searching questions—about how recent events, including the rise of Russia, relate to the ancient prophecies of the Bible.

And the Bible is certainly the best place to look for answers. The Bible is a book of prophecy. Almost 30 percent of the Bible was prophecy at the time it was written. Scripture contains about one thousand prophecies, and about five hundred of them have been literally fulfilled with 100 percent accuracy. That’s quite a track record, setting the Bible far apart from any other holy book. Unlike the predictions of astrologers, mystics, and mediums, the prophecies of the Bible aren’t vague and general predictions that can be altered to accommodate any situation. The prophecies recorded in the Bible are detailed and intricately interwoven. The specificity of the Bible’s prophecies and its stellar track record continue to draw people to its pages for insight into the future. Even the most skeptical person can put the prophecies of Scripture to the test. In light of current events, prophecies formerly brushed aside as incredible or speculative are now being carefully examined again.

We must never forget that while the prophecies of the Bible never change, world events are constantly in flux. The Bible, not cable news, is our prophetic plumb line, the standard by which we measure everything else. Nevertheless, today’s headlines are increasingly aligning with ancient biblical prophecies that describe an end-times scenario not unlike what we see today.


The Jewish prophet Ezekiel, writing more than 2,500 years ago, foretold a Russian-led invasion of Israel in the end times. Russia’s allies in this predicted offensive are a group of Islamic nations that are forming closer ties with the Bear as you’re reading these words. Russia is rising right on schedule and is expanding its influence in the Middle East just as the Bible predicts. That’s precisely what we should expect if the coming of Christ is drawing near.

When we track the Bear in biblical prophecy, we discover its footprints lead to the Middle East—and ultimately to the land of Israel. Israel is ground zero for the events of the end times.

But why Israel? As David Jeremiah comments, “Israel is one of the smallest nations on earth. It is one-nineteenth the size of California and roughly the size of New Jersey. Russia is 785 times larger than Israel. Israel measures approximately 290 miles at its longest, 85 miles at its widest, and 9 miles at its narrowest.”[23] Charles Dyer and Mark Tobey offer some explanation:

From a human perspective Israel ought to occupy nothing more than a minor supporting part in any worldwide drama. In terms of geographical size, Israel ranks 148th among the nations of the world, nestled between Belize and El Salvador. Her standing improves slightly when ranked by population. At just over eight million, Israel breaks the top 100, coming in 98th between Switzerland and Honduras. And when comparing gross domestic product (GDP), Israel is ranked between 34th and 37th, depending on which organization is doing the measuring. Still, that puts Israel in with countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, and Hong Kong with barely one-quarter the GDP of a country like Mexico.

God, however, uses a different standard of measurement. And in His eyes Israel ranks at the top of the list in terms of national significance.[24]

God made unconditional promises to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that have not been fulfilled—promises involving the land of Israel. But before these promises are fulfilled, Scripture tells us that the people of Israel must go through a time of trouble and tribulation that will turn them to the Lord. Consistent with these ancient prophecies, the modern state of Israel exists, is under constant pressure by the international community, and is surrounded by a sea of enemies who will play a role in the tribulation Israel will endure. The tiny nation of Israel is at the center of world attention, just as we should expect if the end of the age is drawing near. At the same time, Russia is the new power broker in the Middle East. The convergence of these events and many more that we see in the headlines every day strikingly foreshadows the ancient prophecy of Ezekiel 38–39. What we see today in light of this passage in Ezekiel raises many questions:

• Is the rise of Russia in the end times really predicted in the Bible, or is this just “headline theology”?

• Who are Russia’s end-times allies?

• Does the Bible say anything about Russia’s ties with Iran?

• What events will precipitate the Russian invasion of Israel?

• Will Israel survive?

• How soon could the Bear make its final push to the south?

• Does the United States play any role in these events?

• What does it all mean?

We’ll answer these questions, and many more, as we track the Bear through the pages of Bible prophecy. Our spiritual GPS for tracking the Bear is primarily found in the ancient prophecies of Ezekiel 38–39. You will find these chapters at the end of this book in appendix 1 (page 163). I recommend that you read these chapters from God’s inspired Word now to prepare you for the rest of this book.

I, and many others, believe Russia’s rising in current events reveals a trajectory that points toward the ultimate fulfillment of Ezekiel’s prophecy… maybe very soon!

Chapter 2: The Final Game of Thrones





Just days before his crucifixion, Jesus led his disciples from the Temple down through the Kidron Valley and up the Mount of Olives, which overlooks the Temple precincts. From that vantage point he pulled back the prophetic curtain and laid out a stunning, yet simple, blueprint for the end of days. This sermon, known as the Olivet discourse, begins with a list of signs that will portend his return to earth. Jesus likened these events to birth pains that will intensify in severity and get closer and closer together:



“Public Sees a Future Full of Promise and Peril,” Pew Research Center, June 22, 2010, http://www.people-press.org/2010/06/22/public-sees-a-future-full-of-promise-and-peril.



Jeff Brumley, “Global Events, Prophecy Stir Talk of ‘End Times’ Beliefs,” Florida Times-Union, July 16, 2010, http://jacksonville.com/news/metro/2010-07-16/story/global-events-prophecy-stir-talk-end-times-beliefs.



Douglas Todd, “We Need to Bring End-Times Beliefs Out of Their Closet,” Vancouver Sun, November 8, 2008, www.canada.com/vancouversun/news/editorial/story.html?id=ac308456-5493-4756-8ad6-68d.



Walter Einenkel, “New Survey Shows That about 80% of Evangelicals Believe the ‘End Times’ Are Near,” Daily Kos, December 7, 2015, http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/12/7/1457887/-New-survey-shows-that-about-80-of-Evangelicals-believe-the-end-times-are-near.



Jeremy Weber, “Survey Surprise: Many Americans See Syria as Sign of Bible’s End Times,” Christianity Today, September 13, 2013, http://www.christianitytoday.com/gleanings/2013/september/syria-survey-end-times-armageddon-lifeway.html.



David Jeremiah, Is This the End? Signs of God’s Providence in a Disturbing New World (Nashville: W Publishing Group, 2016), 221.



Charles Dyer and Mark Tobey, Clash of Kingdoms: What the Bible Says about Russia, ISIS, Iran, and the End Times (Nashville: Nelson Books, 2017), 61–62.