2. высказываться, шутить, злословить, замечание и т.п. ~ (кого, чьему) [Prep; the resulting PrepP is usu. adv or nonagreeing modif; can be used with collect noun] (to say sth., make a joke, a remark is etc) about s.o., in reference to s.o.: (gossip (a remark etc)) directed at (against) s.o.; (a remark (reproach etc)) addressed to s.o.; (some word etc is) applied to s.o.; (say sth. (joke etc)) at s.o.‘s expense.
Здесь опять послышались одобрительные смешки в публике, и всё по адресу прокурора (Достоевский 2). Here again approving chuckles came from the public, all directed at the prosecutor (2a).
А-13 • В (ПОЛНОМ) АЖУРЕ coll [PrepP; these forms only; subj-compl with copula (subj: usu. abstr, often всё)] in fine condition, in excellent shape: in perfect order; A-OK; just so; tiptop; in tiptop shape; shipshape; [lim] (person X is) sitting pretty; (person X is) on velvet. Cf. in apple-pie order.
.Люди бегут. И какие люди!.. Проверенные! И в местной партийной организации их проверяли. И на райкоме характеристику утверждали. И выездная комиссия ЦК и КГБ всю подноготную бдительно изучала. И всё, как говорится, было в ажуре (Войнович 1). .People are fleeing the country. And what people!. They’d all been checked out. The local Party organizations had run checks. Their files had been approved by the district committees. The Central Committee and the KGB commission on travel had vigilantly scrutinized all the ins and outs. Everything was, as they say, tiptop. (1a).
А-14 • НИ АЗА не знать, не смыслить, не понимать и
т.п. coll; (НИ) АЗА В ГЛАЗА obsoles, coll [NPgen; these forms only; obj; used with negated verbs] (to know, understand) absolutely nothing (about sth.): not (know (understand)) a thing (the first thing) (about sth.); not (have) the foggiest (the faintest) idea (notion) (what sth. is about etc); not (know) the ABCs of sth.; not know from A to B about sth.; [lim] not (know) one’s ABCs.
«Я поставлю полные баллы во всех науках тому, кто ни аза не знает, да ведет себя похвально.» (Гоголь 3). “I’ll give top marks to a boy who doesn’t even know his ABC’s if his behavior is irreproachable.” (3e).
< From the name of the first letter of the Church Slavonic alphabet.
А-15 • ВХОДИТЬ/ВОЙТИ (ПРИХОДИТЬ/ПРИЙТИ, ВПАДАТЬ/ВПАСТЬ) В АЗАРТ [VP; subj: human] to become extremely agitated, impassioned: X вошёл в азарт = X got all excited; X got all worked up; X got carried away; X worked himself into a frenzy; X got into a lather.
«Очень возможно, что куры у него вылупятся. Но ведь ни вы, ни я не можем сказать, какие это куры будут. Может быть, они подохнут через два дня. Может быть, их есть нельзя!.. Может быть, у них кости ломкие.» Персиков вошёл в азарт и махал ладонью и загибал пальцы (Булгаков 10). “It is quite possible that the hens will hatch. But neither you nor I can say what sort of hens they will be.. Maybe they’ll die in a day or two. Maybe they’ll be inedible!. Maybe their bones will be brittle.” Persikov got all excited and waved his hands, crooking his index fingers (10b).
А-16 • С АЗОВ начинать coll [PrepP; Invar; adv] (to begin) from the very beginning, from the very first step: (start) from scratch; (begin) from square one; [lim] (start) all over (again).
< From the name of the first letter of the Church Slavonic alphabet.
А-17 • АЙ ДА.! coll [Interj; Invar; foll. by NP; fixed WO] used to express approval, admiration: [when foll. by an anim noun] what (a).!; good for you (her, him etc)!; you are (he is etc) (really) quite a.!; atta boy (girl)!; he (she etc) is really something!; ah, that.!; good job (.)!; well done (.)!; [when foll. by an inanim noun] what (a).!; (now) that’s (here’s there’s) (a).(for you)!; that’s (really) quite a.!; [when used ironically only] some.!; some.he (she, that etc) is!
.Совершенно неожиданно было получено письмо за подписями начальника и политрука музыкальной команды военной части номер такой-то, в котором родителям ефрейтора Аркадия Мансурова от лица командования выражалась благодарность за хорошее воспитание сына. Ай да Аркашка! (Залыгин 1). .There came a completely unexpected letter signed by the C.O. and the political officer of the concert party of unit No. so-and-so, expressing official gratitude to the parents of Lance-corporal Arkady Mansurov for bringing him up so well.. Good for you, Arkady! (1a).
А-18 • ЗАКЛЮЧИТЕЛЬНЫЙ АККОРД чего lit [NP; sing only; often subj-compl with copula, nom or instrum (subj: usu. abstr); fixed WO] an event, action, phenomenon etc that concludes sth.: final event; finale; culmination.
А-19 • В АККУРАТ substand [PrepP; Invar; nonagreeing modif] precisely (the amount, time, location etc stated): exactly; right (before (after etc)); [when emphasizing the smallness of a quantity] just; only.
«Я тут у бугра сено косил, когда гляжу: летит [аэроплан]. И в аккурат, Нюрка, на твою крышу, на трубу прямо, да» (Войнович 2). “I’m over by the rise cutting hay when I see it [the plane] coming. Right for your roof, Nyurka, straight for your chimney” (2a).
А-20 • В АККУРАтЕ substand [PrepP; Invar; adv or subj-compl with copula (subj: всё, дела etc)] (to do sth.) the way it should be done, flawlessly; (to be) in good order, in fine shape: as it should be; properly; to a T; (be) letter-perfect.
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Хорошо хоть двадцать третье число. .Подготовиться в акку-рате времени хватит (Акунин 1). But at least it was already the twenty-third. .Still enough time to prepare properly (1a).
А-21 • ПИТАТЬСЯ АКРИДАМИ (И (ДИКИМ) МЁДОМ) lit, occas. humor [VP; subj: human; usu. this WO] to eat poorly, limit one’s food intake, usu. as a form of self-deniaclass="underline" X питается акридами (и мёдом) = X lives (feeds) on locusts and wild honey.
«Будь уж последовательным. Надень рясу, прими схиму, уйди куда-нибудь в пещеры или в заброшенные каменоломни. сиди там и созерцай собственный пуп, как тибетский монах. Питайся акридами» (Трифонов 3). “Take your beliefs to their logical conclusion: put on the black habit, shave the top of your head, take your vows and go and live in a cave or in an abandoned stone-quarry. sit there and contemplate your navel, like a Tibetan lama. Live on locusts and wild honey” (3a).
< From the Biblical account of John the Baptist, who lived in the wilderness and ate locusts and wild honey (Mark 1:6).
А-22 • ДЕЛАТЬ/СДЕЛАТЬ АКЦЕНТ на чём [VP; subj: human or collect] to accentuate (some idea), make (it) prominent (in a speech, statement, proposal etc): X сделал акцент на Y-е = X emphasized (stressed, underscored, highlighted) Y; X gave special emphasis to Y; X placed (the) emphasis on Y; X called attention to Y.