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< Loan translation of the French tour d'ivoire.

Б-35 • НИ БЕ НИ МЕ (НИ КУКАРЕКУ) highly coll [these forms only; fixed WO] 1. ~ (в чём) [usu. predic with subj: human] one knows, understands etc nothing (about sth.): X

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(в Y- е) ни бе ни ме = X doesn’t know (understand) a thing (the first thing) about Y; X doesn’t know beans (squat) about Y; [in refer. to one’s command of a foreign language, technical jargon etc] X doesn’t know (understand) a word of Y; [of a foreign language only] X can’t say two words in (speak a word of) Y.

«И как это таких людей за границу посылают, когда они ни бе ни ме ни по-каковски?» (Трифонов 4). “And how is it they send such [people] abroad when they can’t say two words in any other language?” (4a).

2. [predic (with subj: human) or obj] one says nothing, keeps silent: X (не говорит) ни бе ни ме = X doesn’t say boo; X doesn’t let out a peep; X doesn’t utter a sound.

Б-36 • В БЕГАХ [PrepP; Invar; subj-compl with быть0 (subj: human)] 1. (one is) hiding from the police, the authorities, fleeing from the law: on the run; on the lam; on the loose; in hiding.

«Сегодня поздно вечером, гуляя в парке, я натолкнулся на какого-то человека, искавшего дорогу. Вид у него измученный, он, вероятно, несколько дней в бегах» (Федин 1). “Late this evening, while walking in the park, I came across a man trying to find his way.. He looked exhausted, he has probably been on the run several days” (1a).

2. coll (one is) rushing around from place to place, incessantly running about taking care of business, doing chores etc: on the move (the run); off (out) on errands; off (out) running errands; out and about; [lim] out running around.

Б-37 • толстокожий КАК БЕГЕМОТ (СЛОН, НОСОРОГ) coll, disapprov [как + NP; these forms only; modif (intensif)] 1. (of an imperceptive, unfeeling person who is) unable to recognize subtle things about people or their actions, sentiments, needs etc: as insensitive as a rhino (ceros) (an elephant); [when said ironically] (about) as sensitive as a rhino(ceros) (an elephant).

2. (of a person who is) not easily upset, insulted, offended by criticism etc: as thick-skinned as a rhino(ceros) (an elephant, a hippo(potamus)).


кого-чего) [VP; subj: human, collect, or animal; usu. this WO] to (try to) run away from danger or threat: Х-ы спаслись (от Y- а) бегством = Xs escaped (Y); Xs fled (from Y); Xs got away from Y; Xs turned tail; Xs flew the coop; Xs made their escape; Xs took flight (to their heels); Xs took off running.

В Пруссии жили единоверцы. Когда-то, давным-давно, они прибыли сюда, тоже спасаясь бегством от Антихриста (Акунин 3). There were fellow believers living in Prussia. They had come there long, long before, also fleeing from the Antichrist (3a).

Б-39 • НА БЕГУ [PrepP; Invar; adv] 1. while one is running: as one runs.

За машиной, рыдая и спотыкаясь, бежала Нюра. «Ваня! — кричала Нюра, давясь от рыданий. — Ванечка!» — и на бегу тянула руки к машине (Войнович 2). Sobbing and stumbling, Nyura ran after the truck.. “Vanya!” cried Nyura, choking on her sobs. “Vanechka!” She reached her arms out to the truck as she ran (2a).

2. coll (one does sth.) hastily, (one is, does sth.) in a hurry: on the run; [lim] on the fly; (have) a quick (chat (cry etc)).

«Ну конечно. я всегда бывала у Нюрка — зачем? Чтобы на бегу поплакаться в жилетку» (Залыгин 1). “Now, why was it I

always used to go to Niurok? To have a quick cry on her shoulder, of course” (1a).

Б-40 • СЕМЬ БЕД — ОДИН ОТВЕЕТ [saying] if the punishment for two transgressions of different magnitudes is the same, one might as well commit the more serious (and personally beneficial) one: = one might (may) as well be hanged for a sheep as (for) a lamb.

.Он [Золотарёв] жёг мосты. он окончательно прощался с самим собою, ему не о чем было больше сожалеть и не в чем раскаиваться. Семь бед — один ответ! (Максимов 1). .He [Zolotarev] burned his bridges.. He bade himself a final goodbye, he had no more regrets now and no reason to repent. He might as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb! (1a).

Б-41 • БЕДА (НИКОГДА) НЕ ПРИХОДИТ (НЕ ХО-ДИТ) ОДНА; БЕДА В ОДИНОЧКУ НЕ ХОДИТ [saying] said when troubles or misfortunes follow one after another, when one misfortune seemingly evokes another: = troubles (misfortunes) never come singly; it never rains but it pours; when it rains, it pours.

Беда в одиночку сроду не ходит: утром, по недогляду Гетька, племенной бугай Мирона Григорьевича распорол рогом лучшей кобылице-матке шею. Рану промыли. Мирон Григорьевич. зашивал сам. Не успел Мирон Григорьевич отойти от колодца, из куреня прибежала Лукинична. Она отозвала мужа в сторону. «Наталья пришла, Григорич!.. Ушёл зятёк из дому!» (Шолохов 2). Troubles never come singly. That morning, because of Hetko’s carelessness Miron Grigorievich’s thoroughbred bull gored the neck of his best brood-mare.. They washed the wound.. Miron. put in the stitches himself.. But before he could step away from the well, Lukinichna came running from the house.. She called her husband aside. “Natalya has come back!. Our son-in-law’s left home!” (2a).

Б-42 • ЛИХА БЕДА obsoles, coll [NP; Invar; impers predic; foll. by infin; fixed WO] one must merely (do sth.): one has only (to do sth.); one need only (do sth.).

Б-43 • ЛИХА БЕДА НАЧАЛО (НАЧАТЬ) [saying] beginning an endeavor is harder than continuing it once you have begun (may be used in refer. to both good deeds and reprehensible actions): = the first step is (always) the hardest; it’s the first step that costs; the first blow is half the battle; a good start is half the race; well begun is half done; [lim] the first step is (always) the worst.

[Большинцов:] Говорят, в этих делах лиха беда начать. (Тургенев 1). [B.:] They say, in these matters the first step is [the] hardest (1c). ♦ Лиха беда — начало. Одним словом, я аккуратнейшим образом, даже после ночной смены, посещала политзанятия у Евдокии Ивановны. (Гинзбург 2). As a good start is half the race, I made a point, even after my night shift, of attending punctiliously every one of Eudokia Ivanovna’s political talks (2a).

Б-44 • НЕ БЕДА coll [NP; Invar; subj-compl with быть0 (subj: usu. это or a clause), pres only, or indep. sent] it is of no great consequence, it is not worth worrying about: no matter; it doesn’t matter; that’s not a problem; it’s not so terrible; that’s no misfortune; [lim] never mind (if.).

Когда я ухожу, он [Пастернак] снова церемонно извиняется, что не успел дочитать пьесу. «То есть, вернее, — я и не раскрыл её. Мне вчера помешали. Но это не беда. У нас будет повод снова вскоре встретиться, хорошо?» (Гладков 1). As I was leaving him [Pasternak], he again apologized very profusely for not having finished reading my play: “Or rather, I should say, I haven’t even looked at it yet. I was interrupted yesterday. But no matter— we shall soon be meeting again, won’t we?” (1a).