TECHNICAL SUPPORT AND COMPOSITION Kevin Krugh, Technologies ‘N Typography
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head matter
usage labels
invented example and translation
synonymous variant
usage label
letter-number indicator for index
english translation
superscript numbers indicating homographs
numbers indicating various senses
superscript numbers indicating homographs
А-36 • КАК В АПТЕКЕ|\coll, humorГ^как + PrepP; Invar; adv] exactly (the right amount, measure etc): precisely; to the drop (ounce, gram | etc).
«Ты всё делаешь точно по рецепту?» — «А как же! Полстакана сахару, десять грамм желатина, чайная ложка ликёра... Как в аптеке». “You go exactly by the recipe?” “Of course! Half a cup of sugar, ten grams of gelatin, and one teaspoon of liqueur. to the drop.”
ПРЕЖДЕ ОТЦА (БАТЬКИ) В ПЕТЛЮ НЕ СУИСЯ – (НЕ ЛЕЗЬ) | [saying] | do not rush to undertake sth. risky or dangerous, let older and more experienced people make a move first: | — | don’t rush ahead of people who know better; don’t jump the gun. |
«Не спеши, — поморщился Коба. — Ты всегда спешишь |
[поперёд батька [sic] в пекло»Т(Бойнович 5). | “Not so fast,” said Comrade Koba, knitting his brows. “You’re always jumping the gun” (5a).
often used with впустую, попусту etc] | to engage in excessively wordy and often trivial talk (expressing an unfounded opinion, a point of view that one cannot prove etc, or saying things that an interlocutor finds irrelevant): |X впустую сотрясает воздух| — X is just spouting (a lot of) hot air ~ is (just) throwing words around; X is indulging-ifiempty (idle) talk; ||[X любит сотрясать воздух —X likes to hear himself talk. о| СОТРЯСЕНИЕ ВОЗДУХА.jajot of) hot air; mere rhetoric (palaver); vaporous talk.
.Большинство слушали с неослабным вниманием, посколь-дипломат не из тех, кто попусту сотрясает воздух (Акунин | .Most of us continued listening attentively, for the diplomat is | not a man to indulge in idle talk| (7а). |-
Г-69\ЗА-ГЛАЗАШ [PrepP; Invarinadvni.. ~ называть кого кем-чем, говорить чтоокОм, смеяться над кем и т.п. (to call s.o. sth., sayn-sthrabout s.o., laugh at s.o.) in s.o.‘s absence: behi-nds.o.‘s back; not to s.o.‘s face; when s.o. isn’t id (present).
|Лицо у неё, как всегда, было спокойным и немного сонным. За глаза её называли «Мадам Флегма» (Аржак 1). Her face was as always calm and a little sleepy. Behind her back they called her “Lady Phlegmatic” (1a)
2.| ^купить,’ снять | 4rnpJ нанять | кого и т.п. (to buy,
un (sth.)).
.re etc) wi
eing sth. or meeting s.o. first: sight Ifhout even having set (laid) eyes on (s.o.
Г-70 • кому ЗА ГЛАЗА2 Хватит, достаточно, довольно
т.п. ч£гоr”■leS&aften кого coll [PrepP; Invar; modif] (the quantity or amount of sth. or the number of people is) entirely sufficient, (sth. is even) more than sufficient: X-у Y- а ~ хватит — Y is quite (more than) enough for X; Y is more than X needs (will ever need).
english equivalents
head matter
synonymous idiom
english equivalents
author and bibliographical information
grammatical information
russian patterns
related noun phrase
bibliographical reference for translation
english translation
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[saying] suddenly there is a lot of something that had been
—| optional word
contextual restrictions
bibliographical references for translation
one wishes etc): X Y-y зубы заговаривает — X is fooling Y with smooth talk (with fine words); X is spinning (Y) a -fine yarn; |[esp. with the goal of avoiding an unpleasant topic] |x is putting Y off with fine words;| [esp. with the goal of deceiving the interlocutor] | X is pulling the wool over Y’s eyes; | [esp. with the goal of obtaining sth. from s.o. | or extricating o.s. from an uncomfortable situation] X is | sweet-talking (fast-talking) Y; X is trying to talk his way out of this (it).
[Войницкий:] .„Если бы можно было прожить остаток жизни как-нибудь по-новому. Начать новую жизнь. Подскажи мне, как начать. [Астров (кричит сердито):] Перестань!.. Ты мне зубов не заговаривай, однако. Ты отдай то, что взял у меня. [Войницкий:] Я у тебя ничего не брал. [Астров:] Ты взял у меня из дорожной аптеки баночку с морфием |(Чехов 3)} [V.:] ■ .If only it were possible to live through the rest of life in some new way!. To begin a new life.. Tell me how to begin. [A. (shouts angrily):] Stop it!. Don’t try to put me off with fine words. Give me back what you took from me. [V.:] I didn’t take anything You took a bottle of morphine out of my medical 1 [V.:] If only we could live out our lives in some new wayT.JfI could start a new life. Tell me how to begin. [A. (shouting angriTy)i]rStQp it!. Stop trying to talk your way out of it. Give it back. [V.:] I havent-taten anything. [A.:] You took a bottle of morphine from my medicine bag|(3b).|
[sayjngTi one’s own well-being (or the well-being of those dear to one) is more important than other people’s interests
charity begins at home; self loves itself best; self comes first; people look out for number one; people look out for their own skins first; men value their own skins more than those (that) of others.
author and bibliographical reference
usage note
russian pattern
Я-78 • B ДОЛГИЙ ЯЩИК |oтклaдывaт”ьГ положить
т.п. (что) coll [PrepP; Invar; adv; the verb is usu. negated or used with нельзя, не надо, незачем etc; often Verbal Adv не откладывая; fixed WO] (of a person or group) (to postpone some matter) for an indefinite period: |X не откла-j дывает дел (ничего не откладывает) в долгий ящик| — X doesn’t put things off (indefinitely); X doesn’t leave anything (things) to gather dust on the shelf; X doesn’t put
english equivalents
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The first revised and expanded edition of this dictionary presents close to 14,000 idioms. Some 550 new entries containing nearly 900 new idioms, together with their variants, have been added to the body of the dictionary. Numerous idioms are polysemous, ranging from two meanings (for example, П-110 • ВСТАВИТЬ ПЕРО В БОК) to as many as eight (e.g., С-714 • В СТОРОНУ).
The dictionary is descriptive in that it reflects how the language functions. It combines, in a rather unconventional manner, features of translational and learner’s dictionaries. While presenting sufficient English equivalents to cover any context a translator from Russian may encounter, it also aims to provide sufficient grammatical and explanatory information to allow the user to apply the idioms actively. In general, the dictionary is based on American usage. It is likely, though, that all speakers of English will find it useful, since most of the equivalents presented in the dictionary are common to all varieties of the English language. Speakers of Russian may also benefit from the wide variety of English equivalents presented and from the illustrations of their usage in the examples and citations.