Suppose that I want to define a little calculator API. I would like to supply an expression and have the output printed to console.
macro_rules! calculate {
(eval $e:expr) => {{
let vaclass="underline" usize = $e; // Force types to be integers
println!("{} = {}", stringify!{$e}, val);
fn main() {
calculate! {
eval 1 + 2 // hehehe `eval` is _not_ a Rust keyword!
calculate! {
eval (1 + 2) * (3 / 4)
1 + 2 = 3
(1 + 2) * (3 / 4) = 0
This was a very simple example, but much more complex interfaces have been developed, such as lazy_static or clap.
Also, note the two pairs of braces in the macro. The outer ones are part of the syntax of macro_rules!, in addition to () or [].
A variadic interface takes an arbitrary number of arguments. For example, println! can take an arbitrary number of arguments, as determined by the format string.
We can extend our calculate! macro from the previous section to be variadic:
macro_rules! calculate {
// The pattern for a single `eval`
(eval $e:expr) => {{
let vaclass="underline" usize = $e; // Force types to be integers
println!("{} = {}", stringify!{$e}, val);
// Decompose multiple `eval`s recursively
(eval $e:expr, $(eval $es:expr),+) => {{
calculate! { eval $e }
calculate! { $(eval $es),+ }
fn main() {
calculate! { // Look ma! Variadic `calculate!`!
eval 1 + 2,
eval 3 + 4,
eval (2 * 3) + 1
1 + 2 = 3
3 + 4 = 7
(2 * 3) + 1 = 7
Error handling is the process of handling the possibility of failure. For example, failing to read a file and then continuing to use that bad input would clearly be problematic. Noticing and explicitly managing those errors saves the rest of the program from various pitfalls.
There are various ways to deal with errors in Rust, which are described in the following subchapters. They all have more or less subtle differences and different use cases. As a rule of thumb:
An explicit panic is mainly useful for tests and dealing with unrecoverable errors. For prototyping it can be useful, for example when dealing with functions that haven't been implemented yet, but in those cases the more descriptive unimplemented is better. In tests panic is a reasonable way to explicitly fail.
The Option type is for when a value is optional or when the lack of a value is not an error condition. For example the parent of a directory - / and C: don't have one. When dealing with Options, unwrap is fine for prototyping and cases where it's absolutely certain that there is guaranteed to be a value. However expect is more useful since it lets you specify an error message in case something goes wrong anyway.
When there is a chance that things do go wrong and the caller has to deal with the problem, use Result. You can unwrap and expect them as well (please don't do that unless it's a test or quick prototype).
For a more rigorous discussion of error handling, refer to the error handling section in the official book.
The simplest error handling mechanism we will see is panic. It prints an error message, starts unwinding the stack, and usually exits the program. Here, we explicitly call panic on our error condition:
fn drink(beverage: &str) {
// You shouldn't drink too much sugary beverages.
if beverage == "lemonade" { panic!("AAAaaaaa!!!!"); }
println!("Some refreshing {} is all I need.", beverage);
fn main() {
In the last example, we showed that we can induce program failure at will. We told our program to panic if the royal received an inappropriate gift - a snake. But what if the royal expected a gift and didn't receive one? That case would be just as bad, so it needs to be handled!
We could test this against the null string ("") as we do with a snake. Since we're using Rust, let's instead have the compiler point out cases where there's no gift.