An enum called Option<T> in the std library is used when absence is a possibility. It manifests itself as one of two "options":
• Some(T): An element of type T was found
• None: No element was found
These cases can either be explicitly handled via match or implicitly with unwrap. Implicit handling will either return the inner element or panic.
Note that it's possible to manually customize panic with expect, but unwrap otherwise leaves us with a less meaningful output than explicit handling. In the following example, explicit handling yields a more controlled result while retaining the option to panic if desired.
// The commoner has seen it all, and can handle any gift well.
// All gifts are handled explicitly using `match`.
fn give_commoner(gift: Option<&str>) {
// Specify a course of action for each case.
match gift {
Some("snake") => println!("Yuck! I'm putting this snake back in the forest."),
Some(inner) => println!("{}? How nice.", inner),
None => println!("No gift? Oh well."),
// Our sheltered royal will `panic` at the sight of snakes.
// All gifts are handled implicitly using `unwrap`.
fn give_royal(gift: Option<&str>) {
// `unwrap` returns a `panic` when it receives a `None`.
let inside = gift.unwrap();
if inside == "snake" { panic!("AAAaaaaa!!!!"); }
println!("I love {}s!!!!!", inside);
fn main() {
let food = Some("cabbage");
let snake = Some("snake");
let void = None;
let bird = Some("robin");
let nothing = None;
You can unpack Options by using match statements, but it's often easier to use the ? operator. If x is an Option, then evaluating x? will return the underlying value if x is Some, otherwise it will terminate whatever function is being executed and return None.
fn next_birthday(current_age: Option<u8>) -> Option<String> {
// If `current_age` is `None`, this returns `None`.
// If `current_age` is `Some`, the inner `u8` gets assigned to `next_age`
let next_age: u8 = current_age?;
Some(format!("Next year I will be {}", next_age))
You can chain many ?s together to make your code much more readable.
struct Person {
job: Option<Job>,
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct Job {
phone_number: Option<PhoneNumber>,
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct PhoneNumber {
area_code: Option<u8>,
number: u32,
impl Person {
// Gets the area code of the phone number of the person's job, if it exists.
fn work_phone_area_code(&self) -> Option<u8> {
// This would need many nested `match` statements without the `?` operator.
// It would take a lot more code - try writing it yourself and see which
// is easier.
fn main() {
let p = Person {
job: Some(Job {
phone_number: Some(PhoneNumber {
area_code: Some(61),
number: 439222222,
assert_eq!(p.work_phone_area_code(), Some(61));
match is a valid method for handling Options. However, you may eventually find heavy usage tedious, especially with operations only valid with an input. In these cases, combinators can be used to manage control flow in a modular fashion.
Option has a built in method called map(), a combinator for the simple mapping of Some -> Some and None -> None. Multiple map() calls can be chained together for even more flexibility.
In the following example, process() replaces all functions previous to it while staying compact.
#[derive(Debug)] enum Food { Apple, Carrot, Potato }
#[derive(Debug)] struct Peeled(Food);