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#[derive(Debug)] struct Chopped(Food);

#[derive(Debug)] struct Cooked(Food);

// Peeling food. If there isn't any, then return `None`.

// Otherwise, return the peeled food.

fn peel(food: Option<Food>) -> Option<Peeled> {

match food {

Some(food) => Some(Peeled(food)),

None => None,



// Chopping food. If there isn't any, then return `None`.

// Otherwise, return the chopped food.

fn chop(peeled: Option<Peeled>) -> Option<Chopped> {

match peeled {

Some(Peeled(food)) => Some(Chopped(food)),

None => None,



// Cooking food. Here, we showcase `map()` instead of `match` for case handling.

fn cook(chopped: Option<Chopped>) -> Option<Cooked> {

chopped.map(|Chopped(food)| Cooked(food))


// A function to peel, chop, and cook food all in sequence.

// We chain multiple uses of `map()` to simplify the code.

fn process(food: Option<Food>) -> Option<Cooked> {

food.map(|f| Peeled(f))

.map(|Peeled(f)| Chopped(f))

.map(|Chopped(f)| Cooked(f))


// Check whether there's food or not before trying to eat it!

fn eat(food: Option<Cooked>) {

match food {

Some(food) => println!("Mmm. I love {:?}", food),

None => println!("Oh no! It wasn't edible."),



fn main() {

let apple = Some(Food::Apple);

let carrot = Some(Food::Carrot);

let potato = None;

let cooked_apple = cook(chop(peel(apple)));

let cooked_carrot = cook(chop(peel(carrot)));

// Let's try the simpler looking `process()` now.

let cooked_potato = process(potato);







closures, Option, Option::map()

map() was described as a chainable way to simplify match statements. However, using map() on a function that returns an Option<T> results in the nested Option<Option<T>>. Chaining multiple calls together can then become confusing. That's where another combinator called and_then(), known in some languages as flatmap, comes in.

and_then() calls its function input with the wrapped value and returns the result. If the Option is None, then it returns None instead.

In the following example, cookable_v2() results in an Option<Food>. Using map() instead of and_then() would have given an Option<Option<Food>>, which is an invalid type for eat().


#[derive(Debug)] enum Food { CordonBleu, Steak, Sushi }

#[derive(Debug)] enum Day { Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday }

// We don't have the ingredients to make Sushi.

fn have_ingredients(food: Food) -> Option<Food> {

match food {

Food::Sushi => None,

_ => Some(food),



// We have the recipe for everything except Cordon Bleu.

fn have_recipe(food: Food) -> Option<Food> {

match food {

Food::CordonBleu => None,

_ => Some(food),



// To make a dish, we need both the recipe and the ingredients.

// We can represent the logic with a chain of `match`es:

fn cookable_v1(food: Food) -> Option<Food> {

match have_recipe(food) {

None => None,

Some(food) => match have_ingredients(food) {

None => None,

Some(food) => Some(food),




// This can conveniently be rewritten more compactly with `and_then()`:

fn cookable_v2(food: Food) -> Option<Food> {



fn eat(food: Food, day: Day) {

match cookable_v2(food) {

Some(food) => println!("Yay! On {:?} we get to eat {:?}.", day, food),

None => println!("Oh no. We don't get to eat on {:?}?", day),



fn main() {

let (cordon_bleu, steak, sushi) = (Food::CordonBleu, Food::Steak, Food::Sushi);

eat(cordon_bleu, Day::Monday);

eat(steak, Day::Tuesday);

eat(sushi, Day::Wednesday);




closures, Option, and Option::and_then()