874 Ekdahl, Sven. Die Schlacht bei Tannenberg 1410: quellenkritische Untersuchungen. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1982. Bd. 1: Einführung und Quellenlage. Подробный анализ источников.
875 Ekdahl, Sven. Die «Banderia Prutenorum» des Jan Dlugosz, eine Quelle zur Schlacht bei Tannenberg 1410: Untersuchungen zu Aufbau, Entstehung und Quellenwert der Handschrift. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1976.
876 Belch, Stanislaus F. Paulus Vladimiri and his doctrine concerning international law and politics. 2 vol. The Hague; London; Paris: Mouton, 1965. T. I. P. 87, n. 268.
877 Ibid. T. I. P. 25 и 90–91 (автор опубликовал все тексты Павла Влодковича и его оппонентов). О Фалькенберге и защите Тевтонского ордена см.: Boockmann, Hartmut. Johannes Falkenberg, der Deutsche Orden und die polnische Politik. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1985.
878 Christiansen, Eric. The northern crusades: the Baltic and the Catholic frontier, 1100–1525. London; New York: Macmillan, 1980. P. 223–224.
879 Ekdahl, S. The treatment of the prisoners of war during the fighting between the Teutonic order and Lithuania // The Military Orders. I. P. 263–269.
880 Burleigh, Michael. Prussian society and the German order: an aristocratic corporation in crisis c. 1410–1466. Cambridge; New York; Melbourne: Cambridge university press, 1984. P. 95 etc.
881 Dollinger, Philippe. La Hanse. Paris: Aubier, Montaigne, 1964. P. 97–98, 117. — Об этих проблемах в целом см. исследования: Wee, Herman van der. The growth of the Antwerp market and the European economy (fourteenth-sixteenth centuries). 3 vol. The Hague: Nijhoff, 1963 и особенно Tits-Dieuaide, Marie-Jeanne. La Formation des prix céréaliers en Brabant et en Flandre au XVe siècle. Bruxelles: Université de Bruxelles, 1975.
882 Dollinger, Philippe. La Hanse. Paris: Aubier, Montaigne, 1964. P. 376–379.
883 Mazeika, R. Of cabbages and knights: trade and trade treaties with the infidel on the northern frontier, 1200–1390 // Journal of Medieval History. 20 (1994). P. 63–76.
884 Burleigh, Michael. Prussian society and the German order: an aristocratic corporation in crisis c. 1410–1466. Cambridge; New York; Melbourne: Cambridge university press, 1984. P. 63–65.
885 Образец счета Lieger’а см.: Contamine, Philippe; Delort, Robert; La Roncière, Charles-Marie Bourel de. L’Europe au Moyen Âge. Tome III, Fin XIIIe siècle-fin XVe siècle. Paris: Armand Colin, 1971. P. 193–194.
886 Demurger, Alain. L’Occident médiévaclass="underline" XIIIe-XVe siècle. Paris: Hachette, 1995. P. 98. — Abel, Wilhelm. Crises agraires en Europe (XIIIe-XXe siècle). Paris: Flammarion, 1973.
887 Sarnowsky, Jürgen. Die Wirtschaftsführung des Deutschen Ordens in Preussen (1382–1454). Köln; Weimar; Wien: Böhlau, 1993.
888 Burleigh, Michael. Prussian society and the German order: an aristocratic corporation in crisis c. 1410–1466. Cambridge; New York; Melbourne: Cambridge university press, 1984. P. 74–78.
889 Das Soldbuch des Deutchen Ordens 1410, 1411: die Abrechnungen für die Soldtruppen. Bearbeitet und ediert von Sven Ekdahl. Wien; Köln, Böhlau, 1988. (Veröffentlichungen aus den Archiven Preussischer Kulturbesitz.)
890 Я использовал здесь подробный анализ М. Бёрли: Burleigh, Michael. Prussian society and the German order: an aristocratic corporation in crisis c. 1410–1466. Cambridge; New York; Melbourne: Cambridge university press, 1984. P. 80–84, 129–135.
891 Housley, Norman. The later crusades, 1274–1580: from Lyons to Alcazar. Oxford: Oxford university press, 1992. P. 366.
892 Burleigh, Michael. Prussian society and the German order: an aristocratic corporation in crisis c. 1410–1466. Cambridge; New York; Melbourne: Cambridge university press, 1984. P. 95–96.
893 Ibid. P. 130.
894 Tabulae ordinis Theutonici ex tabularii regii Berolinensis codice potissimum. Ed. Ernestus Strehlke. Berolini, 1869. Vol. IV. P. 411.
895 Burleigh, Michael. Prussian society and the German order: an aristocratic corporation in crisis c. 1410–1466. Cambridge; New York; Melbourne: Cambridge university press, 1984. P. 168.
896 Guenée, Bernard. L’Occident aux XIVe et XVe siècles. Les États. 4e éd. mise à jour. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1991. (Nouvelle Clio.) P. 244–263.
897 Burleigh, Michael. Prussian society and the German order: an aristocratic corporation in crisis c. 1410–1466. Cambridge; New York; Melbourne: Cambridge university press, 1984. P. 150–151.
898 Ibid. P. 169–170.
899 На эту тему см. Housley, Norman. The later crusades, 1274–1580: from Lyons to Alcazar. Oxford: Oxford university press, 1992. P. 370–375; Christiansen, Eric. The northern crusades: the Baltic and the Catholic frontier, 1100–1525. London; New York: Macmillan, 1980, и Bogdan, Henry. Les chevaliers teutoniques. Paris: Perrin, 1995. P. 176–189.
900 Dygo, M. The political role of the cult of the Virgin Mary in Teutonic Prussia in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries // Journal of Medieval History. 15 (1989). P. 74.
901 Bogdan, Henry. Les chevaliers teutoniques. Paris: Perrin, 1995. P. 188.
902 A.N., К 39, n° 1 // Delaville Le Roulx, Joseph. Les Hospitaliers à Rhodes jusqu’à la mort de Philibert de Naillac (1310–1421). Paris: E. Leroux, 1913. P. 43–46.
903 Martínez Diez, Gonzalo. Los templarios en la Corona de Castilla. Burgos: La Olmeda, 1993. P. 185–267.