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But Billy was different. He was the star fullback on the high school team. He was kind and so sexy!

He was holding her possessively, his fingers roaming around her back. Soon the blonde felt her body becoming very limp. The warm tingling in her crotch had became more concentrated, more intense while juice seeped from her hot, eager little cunthole. She had never been that wet before, even when she'd necked with Billy in his car. She could feel the narrow cotton crotchband of her panties sticking to her swelling cuntlips. It rubbed and chafed against her clit in a nice way.

Cindy rocked her hips against Billy once more, sighing, as she felt those stinging little spasms rush through her stiffening clit again. And then, when he brought his hands down to her ass and squeezed, the girl thought she would die.

She pressed her hands more firmly against his chest. "No!"

"Wow, Cindy, I knew you were hot for me."

Cindy frowned. "Who told you that?"

Billy grinned, still holding onto her narrow waist. "Nobody. I could see it just from the way you were staring at me. You know, you were looking at me all the time in history class."

Cindy bit her lower lip, feeling her cheeks flame pink with embarrassment. She thought she'd been more careful than that. Was she that obvious?

"I'm not… fast, like some girls," Cindy said hesitantly, reaching back and frying to push his hands away from her ass.

"I didn't say that. But since we're here in the school basement and all, well…"

Cindy shuddered. He was making a proposition, a suggestion they go all the way. She could tell. Cindy had thought about doing that a lot lately, and just the thought made her breath quicken. But here? In the basement? The steam pipes and the gurgling boilers made her wince at the thought of having her first fuck here of all places.

"C'mon. Jack's cot is around here someplace. He sleeps here at night sometimes. Probably thinks about the gym class for girls upstairs."

Cindy frowned again. Jack, that ugly janitor who made all girls shudder. Ever since he'd come to work at Wilson High two months ago, he'd been leering at them all.

"No, Billy… uhhhhh!"

He was kissing her again, tonguing her neck, then licking the tops of her tits as he started unbuttoning her white frilly blouse.

Again she protested, but she felt a warm trickle running down her inner thighs.

Billy was kissing her hair, hunching against her crotch. He was making fucking movements against her. She could feel something very hard and hot brushing up against her. And now his hands were molding her tits, kneading them in a way he'd never dared do before.

That morning she had gone bra-less, feeling particularly sexy with her nipples gently brushing against the soft cotton of her blouse. Thank goodness her mother hadn't noticed.

Now she pulled back, watching Billy's face as he looked at her jutting, pendulous tits. Her nipples were stiff and hard, long pink nubs that begged for a touch, a tongue.

"Wow, Cindy! Nobody's gonna come here for a while. We can do it!"

"No, Jack, he might – oh, I don't know, Billy."

Billy pushed her back, having spotted the cot pressed against a workbench.

She felt him drawing her back, pushing her, while he took her hand and pressed her fingers against the front of his Levi's.

Cindy felt so hot, so daring. She wanted to do everything at once, and yet at the same time she feared the consequences.

Tightening her fingers, she unzipped his fly. He moaned as she pushed his trousers down. Her fingers trembled, hesitating.

Billy grinned sheepishly at her, reaching down and tugging his briefs down. In an instant his long hot cock shot up, brushing against her fingers.

Cindy let out a startled gasp, drawing her hand back and staring wildly at him. She was about to chicken out again when he sealed her mouth with his, tonguing her deep while rubbing his prick against her. He was unzipping her Levi's, pulling them down until they puddled around her ankles.

"Oh, no, no…" Cindy felt him rubbing his prick against the hot wet front of her panties.

He hugged her body close, his prick feeling so big.

Surely something that large couldn't fit in a tight, unplowed hole like her pussy!

Sliding one hand slowly around her hips, he smoothed his fingers down her flat tummy until he could curl them under her cuntal mound.

Cindy shivered, rising on her tiptoes. It was a freaky feeling to have a guy touching her that way. Her asshole snapped shut as Billy bumped his knees against hers. He stepped out of his pants, kicking them away.

Cindy couldn't think straight. Everything was happening so fast! She bucked against him, rubbing her cunt against his prick. She was still afraid of having him skin her panties down, especially when he pushed her onto the cot.

He was on top of her, her legs draped over the edges of the cot while her ass rubbed up and down over the stained canvas covering. She could feel the rubbing brush of his balls against her legs while his prickhead gouged against her cunt. The sloppy, slick material of her pantycrotch was pushed up into her pussy. The feeling was so good, so wonderfully good. Nothing could feel better than that.

Cindy's breathing became more and more labored.

"Oh, I wanna get in you. I wanna feel how tight and hot and wet you are inside."

His teeth were nipping at her nipple while his hand massaged her other tit. The way he thumbed her nipple while he bit into her tit-tip drove her wild.

Cindy let out a hissing groan. She tilted her cunt up, begging him to touch her pussy again.

Once more his fingers curled around the stretched elastic band of her panties.

"Wanna fuck you… wanna fuck you!"

He kissed her neck, her shoulders, her tits. He was clutching her cunt once more.

Cindy sucked in a deep breath.

He shoved down.

She could feel her panties easing down over her thighs, then he was rubbing his prick up and down her tight, wet cunt-crack now.

Cindy rolled her body slightly. The warm, tight feeling between her spread legs was driving her crazy! She knew his prick could take care of that hot, tight itch.

His cock pushed between her swollen cuntlips. Cindy slowly raised her legs from the cot, inching back her knees, while more perspiration rolled down her sides.

Billy settled down on her as if he were climbing into a saddle. His hands cupped her ass. He pushed her legs back, getting her ready for a fuck.

The sleek, steady wet friction against her cuntlips was doing something to her now. She felt the fever of a wild itching pleasure raging through her. The building, swelling tension in her heaving belly seemed to radiate out to every inch of her body.

"Oh, baby, hot pussy! Gonna get my dick in your hot pussy!"

She squirmed and wriggled her tight little cunt under him. Cindy spread her thighs farther apart so he could slide his cock along her cuntal slit again. The room was spinning around dizzyingly. She felt a hot tight, sensation intensify around her clit. She knew she would cum if they kept on like this.

Billy groaned, shoving his tongue into her ear. He was frantic, trying to get his cock inside her. His pre-cum smeared her cuntlips while she rolled around, jerking her pussyhole away from him. Her clit was glowing and throbbing as she pranced her ass against the cot. The pressure of his prickhead was hard against her hole.

He was moving his hips back and forth, his prick continually sliding against her clit until Cindy thought she would come unglued.

He moaned, angling his hips down, frying to work his cock into her pussy.

At the last minute the girl freaked, moving her hips around frantically, stimulating the boy's prick so much that his body bucked like a wild bronco against hers.

"Fuck it, Cindy! You're makin' me uhhhhhh, makin' me cum!"