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A mountain of lust swelled up in her crotch. Cindy felt floods of something hot splash over her clit, triggering her climax. Letting out a low moan, she felt her tits jiggling while blasts of cum shot through her body. Her hips churned. A great, earth-shattering vibration started in her cunt, then shot out in waves through the rest of her body.

The mountain of lust in her belly exploded. Cindy thought she had died in that first second of her cum. Another monstrous wave racked her. She bucked under the ramming strokes of Billy's prick.

She blinked her eyes, rocking under the thrusts of Billy's prick. Her hearing slowly returned, the hot red blur of her climax fading like a retreated ocean wave.

It was then when she saw the big shape looming over them like a thundercloud.

Freezing, Cindy opened her mouth to let out a scream. Two hands grabbed Billy, throwing him against the workbench. Cindy's hands flew to cover the sticky, hot mess of cuntjuice and cum.

Billy looked stunned, his eyes wide as saucers. He winced, his left hand held at an awkward angle.

"Move your hands, cunt!" Jack, the massive, ugly janitor, stood there in his filthy jeans with a monkey wrench held tightly in his left hand. He was watching Cindy, then moving his gaze quickly to Billy who was recovering from his shock. When Jack tapped the rounded tip of the wrench against her toes, Billy came to life.

"No!" the boy shouted, twisting forward and heading like a charging moose toward the janitor.

With a quick move, Jack smashed the wrench into the boy's belly, doubling him over. With a sweeping second arc, the big ugly man brought the weapon down against the back of his skull.

The smashing sound sickened Cindy. She jerked up, screaming. Billy was unconscious, sprawled on the floor, his body as still as a corpse!

Cindy jerked her legs off the cot and stood up. She was panicked, her eyes wide as she began to rush toward the stairs.

But Jack, catching her by the wrist, dragged her around, his fingers bruising her flesh.

Cindy winced, pulling back. In that instant she saw the animal hunger in the janitor's eyes and knew what he wanted. Wildly the girl pulled back, sobbing and choking with terror, her feet slipping on the cold cement floor.

"Slut. Like all of 'em, nothin' but sluts waggin' your butts around. Well," he said, slobbering over her, "this time you're gonna put out, and put out right fine and hot."

"No! No!"

Cindy struggled wildly against him, her long blonde hair splashing, across her face. She stumbled over Billy's body, letting out a sharp scream. Tiring of her cries, the janitor raised the monkey wrench high above her head.

"You want the same thing your boyfriend got?" he snarled.

Cindy froze. She could already feel the hard smashing blow against her skull, the bones cracking.

Throwing the wrench to the floor, he pushed Cindy back roughly.

Tumbling back, she flew back onto the couch, her spine crashing against the wall. Trembling, she drew her knees up, covering her drooling cunt-hole with one hand while trying to bide her pink nipples from Jack.

He was pulling off his green work shirt, revealing his paunchy beer belly.

Cindy felt sick, her fingers lightening into fists and pressing against her thighs. Her asshole winked open in fear while she thought she would lose control of herself and piss onto the cot.

Jack shrugged off his shirt, revealing two arms with obscene tattoos on them. Flexing his muscles to intimidate her, he walked forward, scratching his groin as she'd seen him do so many times before in the halls.

"No, oh no! Oh no!"

He threw the shirt at her face, then knocked her legs apart with his big fist and stared right up her cunt-crack.

Cindy drew her knees tightly together back again, crawling away from the janitor. Once more she looked around for some path of escape.

Jack blocked her way, holding his big hands out, filling the room with his body before he brought one fist down hard against her right cheek.

Cindy cried out again, her head snapping to the left from the force of the blow while her body flew back against the cot. Her head throbbed dully as she struggled to fight her way through the pain and the feeling that she was going to sink into unconsciousness.

Jack was reaching down for something, coming back up and grabbing a fistful of her blonde hair in one hand. Cindy screamed, feeling the roots tearing painfully from her scalp. He was puffing her back, yanking her against the wall while bringing something soft and warm against her teeth.

It was then the teen realized he was forcing Billy's jockey shorts into her mouth. She struggled, her slender weak arms gliding up while the big janitor pushed the awful material almost down to her throat.

Cindy cried as she fought down the sour bile rising in her throat. The shorts tasted dreadful, while the pressure of being gagged hurt her pried-open jaws. He held her with one hand for a moment, stretching out one arm and grabbing a large roll of black electrician's tape.

"This'll keep you quiet for a while."

Tearing lengths of the soft tape with his teeth, the big ugly man wrapped them around her skull, fixing the gag in her mouth.

Cindy looked at him with wild, frightened eyes. She could hardly breathe! She prayed God he wouldn't hurt her any more. She felt the slippery slide of her cuntlips, juice flowing, as she watched the big man tower above her.

"Gonna finish you off… just the way that dude was trying to," he said, nodding his head in the direction of Billy's quiet body.

Cindy shook her head, her muscles bulging as she watched him fumbling with his trousers. Transfixed, she saw him open his fly.

Then Jack paused. "Get up!"

Trembling, Cindy rose from the cot, wanting to pull the gag from her mouth, but afraid to make a move. He held her wrists, puffing her reluctantly across the floor toward a darkened corner of the large basement. Her toe stubbed against something and she winced in pain. Looking down, she saw a horse in front of her.

"Get over it… now!"

The girl bit down on the gag, afraid to bend over it.

Jack was holding her by the neck now, pushing her over the top of the sawhorse until her body was bent at the waist, her head nearly touching the floor. He told her to stay that way, her tits swinging out in front of her.

Jack fumbled around behind her, then returned with something in his hands. Ropes! She started to get up, but Jack smacked her hard across the back of the head, forcing her back down.

Terrified, Cindy lay draped over the sawhorse, her heart pounding in her ears as she felt him sliding the rough hemp around her right wrist, securing it to one of the legs. Her asscheeks flexed nervously as the janitor knotted the rope in a slipknot, then moved to her other wrist and did the same. She couldn't move her arm. She felt the blood rushing to her head, making her dizzy. It was horrible lying bent-over this way, her sticky pussy crack spreading open even more as he stretched her legs out behind her and pressed her ankles against both legs of the sawhorse.

He roped her ankles, quickly throwing the lines around her feet and knotting the thick hemp so her body remained immobile.

Cindy shuddered, rubbing her thighs against the splintery wood of the sawhorse. Both her hands were stretched apart, making her shoulders ache and throb from the tension.

"Now, baby, now for the good part. You're gonna love this."


Cindy had nearly forgotten about Billy lying there unconscious. Then a soft groan brought her around as she turned her head and saw him still face-down on the floor. The horror of her situation sank in. Obviously Jack didn't care about whatever consequences would follow. He was out for pleasure now.

Tugging at her ropes, the big janitor enjoyed listening to her gasps of pain, her squeals of terror while he slipped his fingers along her asscrack until it touched her tight little shitter. Cindy froze, her mouth opening, when she felt that touch. When he jabbed his finger all the way in, the girl bucked against the sawhorse, seeing now why he wanted to bind her that way. She felt her asshole tingling with that touch as he squirmed his digit in until his knuckles were pressing against her white shivering assflesh.