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The hurt had faded by September, but not before he'd had a potinduced revelation. Sitting in a steam room, meditating on his misery, he realized that Larry's desertion had awoken in him some of the same pain he'd felt when Steep had departed. Turning over this realization,

he'd sat sweating in the tiled room for an unhealthy time, ignoring the hands and the glances that came his way. What did it mean? That somewhere in his attachment to Jacob there'd been sexual feeling? Or that in his midnight encounters in the shrubbery there was somewhere buried the hope that he'd find a man who would deliver on Steep's promises, and take him out of the world into a place of visions? He'd finally left the steam room to its orgiasts, his head thumping too hard for him to think clearly. But the questions remained with him thereafter, troubling him. He countered them the plainest way he knew how. If a man who approached bore even the slightest resemblance to his memory of Steep - the colour of their hair, the shape of their mouth - he rejected them with talismanic cruelty.


It wasn't the Larry Mueller saga that drove him from Boston, it was an icy December. Coming out of the restaurant where he worked as a waiter into the maw of a Massachusetts blizza-d, he decided he'd had enough of being frozen and it was time to head for balmier climes. His first thought was Florida, but that night, talking over the options with the bartender at Buddies, he heard the siren-song of San Francisco.

'I've only been out to California once,' the bartender, whose name (Danny) was tattooed on his arm in case he forgot it, told him, 'but man, I was so close to staying. It's faggots' paradise. It really is.'

'As long as it's warm.'

'There's places warmer,' Danny conceded. 'But shit, if you want to be hot then go live in fucking Death Valley, right?' He leaned over to Will, lowering his voice. 'If I didn't have my other half-' (Danny's long-time lover, Frederico - the other half in question - was sitting five yards along the bar) '-I'd be back there, living the life. No question.'

It was a pivotal exchange. Within two weeks Will had packed his bags and was gone, leaving Boston on a day of sparkling frost that almost made him regret his decision, the city looked so beautiful. There was another kind of beauty waiting for him at the end of his journey, however; a city that enraptured him far beyond his expectations. He found a job working for one of the community newspapers, and one momentous day, missing a photographer to cover a piece he was writing about his adopted city, he borrowed a camera to do the job himself. It wasn't love at first sight. His initial photographs were so piss-poor he couldn't use them. But he liked the feeling of the camera in his hands, liked being able to circumscribe the world through the lens. And the subject before him was the tribe in whose heartland he lived: the queens, the cowboys, the dykes, the mannequins, the sex-fiends, the drag artists and the leather devotees whose homes, bars, clubs, grocery stores and Laundromats spread from the intersection of Castro and 18th, north to Market, south to Collingwood Park.

While he learned his craft, he also learned how to be a wild boy between the sheets, until he had quite a reputation as a lover. He seldom played anonymously now, though there were plenty of places to do so. He wanted deeper experiences, and found them in the beds and embraces of a dozen men, none of whom had his heart, but all of whom excited him in their various ways. There was Lorenzo, a forty-year-old Italian who had left a wife and children in Portland to come be what he'd known he was on his wedding day. There was Drew Dunwoody, a muscle-boy who was for a time almost as devoted to Will as to his own reflection. There was Sanders, who was the closest Will had to a sugar-daddy, an older man (he had been admitting to forty-nine for five years) who lent him the first three months' rent on a one-room apartment near Collingwood Park, and later a down payment on a secondhand Harley. There was Lewis the insurance man, who never said a word in company, but who poured out his lyrical soul to Will behind closed doors, and who subsequently flowered into a minor poet. There was Gregory, beautiful Gregory, dead of an accidental overdose at twenty-four. And Joel; and Mescaline Mike; and a boy who'd said his name was Derrick, but who was later discovered to be an AWOL marine by the name of Dupont.

In this charmed circle, Will grew up; grew strong. The plague was not yet upon them, and in hindsight this would come to seem a Golden Age of hedonism and excess, which Will, by an act of equilibrium that still astonished him, managed to both observe and indulge in. Soon, though he didn't know it, death would come and start to lay its fatal fingers on many of the men he photographed; an arbitrary culling of beauties and intellects and loving souls. But for seven extraordinary years, before the shadow fell, he bathed daily in that queer river supposing it would rush like this forever.


It had been Lewis, the insurance man turned poet, who'd first talked about animals with him. Sitting on the back porch of Lewis's house on Cumberland watching a raccoon raid the trash cans, they'd fallen to talking about what it would be like to inhabit for a time the body and spirit of an animal. Lewis had been writing about seals, and was presently so obsessed with the subject, he said, that they entered his dreams nightly.

'Big, sleek, black seals,' he said, 'just hanging out.'

'On a beach?'

'No, on Market Street,' Lewis said with a giggle. 'I know it sounds stupid, but when I'm dreaming it they look like they belong there. I did ask one of them what they were doing, and he said they were checking out the lie of the land for when the city drops into the ocean.'

Will watched the raccoon efficiently sorting through the trash. 'I dreamt about this talking fox when I was a kid. . .' he said softly. Maybe it was Lewis's hashish - he never failed to find good ganja - but the memory was crystalline: '... Lord Fox,' he said.

'Lord Fox?'

'Lord Fox,' Will replied. 'He scared the fuck out of me, but he was comical at the same time.'

'Why'd he scare you?' Will had never spoken about him to anyone, and even now - though he liked and trusted Lewis - he felt a twinge of reluctance. Lord Fox was part of a much bigger secret (the great secret of his life), and he was covetous of it. But gentle Lewis was pressing for further explanation. 'Tell me,' he said.

'He'd eaten somebody,' Will replied. 'That's what scared me about him. But then I remember he told me this story.'

'About what?'

'It wasn't even a story really. It was just a conversation he'd had with a dog.'

'Yeah?' Lewis laughed, thoroughly engaged.

Will repeated the substance of Lord Fox's exchange with the dog, amazed at how easily he could recall it, though it was a decade and a half since he'd dreamed the dream.

'We hunted for them, we herded for them, we guarded their brats. And why? Because we thought they knew how to take care of things. How to keep the world full of meat and flowers'

Lewis liked what he heard. 'I could get a poem out of that,' he said.

'I wouldn't risk it.'

'Why not?'

'He might come after you for a slice of the profits.'

'What profits?' Lewis said. 'This is poetry.'

Will didn't reply. He was watching the raccoon, who had finished scavenging and was scampering away with its booty. And while he was watching, he was thinking of Lord Fox; and of Thomas the painter, living and dead.