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“Mind?” Cathan asked, and laughed ruefully. “After all that’s happened? Magic’s a little thing beside that.”

“You look like the Abyss,” she said, smiling, then bent close to murmur in his ear. “Thank you. Tithian was suspicious, but he helped us anyway. I don’t think Beldinas suspects anything.”

He nodded, then lay back, closing his eyes. “Don’t expect any answers out of me yet, Blossom. I helped you back there because I had to. But the other thing…”

She kissed his forehead. “I know. I’m not asking you for anything you don’t want to do.” She closed his tunic, hiding the medallion from view. “I think you’ll choose the right thing.”

With that she rose and was gone, her sandals clacking against the barge’s deck. Tancred and Rath trailed after.

Cathan lay quietly for a while, trying not to think of anything. The pain in his head made it easy. He shut his eyes-

the burning hammer fell toward the city

— and woke to the sun bearing down on his face. He blinked, pushing himself up on his elbows. The pain in his head had settled down to a low throb, making file seem worthwhile again. He’d been sleeping a while, evidently; the mist and rain were gone, and except for a few wispy clouds, the sky was clear. The crew had taken down the canopy and were working hard to furl the sails. Below decks, more sailors-or would they be slaves? — took to the oars, taking power over the barge away from the winds And ahead …

The Lordcity looked exactly as he remembered it-the crystal towers, the marble manors, the lush green of trees and riot of flowers, the harbor an explosion of bustling color. The God’s Eyes, the Bloody-Fingered Tower, the many-bannered Arena, the Hammerhall perched on its hilltop. And the Temple, above all, with its seven golden spires, its silver rooftops, and its great, shining dome. Looking on the city, though, he knew it was a different place. Thought-readers walked its streets, hidden among the populace. Slaves had supplanted servants-there was a whole market of them, somewhere. And beneath the city, the tunnels must be packed, men and women like Idar’s gang in Chidell. Istar was a flawed jewel, a rose full of spiders, a lovely melody played just out of tone He had loved It once, and his heart had soared whenever he came back to it.

Not any more. Shuddering, he lowered his gaze.

“As beautiful as the first day we came to it, is it not, my friend?” asked Beldinas, appearing beside him. The vividness of his aura lanced Cathan’s skull “And yet, so tainted.”

Cathan turned, his eyebrows rising. He looked at the Kingpriest’s face, serene amid the brilliance, end thought of the frightened visage he’d glimpsed back at Losarcum. He couldn’t reconcile the two.

“Tainted, Holiness?”

The Kingpriest nodded gravely. “Stained by the evil of men. Can you not see it? The darkness that lurks beneath the surface?” His voice turned sad, wistful. “There can be no true beauty-no pure beauty-as long as it remains so. But we will change that. I will change it. There will be light everlasting, and evil shall flee the world forever.”

He believes what he says, Cathan thought, staring at the Lightbringer. He thinks he can do this thing. Maybe he can.

He turned his gaze back to the Lordcity.

The people of Istar were waiting at the foot of the Imperial Jetty, the broad stone pier lined with statues of Kingpriests long dead. It seemed half the city had come down to the harbor, to cheer and wave their arms in the air and throw rose petals. The din was horrendous, drowning out the choir of priestesses who had assembled with the rest of the clergy to sing hymns of welcoming.

Emissary Quarath came forward, his youthful face- Cathan couldn’t get over how unchanged he was, when everyone else was so much older-creased with annoyance at the commotion. He signed the triangle as Beldinas stepped off the barge, then bent forward and spoke in the Lightbringer’s ear. He gave Cathan a long look when he was done, then turned and waved the entourage on toward the wharf.

A huge, golden chariot, pulled by a dozen white stallions, awaited on dry land. Beldinas stepped astride the vehicle, raising his hand to the crowds, who erupted into even louder cheers. He then turned beckoned to Cathan. Cathan hesitated, and the Kingpriest nodded.

“They’re chanting for you today, too,” he said. It was true. Word had reached the Lordcity before them, and it had spread through the markets and wine-shops and chapels, so that everyone in Istar knew where the Kingpriest’s processional had gone, and why. Now amid the usual cries of “Cilenfo! Pilofiro!”-the Healer, the Lightbringer-some were calling another word, over and over: “Dubagno!


“Wave to them,” Beldinas said as Cathan stepped, stunned, onto the chariot.

Cathan took his place in the chariot, the men and women of the Lordcity burst with emotion. Some wept; others fell to their knees, prostrating themselves before him. Cathan flinched, his face reddening at the sudden outpouring. Beside him, Beldinas accepted the display with ease. Cathan could only grimace. This isn’t just adulation, he thought. This is worship. He could tell them to kill their own children, and they’d sing his praises as they did it.

The chariot rumbled forward, preceded by Tithian and an honor-guard of knights. Quarath followed behind, with the rest of the processional. The Divine Hammer rode through the mobs, using their horses to clear a path. A lane opened up, leading through the wharf and uphill toward the Temple.

The crowds packed the alleys and balconies and rooftops on all sides. Everyone in the Lordcity had come out today, many of them expressly to see Cathan. Some had climbed the trees, or shimmied up statuary, and clung like apes, whooping and hollering. Banners bearing the burning-hammer sign of the knighthood fluttered above the mobs. And none of the citizens could meet his gaze: Whenever he looked straight into the crowds, they turned away.

Of its own accord, his hand rose to his throat, where the malachite amulet lay hidden. There had to be scores of thought-readers out there, hidden among the crowds. Once, he even thought he saw a young woman signal to several nearby knights, who moved in at once to seize an elderly man next to her. She melted back into the crowd and disappeared, and Cathan swallowed with uncertainty. Had she been an Araifo? How bad would it get if one of them penetrated the medallion’s magic, and uncovered his memories of Idar and his sister and the white-masked rebels beneath Chidell? The uprising would end before it began.

The chariot rumbled on, up the streets to the Barigon. The square before the Temple was packed to bursting. Grown men broke down and sobbed at the sight of the Lightbringer and the Twice-Born, together again. Waxen icons of Beldinas, as he had looked in his youth, waved in the air. Horns blew, and the bells in the Temple’s central spire sounded a joyous carillon.

They pulled up at the Temple steps, where the imperial court had gathered. The empire’s princes and high priests were all clad in their finest raiment, all satin and cloth-of-gold and glittering jewels, their faces powdered and their bodies perfumed, men and women both. One by one they came forward to kneel before Beldinas as he stepped from the chariot, and he placed his hands upon their heads, blessing them with words only they could hear. Finally, he climbed the steps to the portico, gestured for Cathan to follow, and raised his hands for silence.

The shouting and clamor turned to stillness so suddenly that the echoes were still fading from the alcoves when the Lightbringer raised his voice to speak.

Usas farnas, people of Istar,” he declared, his soft, musical cadences carrying across the entire square. “We have been a wounded realm, these past years. We have been missing one of our greatest heroes, one of those who has striven hardest in the war against evil. Thus darkness has shadowed our progress, and continued to hide among us, no matter how hard we fought.