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He knew she needed a moment to herself and gave it to her. He could not believe their luck. A brother. Estate sales and fine antiques. A link at last to the jewelled cross and Father Adrian. Ah nom de Dieu, had they struck so close?

Everywhere the eye settled it fell on a gorgeous clutter of exquisite pieces. A Buddha, fourteenth-century at least, in a lime-green glaze, complemented the satin damask that covered the walls with soft green and gold floral patterns. There were paintings in richly gilded frames-oils that impressed. A bouquet of roses, tulips, peonies and lilacs by Jan Frans van Dael, a vase of lilacs by Pierre-Joseph Redoute. A Gobelin tapestry of Africa with chattering monkeys and parrots. A chinoiserie cabinet in a deep-red lacquer that glowed. Art deco vases with etched patterns, the colours sea-green, amber-rose and turquoise from the Daum-Brothers’ glassworks-not old, probably 1925, but totally in keeping with all the rest. Another glass vase from that same period was by Maurice Marinot. An almost Gauginesque nude in a wash of pale citrine mended a net against a background of dimpled, frosted glass, the lines so simple yet masterfully evoking the rhythm of life for which Marinot was justly famous.

A sixteenth-century portrait of a lady reading an illuminated breviary. Savonnerie carpets, a fluted white marble chimney-piece, a large gilt-framed mirror and a Louis XVI clock with flanking elephants in silver. Louis XVI armchairs whose velvet upholstery had been faded not so much by use as time, yet venerated throughout those years.

A far more modern sofa and comfortable armchairs were in an off-cream and flowered silk velveteen. There were apricot-coloured taffeta drop-curtains with tassels and fringes, bits of statuary, bronzes from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries-Italian, he thought. Eighteenth-century leather-bound books, bibelots, snuffboxes, jewel cases, bits of crystal and ivory, a sapphire bracelet … Ah nom de Dieu, three chains of superbly matched dark blue beads, each with a tiny clear-white diamond and diamond-encrusted clasp. It was just lying there on the secretaire as if cast off in despair.

‘As you can see, Inspector, my brother is a collector whose fancy does not always run to things that are very old. That bracelet is from Cartier in New York, not twelve years ago. Ah no, it was thirteen years. Yes, the stock market crash on Wall Street. A suicide in the family and the wife on holiday in France and forced to part with it at once. Henri bought it from the estate of the aunt to whom she had sold it for a pittance, believing the old lady would then leave it to her in her will.’

‘And the icons?’ he asked. They were centuries old.

‘Purchased from German soldiers on holiday from the Russian Front. Oh they’re stolen, of course-everyone knows this including Henri, but saving them from the ravages of such careless hands is better than having them destroyed through misadventure.’

The soft yellow mohair cardigan, strand of pearls and plain beige skirt suited her but she stood as if condemned. ‘And yourself, mademoiselle?’ he asked gently. ‘What do you do besides keep house for your brother?’

She was still some distance from him, she thought, and he would not see the pain she felt, revealed as it must be in her eyes. ‘Me? I am a teacher, an assistant professor at the Lycee du Parc. Germanic studies and French literature.’

‘Then you must speak German very well.’

‘Of course. It is essential, is it not? Otherwise the students would become bored with their studies and do quite badly.’

To avoid any further awkwardness, she decided to break with tradition and offer coffee. ‘It … it is already made, Inspector, and just needs warming up. Henri … it is my brother’s and my custom to always share our day’s events over coffee at this hour of the aperitif. Neither of us take alcohol, not even wine. Henri says that it destroys the brain cells and in this I am forced to agree, though at times, of course, one longs for a little taste.’

Had she once been under the empire of alcohol? he wondered. She didn’t look the type, but then with those it was often so hard to tell. Shattered dreams, a love affair never consummated … There were any of a thousand reasons.

The ersatz coffee would be fine and when she brought it on an antique silver tray, the complete service was a deep Prussian blue and jewelled Sevres porcelain with beaded white and gold rims and a jade-green, rose-red, white and turquoise floral pattern. Ah mon Dieu, it would be like sipping vinegar out of a fortune among kings and princes.

‘Your brother has exceptionally good taste, mademoiselle.’

She would lift her chin and proudly say it. Yes … yes, that would be best. ‘We both had an excellent teacher in our grandfather, Inspector. When one has access to such fine things, it elevates the soul to use them now and then in the fashion for which they were originally intended.’

He would give her several moments of silence and deliberately let them grow into uncomfortableness. He wished he could take out his pipe and begin to pack it-always that tended to set people off and was most useful, but the shortages … that last crumb of tobacco had already been used.

She thought she had best say something, but she would do so demurely since he had not grimaced at the taste of the acorn-and-barley water. A disgrace, of course, to sully such pieces with such mud. ‘My brother specializes in breaking up estates whose owners have died and left them to heirs who do not care to keep them, Inspector. This salon-indeed, the whole of the flat-changes its decor often as pieces come and go. One mustn’t become attached to anything.’

‘And the shop in Dijon?’ he asked, taking out his notebook to unsettle her more.

Flustered, she pressed her knees together and tried to shrink from things. ‘On the boul de Sevigne, of course, near the place d’Arcy. Inspector, why are you writing this down? Is Henri suspected of something?’

Of what, mademoiselle? his look said, but he shook his head. ‘Ah no. No, of course not. A mere ritual, I assure you. One becomes so accustomed to interrogating people, one automatically takes out the little notebook.’

He had known she’d been worried, then, and was pleased about it. He did not put the notebook away but set it to one side on the coffee table whose patterns of sandalwood, gum and cherry splintered their designs around it as if shattered.

Again he let the silence grow until she wished he would say something. Anything! ‘How did Mademoiselle Claudine die, Inspector? Was it her chest? She … she came to ask again for money. She was not well. This time pneumonia once more, I think. I …’ She shrugged helplessly but could not bring herself to face him. ‘I did give her our bottle of friar’s balsam. I told her how best to use it, Inspector. For myself, I am sorry to hear that she has passed away.’

Their bottle of friar’s balsam … He would favour his moustache in thought. He would ask the question she would not want him to ask. ‘How is it, please, that your brother knew Mademoiselle Claudine Bertrand, a woman of the night, Mademoiselle Charlebois, a woman of joy, a known prostitute?’

There was a quiver, a loss of colour though there had been little enough of that. ‘Henri knew Claudine from the years before her descent into the night, Inspector. When he was very young and I was much, much younger of course, our parents and grandparents on our mother’s side always took us to the seaside for the holidays. Claudine’s family knew our parents.’

It was all he could do not to breathe, Good! That’s good!

The front door opened. They heard a voice. She cried out, ‘Henri, is that you, cheri?’ and bolted from the room. Throwing herself into her brother’s arms, she touched his face, his hair and kissed his cheek, saying, ‘Where have you been? I’ve been looking everywhere. I was so worried. Terrified, Henri. Desperate that we had been parted again, this time for ever.’