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‘I will,’ said Johann. ‘For now, I think you’ve said enough.’

The look was swift and dark as this was translated, the reaction fast ‘Three of my best men have died, monsieur,’ seethed Robichaud, so near to tears she had to smile. ‘Fathers all of them. A dozen mouths that will have to be provided for, now that their dear papas are no longer with us.’

‘They were doing their duty. The Fatherland will take care of them,’ said Johann tersely.

‘And their wives?’ shouted Robichaud. ‘Hey, my friend with the interpreter, me, I have yet to tell their wives they no longer have husbands.’

‘Then get dressed and do so.’

Ah nom de Jesus-Christ! They’d kill each other, thought St-Cyr.

Robichaud clenched his fists in utter frustration but never in defeat. ‘You were right behind the first of my pumper trucks, monsieur. How is this, please?’

Weidling stood right up to him. ‘I was at the Prefecture going through the records of known arsonists when I heard the alarm.’

‘And that wife of yours?’ demanded the savage hotly.

‘Dining with the Obersturmfuhrer Barbie and friends.’

‘And did you find anything among the prefet’s records?’

‘Don’t be so mule-headed, Herr Robichaud. If you had acted properly, the deaths in the cinema fire would have been far less.’

The bastard! thought St-Cyr.

‘And this most recent fire, monsieur?’ demanded Robichaud. ‘Is it that I did not act properly? Well, come, come, monsieur. Answer me, please. You’re the expert.’

‘You acted properly but I must question your methods.’

Ah merde! thought St-Cyr.

Robichaud pointed a forefinger at all of them then stabbed it repeatedly in Weidling’s direction before wagging it bitterly. ‘Then understand this, my friends. That one doesn’t know the city as I do nor does he have the loyalty of the men. Nor can he ask them to risk their lives or be with them when their own language is needed most. Or is it, Herr Weidling, that you intend to take along an interpreter?’

St-Cyr attempted to hand the fire chief the blanket but it was brushed aside.

‘You think that I am with the Resistance,’ said Robichaud to the prefet, ‘that that is why Elaine and I were in the cinema on the night of the fire. You think that, to save the city and pacify the Occupier, a sacrifice should be made. All of you ache for blood. Then let me tell you-no, no, Monsieur Barrault, please do not interrupt. The Theatre des Celestins is in Presqu’ile, in your very own district. Listen carefully, my friend. A hot start means an igniter that burns with a very high temperature. Any rubbish that is nearby also flashes into flame because the heat of the starter raises it well beyond the ignition temperature. Oh for sure, trailers of gasoline may well have been used, and perhaps one ran down the central staircase from the attic, all of which implies, my friends, that the Salamander must have gained entry to the building twice or maybe even three times.’

Someone at the back of the room demanded that Robichaud explain. Johann was going to give Herr Robichaud every opportunity to make a fool of himself. Suicide … would Klaus Barbie really organize such a thing to silence the savage for ever? she wondered.

‘First,’ said Robichaud fiercely, ‘a room is rented and the device then put in place, either on that day or subsequently. Another visit, perhaps at nine thirty or ten in the evening, is used to activate the starter and then lay down the trailer. Gasoline was smelled by more than one of the tenants but for myself, I know only too well how confused and terrified victims can be. Our very mention of gasoline during the preliminary questioning could easily have caused them to believe they had smelled it.’

Lost in thought, Johann reached for his glass but decided abruptly not to touch it. ‘Phosphorus?’ he grunted-only that one word. She held a breath.

The interpreter translated but there was no need. Robichaud agreed with hesitation, revealing doubt, but then more strongly, as if now convinced he’d best be firm, he said, ‘Yes, it is my belief that phosphorus was used as the starter. This very quickly burned through the old floorboards and then the fire was able to race along between the joists and up the inside of the walls. It got a good start, my friends, because it was out of sight until it was too late to save the building. For me, though I know you will not listen, this indicates that gasoline was not used.’

Begrudgingly Johann nodded agreement and she couldn’t understand why he would do so and was hurt by this. ‘One places the phosphorus in a small bag of water and hangs it up,’ he said. ‘So long as the phosphorus is under water, the air cannot get at it and there is no problem in storing it safely. The arsonist then punctures the bag with a needle and lets the water drip slowly out while he or she leaves the building and is soon far away before the fire starts.’

This was translated but she could not take her eyes from Johann or stop the tears from forming. Why had he said it? Why had he done this to her?

‘Air then comes in contact with the phosphorus,’ said Robichaud sadly. ‘It flashes to a flame that is so hot, the presence of a little water on the combustibles is of no consequence.’

‘Then what are we to do?’ asked someone in fluent German-Kohler, had it been Kohler? she wondered.

‘Has he such starters in several places?’ asked another, also in German. Had it been St-Cyr?

‘It was not a man who rented that attic room,’ said Robichaud, looking her way. ‘It was a woman.’

‘Only one woman?’ asked someone in German-St-Cyr again?

‘Ah yes, only one and young,’ said Robichaud. ‘Not two as in the cinema fire. A strong German accent also, it is thought, but this must be checked. Now am I to be dismissed or am I to carry on?’

It was the prefet who, making a big show of brotherly love, praised Herr Robichaud for his tireless efforts and then turned things over to the mayor. ‘Take a rest, Julien,’ said that one. ‘You’ve been on your feet for several days and nights, isn’t this so? A long sleep will do you the world of good. We shall see how things go once the Salamander is caught.’

They were leaving it up to Johann.

St-Cyr opened Frau Weidling’s purse and removed the papers she’d taken from Hermann’s jacket. Rummaging, he found a key he could not explain and then three Wehrmacht-issue rubber condoms. Phosphorus was not easy to obtain at any time, never mind in wartime unless one dealt with incendiary explosives and their manufacture, but could she have gotten some?

Wooden matches, cigarettes, elastic bands and two twists of heavy white string followed and then a worn slip of folded paper with the address of La Belle Epoque and a name: Claudine Bertrand.

Another and much newer slip of paper yielded the address of an antique shop: M Henri Masson, rue Auguste Comte, not all that far from the hotel.

A silk handkerchief smelled of the perfume Etranger and he had to ask, Why had they all been wearing it, if not to confuse Hermann and himself?

There were two tickets to the concert at the Theatre des Celestins on Sunday evening. A small bottle held fluid for a cigarette lighter, but he could not find the lighter-had she lost it in the cinema? Now a magnifying glass … ah merde! What had she been planning? The use of the sun’s rays in wintertime? In Lyon of all places?

Lipstick, a compact, rouge and eye shadow followed, then nail clippers and a nail file. Some Occupation marks-about ten thousand, he thought-and about twenty thousand francs. A first-class ticket for the Lyon-Paris express on the morning after the concert, at 6 a.m. Had she taken the Lyon-Dijon express on Tuesday, the twenty-second, to rob a certain shop so as to get Henri Charlebois out of the way or to provide an alibi for him?

There were books of ration tickets just in case she felt hungry and had to eat as the natives did. And four 7.65 millimetre bullets. A Beretta? he wondered.