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Carter nods. “I think the Granny Smith apple really gives it wonderful texture and kick of flavor.”

I raise my eyebrow. Connie sends me a look, too. Is it weird that the fact that he knows about adding apples is sort of cute?

“You have good taste buds, Mr. Prescott. No one ever knows the secret,” Gran says. She stands from the table, and I follow her as we gather plates and carry them to the kitchen.

Once we’re away from everyone else, I place the dishes in the sink. Gran is there when I turn around. “I like him,” she says.

She likes him!

“Me too,” I say.

“I could tell,” Gran says. “And the boy knows food.”

“He’s a baker,” I tell her.

Gran nods her approval. “You better get going,” Gran says. I kiss her cheek and go to save Carter from more fishing trips with Pop.

The door closes behind us and Carter kisses me again. That will never get old.

“They’re fun,” he says.

That’s not the phrase I’d use, but I love them. I’m glad everything went well.

Carter opens his car door for me and I’m about to get in when Ric yells my name. We are never getting out of here. Ric waves his hands, and I notice that Maple is with him.

“Everything okay?” I ask.

Ric nods. “I just wanted to say hi.”

Carter holds out his hand. “Ric Norris, right? I remember you from testing. You were great.”

Ric shakes his hand back with a nod. “This is Maple.”

“Ric is my best friend,” I tell Carter.

“Since we were seven. I know everything about her,” Ric says. Carter sends me a look and I smile innocently but I wonder what he’s thinking.

Carter nods. “I love meeting Pen’s friends.”

“Pen?” Ric repeats, sending me a look. A smile plays on his face, but I shake my head. No one else is calling me that. It will not be a thing.

“We were just on our way to go do some training,” I say.

Carter steps back toward me and the car. “You two should join us sometime. We could probably all use the extra challenge.”

“That’d be cool,” Ric says. Carter walks back to his side of the car and I close my door. We’re going to be late for practice with Ellore.

The car starts up and I hear Ric yell, “See you later, Pen.”

Chapter Twenty-Five

“You need to counter it better,” Carter says as he flips me over his shoulder and into one of the mats across the floor. I let out a groan. “Your feet were too far apart. Pay attention. The final is in two days, and Ellore said we need this move.”

I groan again. He’s enjoying this way too much. For two hours he’s been beating the crap out of me—and telling me what I’m not doing right. Over and over again.

He reaches out a hand to help me up, and I don’t take it.

“I thought you were supposed to be helping me with this move,” I snap.

“I am,” he says, a smirk planted on his face.

I snort. “More like a torture session. I can see how you would get those confused.”

Carter latches onto my arm and yanks me toward him, wrapping his hands around my waist. He lowers his face to mine, smile still beaming, eyes mischievous. “Maybe it’s a form of foreplay.”

His lips press against mine. It’s almost like I meld into him, like my body fits with his and this is all I need to be happy. It’s hard to think for a moment, to even remember my own name. He pulls me tighter against him. His hands are on my hips, on my waist, trailing up my back. Chills trickle down my body. I’m pretty sure that Penelope Grey dies and is reborn in the same instant.

At least something like that must happen. Because the boy I sort of love is kissing me and then, as if it’s not even me doing it, my leg twists around his and I’m pinning him to the floor in triumph. He groans at the impact of his head against our makeshift hideaway.

“I think that’s match?” I say.

Carter stares up at me, completely confused. “You tripped me. That wasn’t fair—using your feminine wiles to distract me.”

“I believe you were the one using the wiles.”

“Men don’t have wiles, Pen. We have charisma.”

I grunt. “Well you were using it first. And besides,” I say, moving to my feet, “foreplay, remember?”

Carter laughs and the sound makes me smile as I turn away from him. That was apparently the wrong move, though. His hand grips my ankle and before I can move, he pulls me down again and rolls on top of me, smiling.

“That was a cheap shot, William Carter Prescott.”

He grins. “So punish me.” Then his lips are on mine again and with them, all the things that make me feel like someone new and beautiful and completely unlike myself. I love every second of his touch.

“Everyone decent in there?” Ric yells from the doorway.

“I’m sure they’re decent,” Maple says.

Ric mutters something to her and she laughs.

“I have snacks!” Maple yells. This is the third time he’s come over with her since Carter suggested it. Maple is nice, and I mistakenly thought she was quiet; now she likes to talk, quickly, and she and Ric have bonded over Anime.

“May not be as good as whatever you’re doing though,” Ric says.

I roll my eyes and steal another kiss from Carter. “Come in!”

He kisses me again quickly.

“Are you sure? We can come back when you’re finished.”

Carter pulls me up to my feet.

“Get in here, Norris,” Carter calls.

Ric’s got this huge, cheesy grin on his face when he comes inside. I’m pretty sure he’s never been prouder of me for kissing a boy, which is weird, but it’s reassuring that he approves.

Ric hands me an iced tea. “You look flushed,” he says. I smack his shoulder and take the tea out of his hand. He’s so subtle.

Maple pulls her hair up. “What are we starting with?”

Carter takes a swig of his soda and then sets it on the floor in the far corner. “Let’s just start where we stopped yesterday,” he says.

The four of us take a position on the mats, facing one another in a square. Yesterday—well, for the last two days—we worked on basic defense maneuvers. The Triad prepares us to fight two-on-one or one-on-one, but it hadn’t accounted for groups of demons. Aside from our first day, where all the Pairs get to have a group lesson on basic partner maneuvers, we never interact as a larger unit. Ric and I had the idea for a group session. Ellore approved, and came to the first session with Ric and Maple’s mentor. They helped us get set up, but it all has to happen in our extra time. Even though none of us are demons, the group setting has been helpful because we have to be aware of what’s going on in three directions.

That’s not a type of training the Enforcers usually get. And in the past, it’s never been an issue, but it’s not enough anymore. The Triad has kept everything quiet about what happened to me in the woods, but I know what I saw. I know what happened. The demons keep taking out our people—two witches have died since then, one each day—and that doesn’t include the number of thwarted attempts. They’re getting restless, and restless means dangerous, and the Triad isn’t doing anything.

Ric rushes toward me, swinging a fist at my head. I duck under the punch and kick, taking his legs out. I toss a smirk down at him that’s cut short when Carter moves in on my right. I block just in time to avoid his knuckles’ meeting my mouth. Maple’s somewhere on the other side with Ric. I see him trip her from the corner of my eye. Ric jumps up and charges toward me. He doesn’t make it. Carter lands a hard kick at Ric’s stomach, sending the Ric to the ground. Maple jumps in on the pile, trying to separate the boys.

I take advantage—every man for himself—and try to dash across the mats. Carter’s too quick again. He grabs my leg and yanks me toward him. I tumble to the ground and he pulls me closer, a smile on his face. I twist in his grip, but he grabs my arms and pins me down. I squirm even though I know it’s useless. He holds my arms down, my legs locked between his knees as he hovers over me. Damn him.