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Forbes-Lindsay, The Philippines under Spanish and American Rule, Philadelphia, 1906.
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Gonzalez NVM, The Poetic Image in Philippine Letters, — «Literature an'd Society», '19’64.
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Guthrie George M. and Jimenez Jacobs Pepita, Child Rearing and Personality Development in the Philippines, Manila, 1967.
Guthrie Helen A. Infant and Maternal Nutrition in Four Tagalog Communities, — IPC Papers, № 7, 1969.
Guthrie Helen A. Nutrition in a Philippine Fishing Community, — IPC Papers, № 6, 1968.
Hare A. Paul, Cultural Differences in Communication Network among Filipino, African and American Students, — IPC Papers, № 7, 1969.
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Hare A. Paul and Peabody Dean, Attitude Content and Agreement Set in the Autonomy Scale for Filipino, American and African University Students, — IPC Papers, № 6, 1968.
Hare Rachel T. Autonomy, Dependency and Problem Solving in Filipino Children, — IPC Papers, № 7, 1969.
Höffner Joseph, La etica colonial espanola del siglo de oro, Madrid, 1957.
Hollnsteiner Mary R. Reciprocity in the Lowland Philippines, — iPC Papers, № 2, 1970.
Hollnsteiner Mary R. Regionalism and Color as Divisive Elements in Philippine Society, — «Solidarity», September — October 1967.
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Huke Robert E. Shadows on the Land: an Economic Geography of the Philippines, Manila, 1963.
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Jocano Landa, Filipino Social 'Structure and Value System, — «Filipino Cultural Heritage», Manila, 1968.
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Kriekenbeek Fred B. Catholicism in the Philippines, — «Fookien Times Yearbook», 1969.
Lansang Jose A. Sr. Conflict in the Orphanage, — «Herita ge», vol. 1, № 2, October 1967.
Lawless Robert, An Evaluation of Philippine Culture — Personality Research, 1969
Lent John A. Philippine Radio — History and Problems, — «Asian Studies», vol. VI, № 1, April 1968.
Lim Gregorio, Family Planning in the Philippines, — «Fookien Times Yearbook», 1970.
Lim Victor A. Philippine Industry Today and Total Economic Commitment, — «Fookien Times Yearbook», 1969.
Llamzon Teodoro, The Philipino Language So Far, — «Fookien Times Yearbook», 1969.
Llanes Jose L. Life and Labors of Isabelo de los Reyas, — «Diliman Review», vol. VI, № 2i —4, April — December 19'58.
Lopez Fernando, Goal for the 70’s: Freedom from Hunger, — «Fookien Times Yearbook», 1970.
Lopez Fernando, Philippine Agriculture Today, — «Fookien Times Yearbook», 1969.
Lopez Salvador P. The Reform of Higher Education m the Philippines, — «Fookien Times Yearbook», 1970.
Lopez Salvador, The University as Social Critic and Agent of Change, — «Diliman Review», vol. XVII, № 2, April 1969.
Lynch Frank, Marriage, — «Area Handbook on the Philippines». Chicago: Human Relations Area Files, 1956.
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Mabini Apolinario, The Philippine Revolution, Manila, 1969.
Maced a Ernesto, Community Development under President Marcos, — «Fookien Times Yearbook», 1970.
Maceda Jose, Latin Qualities in Brazil and the Philippines, — «Asian Studies», vol. II, № 2, August 1964.
Madigan Francis C. The Farmer Said No, Quezon City, 1968.
Mahajani Usha, The Development of Philippine Asianism, — «Asian Studies», vol. Ill, № 2, August 1965.
Majul Cesar Adib, Education during the Reform Movement and the Philippine Revolution, — «Diliman Review», vol. XV, № 4, 1967.
Majul Cesar A. Rizal and the National Community, — «Diliman Review», vol. VI, № 2–4, April — December 1958.
Majul Cesar A. The Assault on the Academic Freedom of the University of the Philippines, — «Diliman Review», vol. IX, № 1, 19'51.
Makasiar Felix V. The Department of Justice, — «Fookien Times Yearbook», 1970.
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Manglapus Raul S. Land of Bondage, Land of the Free, Manila, 1967.
Mapa Placido L Jr. Philippine Planning: Evaluation and Prospect, — «Fookien Times Yearbook» 1969.
Marti res Myrna, Folk Festivals of the Philippines, Manila, 1968.
Maslog Crispin C. Mass Communication and National Development, — «Solidarity», August 1969.
Melchor Alejandro, Seeking a Balance between Effective Law Enforcement and Human Rights, — «Fookien Times Yearbook», 1969.
Mijares Tito A. The 197 °Censuses of Population and Housing, — «Fookien Times Yearbook», 1970.
Molina Antonio, Music of the Philippines, Manila, 1967.
Mustoffa S u mo no, Non-Economic Obstacles to Development in Indonesia. — «Solidarity», September- October 1967.
Ocampo Felicisimo, Academic Freedom and Freedom from Subversion, — «Diliman Review», vol. IX, № 1, 1961.
Padilla Вenedicto, The Rationale of Price and Exchange Control, «Diliman Review», vol. VI, № 2–4, April — December 1968.
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Pascual Ricardo R. The Application of the Principle of Regionalism to Southeast Asia, — «Diliman Review», vol. VI, № 2–4, April-December 1958.
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Pomeroy William J. Lessons from the Liberation Struggle in the Philippines, — «Word Outlook», January 1971.
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