Ramsay Ansil, Ramon Magsaysay and the Philippine Peasantry, — PSSHR, vol. XXX, № 1, March 1965.
Recto Claro M. The Evil of Religious Test in Our Democracy, — «Diliman Review», vol. IX, № 1, 1961.
Rigos Clrilo A. Protestantism in the Philippines Today, — «Fookien Times Yearbook», 1969.
Romulo Carlos P. An Innovative Approach to Our Foreign Relations, — «Fookien Times Yearbook», 1969.
Romulo Carlos P. Conscience and Leadership, — «Diliman Review», vol. XIII, № 1, January 1965.
Romulo Carlos P. Nationalism and the Arts and Sciences, — «Diliman Review», vol. XIII, № 2, April 1965.
Romulo Carlos P. The Freedom of the Arts and Sciences, — «Verge», vol. 1, № 1, June 1966.
Romulo Carlos P. The Impact of Literature on Philippine Society: A Historical Perspective, — «Literature and Society», 1964.
Romulo Carlos P. The Philippines in a World of Change: New Goals in Foreign Policy, — «Fookien Times Yearbook», 1970.
Ronquillo Bernardino, The Year in the Philippine Business, — «Fookien Times Yearbook», 1969.
Rosario Ernesto del, Cynics and Fossils, — «Fookien Times Yearbook», 1970.
Rosario Ernesto del, The Press and the Writer, — «Fookien Times Yearbook», 1969.
Roy Davi d, Lynch Frank and Maretzki Thomas W. The Philippines Peace Corps Survey Final Report, — IPC Papers, № 4, 1967.
Salamanca Bonifacio, Background and Early Beginnings of the Encomienda in the Philippines, — PSSHR, vol. XXVI, № 1, March 1961.
Salamanca Bonifacio S. The Filipino Reaction to American Rule, The Shoe String Press, 1968.
Samоnte-Madrid Ester, A Portrait of the Filipino Composer as Artist, — «Diliman Review», vol. VI, № 2–4, April — December 1958.
Sicat Gerardo P. Our National Economic and Social Goals, — «Fookien Times Yearbook», 1970.
Sinco Vicente, The University of the Philippines and Its Mission, — «Diliman Review», vol. VI, № 2–4, April — December 1958.
Sinco Vicente G. Two Statements on Academic Freedom, — «Diliman Review», vol. IX, № 1, January 1961.
Social Foundations of Community Development. Readings on the Philippines, Manila, 1964.
Solion geo J. P. On American Literature and American Society, — «Literature and Society», 1964.
Sta Maria F. C. Rizal’s Mission: to Dignify Men, — «Verge», vol, 1, № 1, June, 1966.
Stauffer Robert B. Philippine Interest Groups: An Index of Political Development, — «Asian Studies», vol. Ill, № 2, August 1965.
Steinberg David Joel, Philippine Collaboration in World War II, Manila, 1968.
Stone Richard L. Mahirap: A Squatter Community in a Manila Suberb, — IPC Papers, № 6, 1968.
Stone Richard L. Private Ownership of Public Property: One Key to Understanding Public Behavior, — IPC Papers, № 4, 1967.
Sumulong Lorenzo, The Need for Economic Statesmanship, — «Diliman Review», vol. VI, № 2–4, April — December 1958.
Szanton David L. Estancia, Iloilo: Town in Transition, — IPC Papers, № 4, 1967.
Tatad Francisco, The Press in a Changing Society, — «Fookien Times Yearbook», 1970.
The Colonization and Conquest of the Philippines by Spam, Manila, 1965.
Tiglao Teodor a, Health Practicies in a Rural Community, Quezon City, 1968.
Torre Nestor U. Jr. The Filipino Film: 1969–1970, —«Foo kien Times Yearbook», 1970
Trinidad Francisco and Katigba k-T an Puri, Philippine Radio and Television Today, — «Fookien Times Yearbook», 1970.
Ventura Mam er to, Postwar Economic Difficulties Facing the Young Republic, — PSSHR, vol. XXXI, № 2, June 1966.
Villanueva Buenaventura M. The Barrio and Self-Government, Quezon City, 1968.
Yabes Leopoldo Y. Jose Rizaclass="underline" Sage, Teacher and Benefactor of Humanity, Quezon City, 1961.
Yabes Leopoldo Y. Literature, Science and Obscurantism, — «Dillman Review», vol. VI, № 2–4, April — December 1958.
Yabes Leopoldo Y. Mutual Appreciation of Eastern and Western Cultural Values, — «Diliman Review», vol. VII, № 4, October 1959.
Yabes Leopoldo Y. Philippine Folk Epics, — «Heritage», vol. 1, № 2, October 1967.
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Yabes Leopoldo Y. The Problems of Cultural Nationalism, — «Diliman Review», vol. IX, № 1, January 1961.
Yabes Leopoldo Y. Two Intellectual Traditions, — «Asian Studies», vol. I, 1963, Special Issue.
Yan Manuel T. The Armed Forces of the Philippines, — «Fookien Times Yearbook», 1969.
Zabilka Gladys, Customs and Culture of the Philippines, Manila, 1970.
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Zapanta, Lea S. Marcelo H. del Pilar — the Political Thinker, — PSSHR, vol. XXXI, № 2, June 1966.
Подберезский И. В.
П44 Сампагита, крест и доллар. М., Главная редакция восточной литературы издательства «Наука», 1974.
336 стр. с илл. («Путешествия по странам Востока»).
П 10602-069/013(01)-74*247-74
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Игорь Витальевич Подберезский
Утверждено к печати
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Редактор Л. Ш. Фридман.
Младший редактор И. В. Бушуева.
Художник В. Локшин.
Художественный редактор Э. Л. Эрман.
Технический редактор М. В. Погоскина.
Корректоры В. М. Кочеткова и В. С. Леаль.
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