“How long will you need there?”
“Probably no more than a week, but Wells isn’t going to be a flight risk. He’s going to sit tight and let the legal process work to get his wife’s will probated, which could take months.”
“Right. There’s something else I’d like you to look into, Alex.”
“What’s that?”
“Wells told us in his deposition that Mrs. Wells’s first husband was killed in a mugging in New York.”
“That’s right, he did.”
“I’d like to know if there’s any chance Wells had a hand in that. Call the NYPD and see if you can track down the detectives who investigated the killings and see if you can figure out where Wells was when it happened.”
“That’s a good idea, Bob; I’ll get on it.”
“Don’t talk to Wells about it just yet. If he was involved, I want him to think he skated on that one.”
“I won’t talk to Wells again until I’ve come to you first.”
“Good. I don’t want Ed Eagle to know how interested we are in his client, either.”
“Yeah, it’s interesting that when Wells got the kidnapping threat, he didn’t call the police but called a lawyer, instead.”
“Yeah, I find that very, very interesting.”
JOE WILEN, after a night of little sleep, arrived at his office and found a message from his contact at the state police. He returned the call.
“Good morning, Mr. Wilen,” the colonel said.
“Good morning, Colonel. Do you have any news for me?”
“Yes, the dental records you sent us match the teeth of the corpse carrying Walter Keeler’s driver’s license.”
“Would you send me the coroner’s report and a death certificate?”
“Of course, I’ll do it right away. My condolences on the loss of your friend. We’ll be releasing the names of the deceased today.”
“By the way, Colonel, did anything in the car survive the fire? Any papers or other contents of Walter’s pockets?”
“No, the fire consumed the car and its contents entirely. The only reason the driver’s license fragment survived was that Mr. Keeler was thrown clear of the car.”
“Thank you, Colonel, and thank you very much for your assistance in this matter. I wonder if I could ask your help on another matter?”
“Anything I can do, Mr. Wilen.”
“I’m going to fax you a letter concerning Mrs. Keeler. I’d be grateful if you could ascertain or refute the assertions made in the letter.”
“I’ll do what I can.”
“This must be held in the strictest confidence, Colonel, as you will see, and I’d like you to destroy the letter afterward.”
“As you wish.”
Wilen thanked him, faxed the letter, then called his secretary. “Margie, please get Lee Hight and the two of you come into my office.”
“Yes, sir.”
Lee Hight was the associate who had drafted Walter Keeler’s will, and Margie had proofed it on her computer. The two women knocked and entered Wilen’s office.
“Please sit down,” Wilen said. “Lee, Margie, I have some bad news: Walter Keeler was killed in an automobile accident on the way to San Francisco after our meeting here yesterday.”
The two women looked shocked.
“I’m very sorry, Joe,” Lee said.
“So am I, Mr. Wilen,” Margie echoed.
“I’ve asked you in here, because I have to make an important decision, and before I do, I want to get your opinion. First, I want to read you a letter from a Santa Fe attorney named Ed Eagle. Mr. Eagle gave me the letter a few days ago, when I was in Santa Fe, and asked me to deliver it to Walter. He did not tell me the contents of the letter, only that it concerned the woman Walter married last week. I assumed that the contents were unfavorable to her, because Eagle asked me to deliver the letter to Walter before he signed his will.
“I gave Walter the letter, but he declined to read it. He walked over to my shredder and fed the unopened letter into it. At that point I called the two of you and Helen Brock in here to witness the will. I haven’t asked Helen to join us. Lee, when you were drafting the document, did Helen see any of it?”
“No, Joe, she didn’t.”
“So only the three of us know the contents of the will.”
The two women nodded.
“Here is the letter from Ed Eagle.” Wilen read the entire letter to the two women.
The two women sat in stunned silence for a moment. “That’s appalling,” Lee said finally.
“Now, here’s my question to both of you. You were both well acquainted with Walter Keeler. Do you think that, if he had been in possession of this information about his wife, he would have signed his will in its present form?”
“No,” Margie said. “Of course not.”
“Not unless he was out of his mind,” Lee said.
“I knew him better than either of you, and I entirely agree. If I had known the contents of the letter from Eagle, I would have insisted that Walter read it before signing, but I didn’t. Eagle faxed me the letter yesterday, after I told him of Walter’s death.”
“Joe,” Lee said, “I want to remind you that Walter’s will, after all his other bequests, leaves his wife more than a billion dollars in liquid assets.”
“Thank you, Lee, but I don’t need reminding. Now, the three of us have to make a decision together, and it has to be a unanimous decision. I warn you now that what I am talking about here is nothing less than a criminal conspiracy, a felony punishable by years in prison. I am considering altering the terms of Walter’s will by replacing two pages of it with new pages which will accomplish two things: one, I will set up a trust that will pay Mrs. Keeler fifty thousand dollars a month for life, contingent on her noncriminal behavior, and give her possession for life, but not ownership, of the San Francisco apartment, which Walter paid seven million dollars for. Two, it will reduce to one dollar the inheritance of any beneficiary, including Mrs. Keeler, who contests the terms of the will or who complains about it to the press.
“Walter’s copy of the will was destroyed in a fire that accompanied the accident, so the original on my desk is the only copy. I am proposing to forge Walter’s initials on these two pages with my pen-the same pen that Walter signed with-and substitute the two new pages for the old pages leaving Mrs. Keeler that huge inheritance. I believe that she will accept the will, especially when she learns what I know about her past. Do you both understand what I want to do?”
“Yes,” both women said simultaneously.
“If I do this, you will substitute a new computer file on both your computers, so that everything matches. Lee, do you still have my notes for drafting the will?”
“No, after you approved my draft, I shredded them.”
“Now, I have to ask each of you what your wishes are in this matter. Please remember that I am suggesting that you become part of a conspiracy to deny Mrs. Keeler the fortune she is legally entitled to and that her husband wanted her to have. If you agree to join me in this conspiracy, you can never tell another soul what I’ve done, and if you are ever deposed, or if you testify in court about this matter, you will have to perjure yourselves to protect yourselves. Do you understand what I am asking of you?”
“Yes,” both women said.
“If either of you feels, for any reason, that you should not do this, I will shred the new pages of the will and have it probated as it stands, and we can all forget that this conversation ever took place. Do you understand?”
“Yes,” both women said.
“What do you wish to do? Margie?”
“Put the new pages in the will.”
“Lee? This is a particularly important decision for you, because should the conspiracy ever become known, you would lose your law license and your livelihood.”
“I have two questions, Joe,” Lee said.
“Go ahead.”
"First, if this money does not go to Mrs. Keeler, to whom will it go?”