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Melanie was in shock. She didn’t know what to say, except ‘thank you.’

The 1st December was only a week away. She wanted to keep it as a surprise for Amanda. She would tell her on the day.

Melanie started to prepare the suitcase. She packed the photograph albums of Amanda. She wanted her father to see his granddaughter as a baby.

On the day, a car had come to pick them up. He took them to the airport, where they caught the plane. They were now on their way to Lapland.

‘Where are we going mummy?’ she asked.

‘To meet granddad,’ Melanie replied.

Amanda was really excited. She didn’t know what to say. All she could do was to count down the hours. Once they arrived in Lapland, a chauffeur driven car came to pick them up, to take them to the hotel, and then to meet Father Christmas.

Father Christmas was standing hugging his wife in the doorway. The driver opened the door of the car, and Melanie stepped out first, followed by Amanda.

‘Hello dad, its Melanie, and this is your granddaughter Amanda.’

Father Christmas took hold of Melanie and gave her a hug. Amanda was so happy to finally meet her granddad.

The rest of the day, they spent sharing memories, and catching up on lost time.

‘I suppose you will be returning back to the real world,’ Santa sighed.

‘No, I don’t want to,’ Amanda exclaimed. ‘I want to stay with nanny and granddad.’

Melanie had no choice, but to fulfil her little girl’s wishes. She stayed with her father, and Amanda just loved being part of Christmas. It was a dream come true.
