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She clung to the trunk for a whilewatching the Stay Bushes. Every once in a while her vision wasdrawn to returning patrols. Each returning patrol sent one fairy tothe large center tree and on a platform partway up the trunk thefairy bowed to a blue fairy that came out of the hole behind theplatform. Tanya surmised that she was observing Queen Mitareceiving the reports of the returning patrols and an idea formedin her mind.

Tanya continued watching the villageuntil no more patrols returned and the only movement below wasaround the Stay Bushes. Unaware of how many hours she had beensitting in that awkward position, Tanya flexed her muscles andquietly climbed down the large oak tree. Slowly and silently, shemaneuvered her way around the orchard to the point that would offerthe shortest distance to the large apple tree.

Slowly, step-by-step, Tanya inched herway towards the Queen’s tree, stopping every few steps to listenfor any sounds. Half-way there, Tanya had to press her back againsta tree and hold her breath as a fairy came out of his hole and flewto another. Two many hours of being cramped up in a tree or behinda bush caused Tanya to feel weary, but the adrenaline of sneakinginto the fairies’ stronghold kept her alert. Finally, after whatseemed an eternity, Tanya reached the Queen’s tree. She put her earagainst the tree, but nothing could be heard. Steeling her courage,Tanya scrapped her finger along the underside of the platform onthe other side of the tree. Leaning so she could just see aroundthe large tree’s trunk, she waited. Nothing happened.

Tanya stuck her finger out and, aslightly as she could, tapped the underside of the platform. Hearinga distant rustling of cloth, Tanya got ready. Queen Mita walked outon the platform and stared around. As quickly as she could, Tanyareached out and grabbed the Queen of the Fairies.

Surprisingly, the Queen did not cryout. Tanya held one finger to her lips and brought the fairy up toher face with her other hand. Tanya quickly realized why the Queenhad not cried out and shifted her grasp so the Queen couldbreath.

“I am sorry,” whispered Tanya.“Make no sound and you will be safely returned.”

The Queen glared at Tanya and spoke ina dignified voice. “You will gain nothing by taking me. The Fairieswill not bow down to your kind for the life of their Queen. Anotherwill take my place and your friends will be killed.”

“I wish to talk with youwithout ending up in your Stay Bushes,” whispered Tanya. “Will yoube quiet and come with me or must we have unnecessary bloodshed onboth sides?”

“I will talk with you,”declared the Queen, “but we will do so right here. If you manage toget me out of the orchard, my armies will pursue you and we willnot have a chance to talk. I guarantee that when our discussion isover, you will be allowed to walk out of here freely.”

“And then be pursued with avengeance,” Tanya snorted. “You will pledge your son’s life as myguarantee of safety. Swear on Prince Midge’s life that I will notbe pursued or harmed.”

“As long as you do no harm tomy people,” Queen Mita affirmed, “you have my pledge on my son’slife.”

“Very well,” Tanya accepted asshe placed Queen Mita on the small balcony. “I have heard storiesof your dealings with the Great Mage and he is said to havebelieved you an honorable and trustworthy people. I will chance mylife on his words.”

“You know the Great Mage?”Queen Mita questioned.

“No,” replied Tanya, “but myuncle knows of his stories including the one where he restored thisorchard and had Prince Midge accompany him to imprisonAlutar.”

“So that is how you knew myson’s name,” reflected the Queen. “Why have your people come intoour orchard?”

“We were captured beforecoming to your orchard,” Tanya corrected, “but we would have comehere anyway. My friends and I seek to end the Dark One’s rule andour journey requires us to speak with you about the HolySapphire.”

“What does the Holy Sapphirehave to do with ending the Darkness?” queried the Queen.

At that point a shout rang out fromsomewhere in the orchard that was quickly followed by more shouts.Tanya swung around and saw hundreds of fairies emerging from allover the orchard. As she turned back to grab the Queen, she sawQueen Mita holding her hand up to the gathering fairies.

“Hold,” the Queen shouted.“This human is my guest and will not be harmed. All of you go backto sleep, but send Midge here.”

The fairies reluctantly turned anddisappeared. In an amazingly short time, Prince Midge landed on theplatform. “As you can see,” Queen Mita stated, “the Mage told thetruth. You may trust the word of the fairies. Son, this is themissing human and I have guaranteed her safety with yourlife.”

Prince Midge just nodded and stood onthe platform next to his mother. “You were talking about the HolySapphire,” reminded the Queen.

“Yes,” began Tanya whileshaking her head. “The Prophecy states that the Dark One will bekilled by the Sword of Heavens which we possess. Before the Swordmay be used, the seven gems in its hilt must be restored. Your HolySapphire is one of those gems.”

A green fairy suddenly landed on theplatform, startling Tanya. He quickly whispered something inMidge’s ear and they both flew off. Dismissing the interruption,the Queen sat down.

“The fairies’ very existenceis dependent on the Holy Sapphire,” the Queen explained as PrinceMidge returned. “We cannot just turn it over to you even if we hada desire to do so.”

“The Sword of Heavens gave usa vision before it led us here,” Tanya explained. “The visionshowed the Sapphire and a blue fairy reciting a verse. That versesaid that the Sapphire was a lie. Surely you know the verse thatwas spoken by the fairy in the vision.”

“I know the verse very well,”confided the Queen. “This is the verse you speak of:”

Your blood will flow ‘til none isleft

While darkness around you descends

On Holy Sapphire all you have

Fate of the Fairies do depend.

The Crown of Light the Fairies’Life

Without it all are doomed to die

The Holy Sapphire just a patch

Redemption only just a lie.”

Prince Midge stared off into the forestas he said:

The Bringer knows not what he does

But fate has chosen only he

Who bears the mark upon his chest

The Winged Serpent death doth flee.

Queen Mita snapped her head to glare ather son, but the Prince returned her glare withdetermination.

“He is here,” Prince Midgeproclaimed. “He is one of the humans which we captured today. Thatis what brought Pixy to the platform moments ago.”

“Wake him and bring him here,”snapped the Queen.

“What is happening?” Tanyaasked. “What is this about a Bringer?”

“You have heard only thebeginning of the Fairy Prophecy,” Queen Mita explained. “The restdeals with someone known to us as the Bringer. We have alwaysassumed that the Bringer would be a fairy, but my son believes thatone of your companions is meant to fulfill the Prophecy. We shallsee soon enough. You have asked for my peoples’ restraint. I nowask the same pledge from you. I am having one of your companionsbrought here in an awakened state. You will ensure that fairies donot come to harm through his actions.”

“I shall,” Tanya agreed as shewatched Arik annoyingly march towards the tree.

“What is going on?” hedemanded of Tanya. “Why have they freed us and not theothers?”

“Arik, please restrain yourtemper,” Tanya suggested. “I want to know the answers to that andmany other questions. Queen Mita has agreed to talk with us inpeace and I have promised our cooperation and their safety. Let ushear what the Queen wants with you.”