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“So, your name is Arik,”greeted Queen Mita. “This is my son, Prince Midge. Arik, would youkindly bare your chest?”

Arik look stunned and turned to look atTanya, who was obviously confused about where the Queen wasleading. “I would prefer not to, Your Highness,” Arik finallydeclared.

Tanya was shocked at Arik’s answer tothe Queen, but Queen Mita merely smiled. “If you have any chancewhatsoever of even seeing the Holy Sapphire, you will have tocomply. I am told that you bear a strange mark on your chest and asthe Queen of the Fairies, I must make decisions based on what Isee. I assure you that I am not asking to embarrassyou.”

Tanya nodded and Arik opened his shirtas little as he could and turned so that Tanya could not see butthe Queen could. The Queen’s eyes grew wide and she startedshaking.

“Son,” she ordered, “free theprisoners and invite them here. I will offer them my apologies whenthey arrive, but yours may be needed at the time they are released.They are to be treated as guests, but I fear they may take offenseat the way they have been treated already.”

After Midge had left to free theRangers, the Queen returned her attention to Arik. “I am sorry if Ihave embarrassed you, Arik,” she apologized. “You are a specialperson to the fairy people and a very honored guest. If you wishnot to be embarrassed by this in front of your people, you haveonly to request it and I will make sure it is not mentioned. As forTanya’s lips, that is your own problem.”

“What does it all mean?” Arikasked. “It is only a rash which I picked up in Tagaret.”

“It is not a rash, Arik,” theQueen assured him. “It is the mark of the Bringer. You have beenchosen to return the Crown of Light to the fairy people. Who choseyou or how you were chosen is unknown to me and does not matter.The Prophecy foretells of your arrival and the task that awaitsyou. If you want the Holy Sapphire, you will have to return theCrown of Light to the fairy people.”

“Where do I find this Crown ofLight?” Arik asked.

“I have absolutely no idea,”confessed the Queen. “It has been lost for ages and if any fairyknew where it existed, we would already have it in our possession.It is the very symbol of the Fairy Monarchy.”

Chapter 24


Garth, Kalina, Fredrik, Niki, and Tediwere brought to the Father Tree in the apple orchard to meet QueenMita of the fairies. Tanya smiled openly at their arrival, but Arikseemed distant and lost in thought. Queen Mita stood regally on theplatform and welcomed the humans.

“Greeting to you all andwelcome to the land of the fairies,” she intoned. “You have mydeepest apologies for the treatment given to you upon your arrival.While I did not order your capture, I did know about it afterwardsand consented to your imprisonment. For that I can only offerapologies that are insufficient to compensate you. You are now freeand are welcome as my guests. We will extend every courtesy to youduring your time with us. I am Queen Mita, Queen of the Fairies,and this is my son, Prince Midge.”

Kalina stood with a tight grimace onher lips. Fredrik and Tedi looked around as if to determine whetheror not they were in some kind of dream. Niki peered at the smallQueen as if examining her wardrobe. Garth stepped forward andbowed.

“If the thoughts of yoursoldiers were that we were coming to attack you, then they behavedadmirably,” Garth offered. “We had no way of announcing ourarrival, but we have ridden far and long to seek your audience. Wehave a matter of grave importance that must be discussed with YourHighness. I am known as Garth Shado.”

Queen Mita smiled deeply. “You are amost eloquent and gracious guest, Garth. I have been discussingyour adventure with Tanya and Arik. I know why you have come andwhat it is that you seek. The Holy Sapphire will be presented toArik when he returns the Crown of Light to the fairy people.Introduce me to the rest of your group.”

Garth threw a puzzled look at Arik andTanya as he introduced the Rangers to Queen Mita. The Queenapologized and welcomed each member of the group before addressingGarth again.

“I assume by the others’deference to you, Garth, that you are the group’s leader,” theQueen began. “It is late and while you have slept, my people havenot. Midge will help you set up camp and we will discuss things inthe morning.”

Garth nodded and Midge flew down tohover before him. After inquiring about the Rangers’ requirements,Midge selected an area of the orchard that was not far from theFather Tree and still allowed for a campfire. The Rangers set upcamp while flinging questions to Arik and Tanya. Arik ignored allof the questions and was the first down on his blanket to go tosleep. Tanya looked quizzically at Arik every time someone askedher what was going on. Eventually, she suggested that discussing itin the morning was a good idea and she also retired. With no one toanswer their questions the rest of the Rangers drifted off tosleep.

Garth awoke early and retrieved waterfrom the stream to make coffee. As soon as Garth got the firegoing, Prince Midge appeared to offer his help. Garth’s questionswere shrugged off with an explanation that Garth should learn ofthe discussion from his own people. Midge did prove to be pleasantcompany and Garth enjoyed stories about fairy life. Of course,Midge’s favorite story was about the time he accompanied the Mageand Garth detected the soul of an adventurer in the fairy Prince.Midge did explain to Garth what had happened on the trail with thecasting of the Sleep Spell, the levitation of the prisoners, andthe disappearance of Tanya.

Soon the smell of breakfast and thesound of voices awakened the Ranger camp. Many fairies were alreadyroaming about the orchard and all of them sported inquiringglances, but no one bothered the humans. Garth invited Midge tojoin them for breakfast and the green fairy was elated. Overbreakfast, Tanya explained how she avoided capture and planned theinfiltration. Garth thought Midge’s eyes would fly out of his headwhen Tanya described how she grabbed the Queen. When she got to thepart about the Queen’s determination to see Arik’s chest and somereference to the Bringer, all eyes turned towards Arik. Arik turnedbright red and stalked off to his blanket.

“What is all this about?”Kalina demanded of Midge.

“It is not my place to talkabout it,” Midge declared.

“The Queen said that she wouldforbid her people to talk of it if Arik requested her to do so,”Tanya prodded. “Arik did not make such a request.”

Midge stared over at Arik while hetalked. “Our Prophecy foretells of the one who will return theCrown of Light to our people,” Midge finally got out. “We know Arikto be that individual whom we call the Bringer.”

“How do you know it is Arik?”pressed Kalina.

“He bears the mark foretoldupon his chest,” frowned Midge. “Now that I have told you, will youspare him further grief and embarrassment?”

“What else do the Propheciesforetell?” Garth asked.

“I am only permitted to speakof the Prophecy as far as I have,” declared Midge. “To say more isto betray my people. Please do not abuse the hospitality that wehave extended.”

With that Midge flew off to sit nearArik. “You have no reason to be ashamed of what you bear,” Midgetold Arik. “I would gladly bear it for you if that were possible.It is a sign of greatness to my people. You should remove yourshirt and wear the mark as a badge of honor because you have beenchosen for an honorable task. There is not one among my people thatwould look upon it with anything but envy and awe. You are to berespected and revered.”

Arik looked at the diminutive Princeand smiled. “Thank you, Prince Midge,” he said softly. “Your wordsare kind and I respect them, but I am not a fairy. My own peoplewill find amusement in my disfigurement and I will be scorned as afreak. I just want it to go away. I want to return home and fishwith my father.”

“Alas, Arik,” Midge sighed,“greatness can not be discarded. Destiny cannot be tossed by thewayside with careless abandonment. For whatever reason you werechosen to perform this great deed, only you can perform it. Whatcomfort could you enjoy with your father, knowing that there werepeople who needed help, which only you could provide? Face it, myfriend, you have been chosen and you will perform the task. Giventhat, make the best of it. Be proud of who you are and strive to doyour best. I will help you in any way I can.”