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Sathya Sai Baba said many times: "If you see me in your dreams, then it can only be me." During interviews, he quite often emphasized that the world of dreams is a very serious channel for direct communication with him personally. I think these are very important words of Sathya Sai Baba, because quite often people have doubts about the authenticity of mystical dreams.

If you had a dream where Sathya Sai Baba was present, how can you be sure that it is really Sathya Sai Baba, or maybe it's just an illusion? When a person thinks about Sathya Sai Baba all day long, reads Sathya Sai Baba's books and watches his videos all day long, then from the point of view of science, it is quite natural that such a person can see Sathya Sai Baba in a dream. But in the situation with Sathya Sai Baba, this principle does not work.

If Sathya Sai Baba comes to you in a dream, then it can only be him. Sathya Sai Baba is a great mystic who has the ability to consciously come into the dream of any person.

Working with dreams plays a huge role in many traditions, including Tantra and Buddhism. Since ancient times, great attention has been paid to working with dreams, and it was so serious that over time this system of practices began to be called "dream yoga."

Working with dream plots allows you to simulate events that occur in reality. A dream is a door through which we pass into the depths of our subconscious, penetrate into the subtle worlds, and get the opportunity to touch amazing flows of information.

55. In a dream Sathya Sai Baba showed me the Life-Giving Cross

There were times in my life when I wore all sorts of amulets around my neck. Sometimes they were Vedic amulets, such as the Om mantra symbol or the trident of Lord Shiva, and sometimes I wore a beautiful Buddhist vajra around my neck.

Once Sathya Sai Baba came to me in a dream and showed me a pectoral Orthodox silver cross, which lay in his palm. After a pause, he said, “you change various amulets all the time, they are all very good.” After a short pause he added, “put on this cross, God lives in the center of this cross!” I woke up. Thinking about this dream, I felt that I must definitely find the very cross that Sathya Sai Baba showed me in the dream.

Subsequently, I went to different churches, but nowhere could I find the cross that I saw in the dream. All the details of this cross were very clearly imprinted in my memory, and I was sure I would easily recognize it as soon as I saw it. Visiting the Kiev-Pechersk, Pskov-Pechersk and Trinity-Sergius Lavra, as well as Optina Pustyn, I carefully looked at the crosses that were sold in the monastery shops. I hoped that in some of the holy places I would definitely find the very cross that I saw in the dream, but I could not find it anywhere. After some time, I went to the Life-Giving Cross in the village of Godenovo. This is a famous place, which is located relatively close to Pereslavl-Zalessky.

The history of the Life-Giving Cross is truly amazing. It appeared at the very beginning of the fifteenth century. It so happened that the shepherds, who were grazing cattle in a field near a swamp, saw a bright light descend from heaven along with a ray of light, and a huge three-meter wooden cross came down from heaven landing among the people; immediately, the cross received the name: the Life-Giving Cross.

Subsequently, the cross was installed in a monastery, which was founded near the place where the cross appeared to the shepherds. For several centuries, the cross was in the monastery.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, immediately after the bloody communist revolution of 1917, the Life-Giving Cross was transferred to a neighboring village and installed in the church of St. John Chrysostom in the village of Godenovo, where it is now. The Life-Giving Cross is a powerful artifact and for several centuries many miracles have been happening around it.

When I arrived in the village of Godenovo, I immediately saw pectoral crosses in the icon shop, which were exact copies of the Life-Giving Cross. As soon as I saw these pectoral silver crosses, I immediately recognized with joy the very cross that Sathya Sai Baba showed me in the dream. I bought it, and often wear it around my neck with pleasure.

56. With the help of mystical dreams, Sathya Sai Baba guided people along the path of life

In one of my mystical dreams, I found myself in a large medieval temple, and in the center of the temple, Sathya Sai Baba was sitting in an armchair. In the temple, there were many people of different nationalities who spoke different languages. Everyone present had the opportunity to approach Sathya Sai Baba and have a short talk with him.

I realized that this was a dream. I didn't have any question, as I understood that Sathya Sai Baba had to tell me something very important. When I approached him, he looked at me carefully and said that in three weeks and four days a teacher would come to Moscow, with whom I would meet. I moved away from Sathya Sai Baba, went to the exit of the temple, and immediately woke up.

At that time, I lived in Moscow. As the appointed day approached, I began to look more closely at what would happen. Sathya Sai Baba did not give me any details in the dream. All I knew was the day on which, according to Sathya Sai Baba's predictions, I was supposed to meet some important teacher in my life.

As the appointed day approached, my excitement intensified. Finally, I learned that a Tibetan Lama, who belongs to the ancient Nyingma school of Buddhism, had come to Moscow. To my surprise, the beginning of his seminar fell perfectly on the day that I calculated, according to my dream.

As there was a day left before the seminar, I called the seminar coordinator. A young man picked up the phone, and I introduced myself, saying I wanted to sign up for the seminar starting tomorrow. Silence followed. The young man was extremely surprised. At first, I did not understand what he meant. The young man explained the reason for his surprise.

Usually, the Lama sets several conditions for the organizers, one of which was that everyone who wanted to take part in the seminar must apply at least a month in advance. After that, the lists of participants were given to the Lama, and he performed numerous rituals on these names in order to energetically prepare all participants for the deep meditation and mantra practices that he taught during the seminar.

The young man I spoke to on the phone said that something strange happened this time, the Lama said that on the last evening before the seminar, a person would call and want to sign up. The Lama instructed to enroll in the seminar the one who called on the last evening. The young man said in surprise that he understood that the Lama had me in mind. I was also very surprised.

The next day I came to the seminar that lasted a week. Despite the fact that I saw this Lama for the first time, there was a clear feeling that I knew him well. At the last class, when I approached the Lama for a blessing, he said, “I am very glad that you have come.” There was something very close and dear in his voice, and memories of past lives stirred in my heart.

Actually, I never became a Buddhist, probably it was important for me to meet this Lama and study under his guidance for some time. I know quite a lot of people whom Sathya Sai Baba has guided along the path of life through experiences of mystical dreams.

57. What will my friends and relatives say when they see my photo in the image of Krishna right on the altar?

In one interview with Sathya Sai Baba, he advised an unusual meditation technique, which at first, I took as a joke, but subsequent events showed me this was quite a serious and powerful practice.

Sathya Sai Baba, as usual, sat in his chair, looked around at all those present, and said, “I will now teach you an important meditation technique. You need to dress yourself up as Krishna, pick up a flute, put a flower garland around your neck, and make a beautiful headdress with a peacock feather. Then you need to ask someone to take a picture of you in this image, as if you are Krishna. The photograph should be placed on the altar … every day you need to meditate on this image, you can also perform rituals of worship on your photo, as if it were an image of Krishna himself.”