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Her hand clenched tightly around her sword, Shailiha watched the warriors disappear into the darkness. Despite the coolness of the night, her palms had become moist, her mouth dry.

After what seemed forever, the warriors finally returned. Crevin shook his head.

"I searched as far as I dared," he whispered, "but the wall looks impenetrable and impossible to climb. I believe that the southern gate we saw from the air is the only way in or out."

"I agree," Micah said. "Gaining entrance to this place will be difficult." The warrior smiled, his teeth glinting in the moonlight. "But not impossible."

Tyranny understood what Micah was saying. To capture a demonslaver, they would have to take to the air again. It was risky but there seemed to be no other choice.

Looking back at the fortress, Tyranny noticed a square stone structure atop the spot where two angled sections of wall joined. A soft, golden glow came from its windows. She assumed that it must be a guard post of some kind. After thinking for a moment, she whispered her plan to the others. They nodded back.

Crevin hoisted Tyranny into his arms again. Snapping open his wings, he made a short run along the shore and then launched himself into the air.

He flew as fast as he could toward the wall, then spiraled upward, staying close to the fortress. When they neared the summit he slowed and hovered again. Very carefully they peeked over the top of the wall.

There was no one there.

Landing upon the rampart, Crevin set Tyranny on her feet. After a signal from Tyranny, Micah flew up to join them. They made for the stone structure at the corner and flattened themselves up against it. The wooden door was slightly ajar; light poured softly from its windows.

Laughter came from inside. Tyranny carefully raised her face to the window and glanced in. Ducking back down, she whispered a quick set of orders to the warriors, and they nodded back.

Tyranny positioned herself before the door, quickly pushed it open, and rushed in. The warriors were right behind her.

Four demonslavers sat at a table, drinking and playing cards. When the one nearest the door grabbed up his sword and rose from his chair, Tyranny swung her weapon at his throat. She meant to behead him with a single stroke, but her blow landed short. The tip of the blade slashed across his windpipe, and dark blood rushed forth in a geyser. Dropping to one knee, she swung the blade around again, taking off one of his legs. As he collapsed to the floor, she plunged her sword into his heart.

While another slaver swung at Tyranny with a short sword and Micah battled the third, Crevin tried to follow Tyranny's orders and choke the last one into unconsciousness.

Tyranny barely avoided the demonslaver blade as it whistled around. For several moments the battle seesawed back and forth, their blades striking so viciously against one another that sparks flew. Then the slaver suddenly stopped fighting. His eyes went wide. For a moment he stared into space. With a crash he fell face down onto the table, then slid to the floor, Micah's dagger sticking out of his back.

Tyranny looked around. The first slaver Micah had been struggling with lay dead in the corner, awash in his own blood. Crevin had succeeded in rendering the last one unconscious. Still seated in his chair, the slaver's head lay slumped over the table.

Lowering her bloody sword, Tyranny walked to the door and poked her head out. Atop distant sections of the wall, she could just make out more white-skinned demonslavers treading the guard path. No alarm had gone out. She was grateful that the thick stone walls of the guardhouse had muffled most of the noise. Then she heard the soft flurry of wings, and Lan and K'jarr landed with Scars and Shailiha. Tyranny urgently waved them inside and shut the door.

Scars walked over to the unconscious demonslaver. Casually lifting the creature's head by one earring, he examined its face. Then he let go and with a thud, the demonslaver fell back onto the table. Scars smiled at Tyranny.

"It isn't fair of you to hog all of the fun, Captain," he whispered.

Ignoring him for the moment, Tyranny ordered Crevin and Micah to opposite windows of the guardhouse to watch for approaching demonslavers. Then she smiled at Scars.

"Sorry you missed all the excitement," she said. "But you'll get your chance. I've decided we're going farther."

"What are you talking about?" Shailiha protested in a whisper. "We have what we came for. We should leave right now, while we still can!"

"I'm not leaving until I know more about this place," Tyranny replied.

The princess was dumbfounded. What Tyranny was saying made no sense.

"Are you mad?" she asked. "What could you possibly hope to accomplish-other than getting us all killed?"

Tyranny glared at her companions.

"Listen to me-all of you!" she said quietly. "I have no more wish to die than you do. But we've managed to come this far, and I say it's worth the risk to try to go farther. This citadel has been the source of all of our troubles, has it not? This is the chance of a lifetime, and we owe it to the Conclave to try to learn everything about this place that we can!"

Then she gave Shailiha a conspiratorial wink. "Besides," she added, "you know as well as I that well-behaved women rarely make history."

Shaking her head, Shailiha obstinately pointed to the unconscious slaver. "What can we possibly learn about the Citadel that he can't tell us?"

"That's what I want to find out. But I do agree with you about keeping our prize safe." Tyranny looked over at Micah. "I want you to fly him back to those high rocks on the shore. For the time being, you should be safe there. If we have not joined you in two hours' time, do your best to fly the slaver to the litter. I know it will be difficult to locate, but if you are forced to leave the island without us, we are probably all dead anyway. Then I want you and the others to try to make your way back to the Reprise, and from there to Faegan's portal. Go now. And good luck."

Micah lifted the demonslaver. K'jarr took his place at the window. After a silent nod of farewell, Micah carried the slaver through the door. They heard a few short steps, followed by the familiar sound of wings.

Shailiha glanced skeptically at K'jarr. The look on his face told her that he was as unsure about Tyranny's plan as she was. Scowling, the warrior returned to his surveillance.

"I know you have your doubts," Tyranny whispered. "Just answer one question. If the Jin'Sai were here, what would he do?"

"That doesn't matter now," K'jarr whispered back. As he turned back toward them, the look on his face was grim. "While we have been standing here talking, six slavers approach! I suspect they are coming to relieve the ones we killed."

With no time to lose, they lined up in threes on either side of the door. Silently cursing Tyranny's decision, Shailiha grimly raised her sword.

Soon the approaching slavers' footsteps could be heard. They grew louder. Then they stopped. An ominous silence descended.

As Shailiha tightened her grip upon her sword, the rusty hinges of the guardhouse door squeaked.


As they walked together, Adrian looked worriedly at Abbey. Lionel's death had hit both women hard. There had still been no word from Faegan's group. Ottikar said he could easily find Valrenkium again, but if Abbey's hunch was right, getting there would be only half the battle. With every passing moment, her concern for the wizard and his warriors grew.

Adrian carried a basket containing a quill, a bottle of ink, and several rolls of blank parchment. Abbey held a flask of green liquid. She had spent several hours preparing it, using Faegan's stores of herbs and precious oils, and she would be the first to admit that she couldn't trust its effectiveness. Not only had the formula been complex, but it had been gleaned solely from memory. Without Faegan or Lionel to help her, the process had been difficult.

At their destination, they found the door guarded by a quartet of stern-faced warriors. The Minions snapped to attention.