“Why? Why? She would have been dead in six months.”
God, I hated this. I tried not to squirm as Celeste Ogden came back and sat down again. “Or she might have lived a year or more,” I said. “A long, difficult year for her and her husband-doctor and hospital visits, time demands, gradual physical deterioration, all the rest of it. The kind of situation you can’t ignore, can’t control, can’t keep under wraps.”
“Him,” she said as if she were uttering an obscenity.
“What I think happened,” I said slowly and carefully, “is that Mathias confided the situation to Drax. Needed to vent to somebody with the same mind-set who would understand his point of view. That’s what I meant about him being a catalyst. Nancy was forcing him to stand by her with the threat of divorce, of going public with her illness and what a coldhearted bastard he is-creating a scandal that might potentially damage his image, the IPO, his long-range plans. Yet if he played the dutiful husband it would mean putting his business interests on partial hold, delegating responsibility to underlings like Drax, and that could also be damaging. He was between a rock and a hard place.”
“Sufficient motive for paying Drax to commit murder.”
“Yes, but I don’t think he did. Even if the idea occurred to him, he’s too cautious, too self-protective, to take such a huge risk. I think it was Drax’s own idea to see Nancy that night. Mathias may or may not know about it; if he does, it’s in his best interest to keep quiet about it, and about Nancy’s terminal diagnosis, and let her death stand as an accident. Same for Drax, guilty or innocent. Nobody else besides Dr. Prince, as far as they’re aware, knows about the brain tumor; it didn’t turn up in the routine autopsy because the medical examiner wasn’t looking for it.”
“Savages, both of them,” Celeste Ogden said. “Monsters.”
I didn’t dispute it.
Almost immediately she was on her feet again. Yesterday she’d been calm and stationary throughout the explanation of her sister’s malignancy; today she couldn’t seem to sit still, as if the latest shock had unleashed something inside her. I watched her walk around the room picking up decorative knickknacks and putting them down again, straightening and rearranging paintings and wall hangings that didn’t need straightening or rearranging. That went on for three or four minutes. Then, abruptly, she sat down again in the same rigid, palms-up posture as before. Nothing had changed on the blank screen of her face, not even when she referred to Drax and Mathias as monsters.
“All right,” she said. “Do you call the police or shall I?”
“Neither of us.”
“We can’t go to the police. It wouldn’t do any good.”
“What are you talking about?”
This was the worst part, the part I’d been dreading most. Bite the bullet; get it said.
“There’s no case against Drax, not even a circumstantial one. It’s all ifs and maybes, supposition and guesswork. No witnesses except for Mrs. Conti, and it was too dark for her to identify the man she saw. No crime-scene evidence. No evidence that Drax was in the neighborhood or inside the house that night. No probable cause for the police to arrest and charge him, much less for the district attorney to prosecute him.”
She stared at me. “Confront him, make him confess.”
“He’d only deny it and keep denying it. So would Mathias. Men like them never willingly incriminate themselves.”
“Beat it out of him then.”
“I don’t operate that way, Mrs. Ogden. And it wouldn’t do any good if I did. Confessions made under duress won’t stand up in a court of law. He’d recant it, have me thrown in jail, hire a lawyer, and sue me out of business.”
On her feet. Down again. “His fingerprints… they must still be in the house.”
“Probably, unless Mathias has had the place cleaned since. But they don’t prove anything. Fingerprints can’t be dated and Drax was a visitor there before.”
“Then for God’s sake find some other kind of proof. That’s what I hired you for.”
“I can’t do that, either.”
“Why can’t you? I’ll pay you whatever you ask-”
“It isn’t a question of money. Or time. Or effort. The damn lousy fact is, there’s no proof to find. It doesn’t exist any longer, if it ever did. It stopped existing when Drax drove away that night and the Palo Alto police ruled Nancy’s death accidental and closed the case.”
The emotionless facade broke down all at once. It was like watching a wall collapse. Rage, disbelief, frustration, all ran dark and hot in her eyes and in her voice when she said, “Damn you, what are you telling me? Are you telling me nothing can be done, nothing? They’re going to get away with it, both of them?”
What could I say? That things always work out neatly in the end and life always delivers easy answers to difficult problems? That there’s no such thing as a perfect crime? That one way or another the guilty are always punished, justice is always done? No, I couldn’t lie to her. Some loose ends don’t get tied off, some problems don’t get solved, perfect crimes happen more often than you can imagine, the guilty all too often go free, there’s more than one reason the statue of Justice is blind. That’s the way things are. You have to accept it and deal with it.
But all I could manage was, “I’m sorry, Mrs. Ogden.”
“No. No! I won’t stand for it.”
“I’m afraid you don’t have any choice.”
“There’s always a choice. Another detective… a criminal attorney…”
“That’s your prerogative. But give them the facts as I’ve given them to you, and they’ll tell you the same thing. There’s nothing they can do. There’s nothing anybody can do.”
Up again. “Get out of here,” she said. “I don’t want anything more to do with you. Get out of my sight.”
I didn’t blame her for that. She had nobody else to take it out on; might as well be me.
I beat it out of there without another word.
It was late Wednesday afternoon before he finally got on the highway back to San Francisco. Tamara understood about the delay when he called her to explain, but he still didn’t like leaving her and Bill hanging an extra day, unavoidable or not. He’d been away too long already.
One reason was the long night; he didn’t get to bed until almost 3:00 A.M. Another was that he had to go back to the sheriff’s department in Red Bluff to sign a written statement of what he’d told Rinniak and Sheriff Macon the day before.
Rinniak was there, bleak and haggard, when Runyon arrived late in the morning, and they had a few minutes together. The two women had made separate signed confessions by then, Sandra Parnell tearfully, Ashley Kelso gloatingly. Turned out they were lovers, bisexuals-one angle he hadn’t figured on. No real surprises in the rest of it. Rinniak made no mention of Kelso, and Runyon didn’t ask.
Ashley was the leader, of course. Paranoid schizophrenic with a persecution complex-you didn’t need to be Freud to see that. She hated her father because of his strict authoritarian ways and she hated Jerry Belsize because she’d given him her virginity and he wouldn’t stand up to Kelso or have anything more to do with her after the ass-kicking incident. She itched to pay back both of them for the imagined hurt they’d done to her and, in her words, “have fun doing it.” Some of the “fun” had been spur-of-the-moment, but most had been planned over a period of months.
She and Sandra were still friends even though she had taken Ashley’s place with Belsize; the Parnell girl looked up to her. Ashley took their relationship to a different level by seducing her, “making her fall in love with me.” That gave her a hold on the weaker woman that became controlling, hypnotic. Sandra would do anything Ashley said-the torching of empty and abandoned places, for starters, using tins of kerosene Ashley swiped from Battle Hardware. Since she was a kid, Ashley had been “getting off on watching things burn,” the sexual thrill common to most firebugs. She also saw to it that Jerry found out about the homosexual affair-the reason he’d broken up with Sandra, told his parents that she wasn’t the girl he’d thought she was, and didn’t want anything more to do with her. Their relationship was stagnant anyway because of her deepening involvement with Ashley.