Save Us

Save Us
Современные любовные романы
Автор: Dane Cynthia
Серия: Dom Vs. Domme #3
Язык: английский
Год: 2015
Страниц: 56
Издатель: Barachou Press
Статус: Закончена
Добавил: Admin 23 Ноя 15
Проверил: Admin 23 Ноя 15
Формат:  FB2 (266 Kb)  EPUB (334 Kb)

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"Ian signals to the same hostess from earlier that we would like to begin. She nods, finishes her current job, and hops on the stage while we wait in the wings. 

The nerves are starting to settle in again. Ian takes my wrist as the lights go down and the stage is lit up in an array of purples, blues, and hints of red. 

“God save us,” I mutter. 

He sucks in his breath. “Yes, we need all the holy intervention we can get.” 

Don’t I know it." 

Life was never more perfect than when Kathryn said she loved me. Too bad I’m an idiot who will ruin anything good going on in my life – like pushing my dear Katie to the limits she never knew she had. 

I’ve taken her, broken her, and rebuilt her into my perfect sub. Obedient. Sensual. Disciplined. All I could possibly want now is to debut her to the world… for them to admire my handiwork, and for them to feel the stinging jealousy of not having her. 

But, you know, when you take a Domme like Kathryn Alison and make a sub out of her, she’s going to bite back. 


I’m whiplashed this way and that, torn by my love for her and her demands that I could never give in to. When I discover what she’s been hiding from me all this time, I’m livid. And more determined than ever to prove that I will do anything… 


To keep her forever. 

Oh yeah. I’ll even do that. 

Somebody save us.

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