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I know better.

My phone buzzes in my purse. Ian gestures for me to answer it, and I do, staring down at Eva’s message before our food arrives.

“So, how long you been letting this assbutt dominate you, sweetie?”

I put my phone away without responding. Ian senses my tension and whispers something that both relieves and ignites me.

“Don’t worry, Katie. I’ll make you forget everything tonight.”

Oh, boy.





Chapter 10




I haven’t been out of Ian’s shower for five minutes before he appears in the bathroom door and hooks his finger in my direction.

Even though I’ve got a toothbrush sticking out of my mouth, I go to him, because what else am I going to do with this collar around my throat?

“Have I displeased you, sir?” I flutter my eyelashes for the fun of it.

I can’t tell if he’s amused or not. “Hardly. I’ve been quite pleased with you all day.”

My hand goes to his shoulder, touching him through the cotton of his fine T-shirt. We both dressed down when we got back to his condo, but aside from him telling me to clean myself up, he hasn’t asked anything else of me since we left work. Tomorrow is the last day of my supposed training. I would think he’d want something more than a fuck in the closet.

Plus, there’s that promise he made me earlier.

I still haven’t responded to Eva. She also hasn’t pestered me any further. Which means she wasn’t teasing. She was being 100% serious when she deduced that Ian and I are in a BDSM relationship, with me relenting my usual control.

I don’t want – or need – to know what she really thinks of that. I guess the door has been left open for discussion should I choose to deal with it.

“Well, I aim to please.” My hand lingers on his arm, feeling his firm muscles and wondering how much I want him to lie on top of me. Even if we don’t have sex, it might be nice to make out until the sun comes up again. “Thank goodness you’re an easy man to please.”

“I am, aren’t I?” Ian takes my hair out of its twist, held up for my shower so I could keep it dry. “There’s something to be said for being easily pleased. Namely, I am rarely disappointed by the good things in life.”

A smile strikes my face. “And I am one of those good things, huh?”

“Of course. And I want to do some good things to you.”

He takes me by the hand and leads me into his room, covering my skin in kisses and touching the nape of my neck with his nose. I feel like a silly girl who has been selected by the captain of the high school football team for the most romantic night of her life. When I remember that Ian was once captain of the futbol team instead, I almost laugh.

Then I remember that was one of the reasons that high school me did want to hook up with him. Find out if all the stories were true, and whatnot.

Boy, were they. Too bad I had to wait a dozen years to find out the whole of it.

“Sit down.”

He’s left me by the bed. I sit, dressed in my nightgown for the evening, and now fully expecting him to rip it off me at any moment. He doesn’t. Instead, Ian gently pushes me down, one hand on my breast while his words take over my ear.

“Are you ready to feel something you’ve never felt before?”

I dunno, Ian, am I? Because I have no idea what that even means.

I’m sure I’m about to find out.

“Relax.” As if I’m not already? “Tonight, you may be a sweet princess…” Ian’s hand wraps loosely around my neck, making my breath catch within my throat. “But I’m your Master.”

Oh, shit.

We’ve reached that point.

For weeks now I’ve been anticipating it, both with dread and curiosity. The day Ian wants me to call him Master.

Here we fucking go.

“Yes, Master,” I mutter. It’s such a weird word to say. The first time I’ve said it. Sir… I’ve said that to men all my life, as a way to be polite, not so much to act subservient. It wasn’t a huge stretch to call Ian that when the collar was on.

It’s been on for hours. Approaching days.

Lord help me.

“Good. I’m glad you understand. Don’t worry, I’m a pretty benevolent Master. I only care about your pleasure and safety. And mine too, of course.”

He caresses my ass beneath my nightgown, easing my legs open until he’s looking right at the slit I thoroughly washed in the shower. What, back for more so soon? Ian is turning into the sort of Dom who can’t stand to see his sub unmarked. I mean, that can be pretty hot, but I have my limits as a human being.

Fingers work their way around my folds, within them, stroking me gently until I collapse with a sigh and start to get wet again. Because I haven’t been wet enough this week.

This man is going to fuck me. Might as well be prepared.

“Do you like being a dirty girl, Kathryn?” I’m turned on my side, Ian on top of me, fingering me, inhaling me as he starts to grind against me. “Because I think you do. I think these past few weeks have been a revelation for you.”

Well, he ain’t wrong.

“That’s all right. I like a woman who knows how to be dirty – and enjoys it.” His fingers are in deep, working slowly, helping me get wetter with every movement. “Those aren’t just my favorite types of subs, but my favorite women to be with in general. Even when you’re not wearing your collar, Katie, I enjoy how much you revel in being dirty. I don’t even care if I’m not the only man who’s seen you this way. You’re the type of woman to be empowered by many people taking pleasure in you.”

All right, buddy, watch it.

I’m nearly putty, though, when he puts his tongue in my ear. Echoes of his breath fill my head, consume me, making me his all over again. I can’t believe this is how easily I succumb to a man like Ian Mathers. If only I had more will power…

Who am I kidding? I want this. I always want this.

“Well? Do you enjoy it, Katie?”

“Yes, Master,” I whimper. He’s so strong on top of me. It doesn’t take much manipulation to get me ready and open to him. I may not be wet enough to take whatever he’s offering at the moment, but hey, give me five more minutes. And cut me some slack. I just got out of the shower.

A shower that could never be as exhilarating as this.

“Do you mean that? You’re not saying that to please me, are you? You won’t be punished if you disagree.”

The words fall from my lips before I can think them through. “I love being dirty for you, Master.”

It’s disconcerting how easy it is for me to say these things when he gets me like this. Granted, I’ve become a lot more comfortable with it over the past few weeks, but when I stop and think about it, everything is overwhelming.


“Do you want me to have every part of you?”

He sounds so far away, even though he’s right here, breathing into my ear and threatening to take me to new heights – whatever that means. “Yes,” I mutter, waiting for him to explain what’s going on.

I know I can lie here and take whatever comes, but the tone of his voice tells me it may be best to experience it without words.

He kisses a trail of adoration down my back, stopping at the top of my ass solely to remove my shorts and place his lips against my skin.

I grasp the bed within my hands, moaning as his tongue slips into my opening.

Which one?

Both of them.

It’s not the first time. The first time he played with my ass, I thought I was going to say my safe word. By that point I had learned to trust him. Once I was able to relax, I realized… well, a tongue, a finger, and even a tiny toy didn’t feel so bad. In fact, it felt pretty good.