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Now I press my face against Ian’s bed, thinking that this was one of the reasons I took a shower.

I stop thinking that as a mild orgasm takes me over. Not enough to send me to the moon, but enough to purge my brain and make me feel connected to my generous Dom.

Oh, and enough to make me wet.

“Keep looking forward.” Ian kneels between my legs. Clothes move against his skin. Since I can’t look back, I can’t see his body emerge from his clothes – only hear him move and feel him settle against my thighs.

He’s hard.

Although I’m not surprised when he eases into me, I still gasp, Ian Mathers once more making sure the world – and I – know to whom I belong.

A girl could get used to having her man do whatever he wants to her. A woman could start liking a Dom taking her over, making her call him Master, and using her whenever he likes. A sub, meanwhile, would revel in the constant passion and adoration her one and only delivers.

“You’re so tight tonight,” he mutters, urging me open, insisting that I take all of him. Not hard to do. “Would’ve thought I spread you open pretty well earlier.”

“Uh huh…” Excuse me. I’m a bit preoccupied.

I expect him to go faster. Harder. Grunt into my ear until he comes, with or without me. I don’t mind feeling possessed like that. We’ve had sex so much this week that it doesn’t even matter anymore. Go ahead, Ian, make sure I know my place in your bed.

I’m both frustrated and bemused when he pulls out at the cusp of my orgasm. Powerful lips crash against my neck, my shoulder. Ian’s erection rests on top of my ass, and the only thing keeping me from grinding back against him is this collar I’ve fully accepted as being the only thing that matters in this world.

“Please, Master,” I whimper. “Let me finish.”

Foolish Kathryn. You thought that was going to work?

“You’ll finish.” Ian leans back and pulls my ass into the air, my head still resting against the bed. “Under my conditions.”

Oh, of course.

I’m left staring at the bedspread as he hops off and rummages through his drawer of goodies. I know what to expect now. With my ass up in the air like this? Only a matter of time before he brings back that little vibrating egg and shoots me to the stratosphere.

Sure enough, something cold and wet slips between my lower cheeks. I bite my bottom lip and keep my eyes closed. Better to appreciate the sensations that way…

Holy shit, that’s not a toy!

That’s his fucking cock!

Ian.” I sound like an admonishing teacher. Well, to be fair, that’s one of my identities I moonlight as, depending on the sub… “Something you want to share, sir?

He puts his hand on my head and pushes it back into the bed. “Yeah. My cock.”

You know, back when we started these shenanigans, one of the first things I stipulated was no anal. I went along with the toys because they were little and felt good in moderation. Need I really say that Ian’s cock is substantially bigger than one of those little vibrating eggs? His tip alone feels like it’s going to split me in two!

“Excuse me, Master.” He’s sitting at the edge of my body, ready to force himself in so help him God. “I don’t recall saying you could…”

Ian’s hand silences me once again. “If you want me to stop, say your safe word.” He lowers his hand.

The word Red is on the tip of my tongue. I could say it. Right now. Let it fly as I tell him off for daring to knock on my back door like he’s going to get free admittance. The man must be nuts. Had he planned this all day?

I want to say the word, but every time I try to spit it out, all I can really say is, “Pink.”

The head of his cock pushes farther into me. Not far enough, although my thighs are clenching and my muscles are striving to do anything but relax.

“I figured as much,” he mutters into my ear. “Relax, my love. I’ll go slow and easy. I only want to make love to you.”


Love in my ass.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“I don’t kid, sweet. Though I do need you to relax so I can fuck your brains out.”

Is he making love to me or…

Pleasure – and pain – kills me as the tip of my Dom’s cock slowly inches into my ass.

He’s holding me apart with his hands, the lube he used barely enough to give him the slickness he needs to make this work. Meanwhile, I’m trying not to panic, because nobody has ever fucked me in the ass before and I have no idea what the hell to expect.

I hope it’s good.

“Pink,” I whimper, forcing my body to relax. Mind over matter, Kathryn. You can handle this man spanking you with a crop, you can handle him shoving his cock in your ass.

“I know, baby.” Ian is doing an admirable job holding in his groans. “We’re almost there. You feel fantastic.”

I wish I could say the same about him. I don’t know what to think about it yet. All I know is that my ass is being stretched to its limits, my body fighting the intrusion while the rest of me begs it to shut the fuck up.

Within ten seconds, Ian pulls out, leaving the smallest gape. As more lube hits my skin, all I can do is heave heavy breaths into the bedspread and tell myself that this is worth it.

“You’re doing great,” Ian encourages me. His hand caresses my ass, and at first I think he’s going to spank me. Yet I’m pleasantly surprised by his gentle touch. As he kisses my back and eases me open again, he says, “I know you can do it, Katie.”

What is the point of this? Other than being able to say that he actually fucked me in the ass? That’s probably it. Not that I can overly care at this point, because I’m moaning too loudly to parse any of my thoughts.

This time it’s easier for him to push into me. My body stretches all over. Not just my ass – although that’s probably the greatest example of it – but the length of my form, stretching from one end of the bed to the other as I press myself down, ready to be pierced by my…




I guess he really is right now. Only my Master could do this to me. Only a man able to call himself my Dom, my Master would have permission to take my ass for his own pleasure.

Fuck, that’s tight.” I don’t know how, considering I’m trying to relax as much as possible. Not easy, let me tell you. My ass isn’t used to this kind of treatment. It doesn’t know how to take a dick and like it. I guess there are still some parts of my body that are nothing but delicate flowers. Bud my ass.


“Ian…” I only now realize that I’m clutching this comforter for dear life. How can I not, when I’m struggling so fucking much to do something that I’m not sure nature ever intended. Especially with that fucking head of his being so damn large and intrusive. I have a hard enough time taking it in my pussy sometimes. In my ass? Good golly gee, let me turn myself inside out for you, Ian.

“Does it feel good? Because I’m…”

I don’t listen. I’m too busy moaning, because Ian has finally broken the head of his cock in, the rest of him slipping in as if it’s nothing.

Oh, it’s not nothing. It’s everything.

He slides out. Back in. Out. In.

Every time I maintain more elasticity. The man is fucking my ass. Like, actually fucking my ass wide open, making me take every inch of him as far as I can, as deep as I dare.

I’m dying. It feels so good.

Yeah, it hurts. God, does it hurt a little, but it’s that same sort of biting pain that makes spanking and nipple pinching feel good. It’s the sense of Ian Mathers claiming my body for his own pleasure. It’s me giving up control, giving up my body, giving up everything that makes me Kathryn Alison, Domme at large.

Because I’m pretty sure most Dommes don’t get fucked in the ass by a Dom – and love it.

“That’s it.” He clutches my hand, slowly upping the speed of his thrusts. He doesn’t dare go as quickly as he does in my cunt, and for good reason, but I don’t care. This is fine. This is more than fine.