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This is a slice of ecstasy I have definitely never felt before.


I love hearing him come undone. I love the idea that my body is so hot and precious that he can’t contain myself. It’s the ultimate complimenting high. I want to hear him sing my praises all day, all night, for all eternity.

Right now I’ll settle for him fucking my ass and groaning in my ear.

His hips hit my flesh with every thrust. I feel his sack strike me again and again, a new kind of spank that makes my eyes flutter shut. This is a new kind of fullness I never thought I would experience.

Fuck me, it’s the kind of experience I could only have with him.

One second I’m trapped on this bed, a man taking my ass and making sure I know that I belong to him, every part of my body. Then the next I’m overcome with both sensations and emotions. My body hurts, but at the same time it feels good – fuck it, I’m climaxing. Again. This time from the pure, raw strokes of Ian Mathers entering me like this.

“Ian!” I always forget to call him whatever name he wants to be called when I’m having an orgasm. Let’s be fair, it’s easy to forget the bullshit when your brain feels like it’s shooting out your ear and making a break for paradise.

His thrusts increase, prolonging my orgasm. Between my pleasure and pain, I feel him pulse within me, and I know without a doubt that I’m about to be claimed.

My hair pulls against my scalp, piercing my skin with pain that makes me cry through my orgasm. God, I love it. The ravishing, the movements of the man behind me, and most of all, the sensations of the whole world crashing down on me as Ian starts to climax inside of me for the second time today.

Not even in the same place.

It’s harder to feel back there. I feel warmth, but I mostly feel the fullness. Even after he pulls out, letting my hips drop to the bed, I still don’t feel much beyond my own selfish relief.

Uh oh. There it is.

“Shit, that’s hot.” Great choice of words, Ian. Woo this woman after you’ve fucked her ass. “Wish you could see it, Katie.”

“I’m good, thanks.” The first thing I do once I have my bearings again is rip off my collar. I’m due my one to two hours by now, and there’s nothing Ian can say to change my mind.

He kisses my throat where the collar once was. “You’re wonderful, you know that?”

The bed shakes as he rolls onto his side and gazes at me with… I dunno. Adoration? I barely believe it.

“You’re not so bad yourself.” I’m afraid to move.

Ian picks up my collar and examines it in the light. “Have you enjoyed yourself so far?”

What a question to ask now. “If you mean enjoyed the sex… well, yeah.”

“That’s not all I mean, and you know that.”

I meet his gaze from a few inches away. “Yes, I have enjoyed being your sub.”

That gets me a kiss on the cheek and rubs on the back. I hope for more. More kisses, more hugging, more cuddling. Except we’re both messy, and Ian is getting up, claiming he has first dibs on the bathroom. Fuck him. I’ll use the guest bathroom.

As he moves through the bedroom, I roll over to face him…

…And to flip him off like a mature adult.

“What the hell is that for?” he asks, standing in the bathroom doorway.

“I dunno. I’m sure you deserved it for something.” Before he can disappear behind a locked door, I continue, “It’s the principle of the thing.”

“Your insolence is noted.”

I stare down that look in his eye. He relents, going to the bathroom and leaving me alone.

Now it’s my turn to pick up my collar and gaze at the shining diamonds. Such a simple piece of jewelry that means so much.

I want to throw it across the room. I want to hold it to my chest. I want to put it back on.

The war in my mind continues to rage, and I’m not sure why.





Chapter 11




We’re in The Dark Hour. Together.


No, not sexually, as much as I would love to see Kathryn pull a Stephanie May and suck my cock in front of everyone. She’s never going to do that.

We’re here, though. We’re on a date, even if other people don’t know that. Tonight is the last night of my darling’s training, and I fully intend on going as far as I can with her here.

“I’m not sure I can…” Kathryn hangs near the door of the coat check. We’re the only ones in here, aside from the woman behind the counter, matching up tickets and doing her best to ignore us. “I mean… people out there know us, Ian.”

She’s dressed to kill in a black number that hugs her curves and accentuates the fairness of her hair and skin. She’s dressed up the collar with another necklace dangling in her cleavage, trying to throw off anyone’s scent regarding what we’re up to. I wish she would settle the hell down. Kathryn is beautiful, and she should know it.

“You will be fine,” I say, clasping my hands on her shoulders. After tilting her head up, I look her in the eye, smiling, reassuring. “Be yourself. I’m not asking you to be anyone other than who you are tonight.”

She vehemently points to the collar.

“Babe, it’s fine. I’m not going to ask you to do anything sexual. You don’t even have to touch me tonight.”

“Then what is the point of this?” Kathryn looks about ready to rip off her collar.

“To remind you of your role tonight. I want you to be yourself so we can protect your image, but you’re still my sub. All you need to do is follow my commands. Nothing sexual. Do you understand? We’re here to relax and have fun.”

She snorts as if she doesn’t believe me.

Someone comes into the coat check. I step back, putting distance between us and acting as if we truly are our cover – two workmates out to shake the stress. Not like that.

“Well if it isn’t the devil himself.”

James extends his hand to shake mine as girlfriend Gwen takes their coats up to the counter. When James turns to Kathryn, however, he meets an uncommon sight.

“Fancy seeing you here as well, Ms. Alison,” he says. I don’t think he and Kathryn have met much before. “Here together, or…?”

I wait until Gwen has joined us before answering. “Kathryn and I have been working nonstop on The Grand project, as you know. We decided this was a good place to get some drinks and unwind. And who knows?” I wink at James, then Gwen. “Maybe there are some nice subs running around here.” What? Just because I’m going steady with Kathryn doesn’t mean no eye candy for either of us.

“Why don’t you join us for drinks? Gwen and I have no plans other than taking in the sights and maybe having some… well, you know.”

God love this place, it’s always about sex.

We head out as a foursome, which is in Kathryn’s favor, as it throws off anyone wondering if we’re here as a couple. Why wonder that when we walk through the main door with two other people? Besides, people know we’re working together. We’re all over the news when it’s a slow day. Not to mention whatever the Andrews are blabbing.

There’s an empty table to the side of the room where we sit and enjoy more than one glass of whatever we feel like having. I order Katie and me a couple of Old Fashioneds. She’s sitting next to me on the same couch, but we’re distant, her legs crossed toward me but my hands respectfully away from her.

I don’t want it to be this way. I want it to be like at the Château, where I threw my arm around her and kissed her in front of everyone.

I want everyone to know that she’s mine. Maybe not my sub, but at least my girlfriend. What man wouldn’t be proud to call a woman like her his girlfriend? Look at her! Listen to her! For fuck’s sake, smell her perfume! A woman with that much good taste deserves to be in a quality relationship.