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Okay, okay. Maybe one day. On her birthday. Ten years from now. Ask me about it then. Actually, don’t ask. I’m gonna conveniently forget riiiight… now.

“Anyway, when you’re not thinking about ejaculating into my ear, how about we go start the movie? Think I’ll slip into something more comfortable.”

“And this isn’t comfortable?” I brush my hand against her dress. “Because I could take it off for you.”

We haven’t had sex yet today. Of any kind. I know! Our game is losing ground. Pretty soon we’ll be looking for a mistress too to keep the spark alive.

Heaven help us.

“As helpful as that would be,” Kathryn says, shrugging me off her. “I was thinking more along the lines of a T-shirt and some pajamas bottoms.” She pats my arm. “You can stay dressed like this, though. Looks good on you.”

“Oh, sure, make me stay in the itchy clothes.”

“The more you wear scratchy clothes, the more likely I am to take them off you and suck your dick during the boring parts of the movie.”

“Why would we watch a movie with boring parts?”

She glares at me, that hint of a Domme gleaming in her eyes. “So I can suck your dick, dumbass.”

“Oh. Better pick a real snore then.” I follow her out of the bathroom. “If it’s really boring you might get a turn on the couch too.”

Kathryn opens a dresser drawer and gestures for me to unzip her dress. My pleasure. “There won’t be enough time. I’m ringing you up and blowing you for like forty-five minutes.”

That sounds… painful. “Ringing me up, huh?” I slowly lower her zipper as she picks out a cute white T-shirt. She better not wear a bra beneath that. I wanna flick her nipples while we watch this long and boring background-noise-to-sex movie. “Is that what you Dommes are calling it these days?”

“Absolutely. I’ve got you a brand new one. It’s got ridges.

“Oh, Lord.” I don’t know if I’m intrigued or scared.

Just as Kathryn is about to shimmy out of her dress, her doorbell rings.

“Mother fucker,” she mumbles, smacking my hand until I zip her back up with a sigh. “This is what I get for taking my ban off visitors. I did that for you, you know.”

“You could’ve okayed your assistant and me.”

“It gets complicated then.” Kathryn fluffs her hair and smoothes out her dress. “Keep your dick in your pants while I deal with this.”

What would I be doing with my dick without you?”

She steps into the maw of her apartment. “I dunno. Playing with yourself. Shit guys do.”

“You know, what would this world be like if we made the same observations about women?” I don’t care that she’s shushing me so she can answer her door. “‘Put your pussy away, Kathryn, we’re in church.’

Yeah, that’s the last thing any of us hear the moment she opens the door.

I wish I had kept talking.

Because fuck who is caught pounding on the door and then spilling into Kathryn’s apartment, teeth bare and ready to fucking bite.

“Oh hell no!” Kathryn latches onto Stephanie’s arm and attempts to drag her back into the hall. “Get the fuck out of here!”

I intervene, but only because Stephanie looks like she’s out for blood and about to claw out Kathryn’s eyes. Which would be a shame, because my Katie has the most gorgeous eyes you’ve ever seen.

Next thing I know, Stephanie May breaks free from our hold and lands most unceremoniously in the middle of Kathryn’s living room floor. As I’m about to kneel down and fetch her, all the while telling Kathryn to call security, I get… a wad of spit in my face.


“Fuck you, Kathryn Alison!” Stephanie struggles to get back up. “I don’t know how you found out about me, but fuck you.

I raise my hand. “That was my mother. You stole her ex-husband. She was pretty pissed.”

“I don’t care who it was!” Has she been drinking? Either that or crying a fuckton. Probably both. She’s lost a lot, recently. “It’s because of her that my career is ruined and I’ll never get work again.”

“Uh, no, pretty sure that has to do with you being a shitty mother and a big fat liar.” I watch Kathryn shut the door with a look of “Why do we have to do this?” on her face. “I mean, really? Lying about your age by a whole ten years?”

“What’s wrong, Ian?” Stephanie stumbles where she stands. “Pissed that I’m actually older than you?”

“Nah, but you lied about it. You had to have known there was no way you would keep that… wait, how is this Kathryn’s fault?”

Stephanie cackles. And I mean cackles. Like, has this woman been appearing in movies as witches and banshees when I wasn’t looking? When we dated, Stephanie was poised, flirty, and fun. I wouldn’t have dated her otherwise. Is this how she really is? Is this the bullet I dodged when I shouted Kathryn’s name while dick-deep in this other woman? Wow. What a fateful night.

I apparently owe Kathryn a lot.

“You mean she hasn’t told you?” Kathryn steps forward, but Stephanie continues. “Your slutty girlfriend has been paying me off to keep my mouth shut. Until she wasn’t paying me anymore. Then I had to let the tiger loose, if you know what I mean.”

I look at Katie, but one thing sticks out to me. “It was you who leaked us to the press?”

“I had to! I told Blondie that if I didn’t keep getting my money, I would tattle on her kinky lifestyle. Though I’ve heard you’ve done that on your own recently.” Stephanie continues to laugh, a little maniacally, a lot of levels of weird. “You two really deserve each other.”

“Me? What did I do?”

“Really?” When Stephanie narrows her eyes at you, it’s almost as scary as when Kathryn does it. “You think it’s not uncouth to say the wrong woman’s name during sex?”

“You’re still hung up on that, huh? Sorry. Turns out my heart only beats for Dommes around here. Don’t think you fit that bill. You’re too naturally submissive.”

“Don’t categorize me you piece of shit!”

Well, fucking, well.

I’ve had a hunch recently that Stephanie is a bit… unwell. Maybe not unwell. I don’t want to make it sound like such people are bad and terrible, but there is definitely something going on in Stephanie’s head. Otherwise there’s no way to explain her lying about being ten years younger, abandoning her child, and sucking every man around her dry.

I’d feel bad for her, especially since her promising career is tanking, but she’s been hurting the people I love. For that, I can’t forgive her. Or pity her.

“I’ll categorize you as much as I want, Stephanie.” I approach her, cautiously, because we all know you don’t go running up to a bear going HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY. I may be bigger than her, but she’s the one on the defensive. “It’s my job to categorize people. I do it in my professional life and my personal life. And you? You’re what we would call a bratty sub. When you’re not pleasing your man to manipulate him and get your way – which, by the way, makes for a super shitty BDSM relationship, not that you care – you’re acting like a brat until a man has to take matters into his own hands and force you to obey.”

“That’s sick,” Stephanie spits. “I knew you were a sick pervert, but I didn’t know you were a rapist too.”

Whoa boy, that is some serious fucking tension in this room.

“You misunderstand me. The sub wants to be controlled and put in her place. That’s what she gets off on and what appeals to her side of kink. It’s all consensual with safe words and extensive conversation beforehand.”

Kathryn’s hand snakes over my shoulder. She leans against me, smiling deviously. “What do you think, Ian? This pain in our ass is definitely the bratty kind of sub. Assuming, of course, she’s into that.”