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She scowls at me. “I fucking hate you.”

Well, I don’t think she’s lying.

“You hate me, but admit it, you want me. You’re as perverted as we are. You liked it when Ian fucked you rough last time. He’s got a nice cock, right? I love sticking it in my mouth and then feeling it slam into my G-spot.”

I think she’s going to spit on me.

“Use your words.”

“Okay! So I wanted him to keep fucking me like that.”

“It’s true, lovely,” Ian says softly. He’s staring at Stephanie’s ass, but his body is turned toward me. “I could tell she wanted me to dominate her. She was ready to explore that shit.”

“I see. So you wanted Ian to dominate you, but he chose me, didn’t he?” My hand wraps gently around the back of her neck, squeezing so she feels such intense pressure. “Is that why you kept bothering us? Because this is what you wanted?”

The belt dangles above her exposed ass. Stephanie finally sputters, “Yes.

I nod to Ian.

He lightly smacks the belt against Stephanie’s ass.

You can barely hear it hit her skin, but she jerks forward, sucking in her breath. I doubt it hurt, but Ian isn’t going to jump in with a new woman and slap her around with a belt. Even I, his more experienced sub, got a couple practice taps to warm me up – post spanking me with his hand. This is a warm-up.

Nevertheless, it worked. Stephanie lets out a pitiful moan of acquiescence.

“Tell me more,” I say sweetly. “How hot does the thought of us taking you make you?”

I don’t need her to answer. I know. She wants us to decimate her ass and to purge her like I was purged the other night.

“You’re a dirty girl, Stephanie May.” Another nod. Another light tap with the belt. “You like sex. Not any sex. You like it when men slam you against the wall and fuck you with their thick cocks. You like it when they come inside you and make it dribble out of your dirty cunt. You like feeling like a sex toy. You love it when men hold you down and fuck your brains out until you nearly collapse.”

She squeaks in arousal. What kind of naughty thoughts are running through her head? Probably ones similar to mine.

Except I can look at Ian and share a moment of understanding with him. He’s the only man I want doing those things to me. Fuck, now I’m getting really aroused.

“Yes, Mistress,” Stephanie whispers. “I like those things.”

Ian gives her a slightly harder tap. She shakes. He says, “I like those things too.”

I could tease him and imply that he means something else, but I know what he means. “I like doing those things to women like you.” I know he does. That’s why we get along so well.

That and moments like these.

“So we’ve established what a slut you can be,” I say, patting Stephanie’s unzipped back. “That’s good. Hey, no shame. Do you know how many times I’ve asked this man to call me a slut during sex? That’s not the only reason you need this. You’ve been a spoiled, nasty little shit, and you’re going to be punished for it. Let’s start from the beginning.”

I make Stephanie recount her unforgivable behavior from these past few weeks. Blackmailing me. Stalking Ian. Dating his dad to use him and to get back at Ian. All simple shit we all know about. Every time she admits to it, and that it was wrong to do, she gets progressively harder smacks to the ass with the belt.

She jerks. I smile. Ian sweats as his cock gets harder. Hey, I’m not going to get mad at this man getting hard at belting another woman. Why wouldn’t he do that? I like knowing that my man and Dom is perfectly healthy. It would be weird if I was the only one he got off of.

Plus, I like seeing him leer after other women when we’re like this. I mean, I would expect him to be okay with me leering after other men, so…

We’re ten minutes in. I’ve got twenty minutes to make this woman really squirm and beg.

“Had enough yet?” I ask her, patting the top of her head.

She narrows her eyes. “It fucking hurts.”

“You want more, though?”

Oh, she wants more.

“Start confessing. The more you get this off your chest, the freer you’ll be.”

What happens is something I could have never expected.

Stephanie May suddenly admits that she was in love with her husband, even though from the outside it looked like she was nothing more than a gold digger targeting an elderly gentleman who couldn’t even get his dick up half the time. “I didn’t care,” she says. “I liked being with him. I was attracted to his money and connections, but he was really sweet. I didn’t think twice about having his baby, and not because it would solidify my role in the family.” When he died, she was so devastated that she couldn’t take care of her kid and watched him be removed to a family member’s household. To add insult to injury, her late husband’s family took her to court over inheritance, where they mopped the floor with her and made sure she didn’t get more than a $1000 a month allowance. Not even enough for her to support herself with, so she started pursuing acting again.

The only way she could get roles was by lying about her age. She was blessed with abundant youth… why not use it to her advantage? So she changed her birth year from ’85 to ’95. People didn’t question it. Even the agent she landed didn’t know until he did some digging, and then shrugged his shoulders and said he would have recommended it anyway.

She entered a world where all that mattered was how hot and young she was. “I did… things,” she says quietly. The last loud sound we heard was the smack of the belt against her ass, which is now a nice, pink shade. “Ugly things. I don’t want to get into it.”

“It gave you a tough skin, didn’t it?”

“You could say that, ma’am.”

I feel sorry for her. Not because she’s another victim of a vicious system, but because everything she sacrificed for has been taken away. No, it wasn’t right for her to blackmail me or do the other things that she did, but I can’t stay mad at her anymore. A part of this ritual is learning to forgive her as much as it is her learning to let go of the shit she’s choking on.

And Ian… he’s so fucking hot when he snaps his wrist, calculating the exact moment of impact. He looks composed up top until you notice how he shudders and sweats all over. His cock strains against his pants. I don’t doubt for two seconds that he wants to fuck Stephanie until he empties himself inside her. Maybe have me stand beside him, whispering into his ear that he’s the best Dom in the world.

He doesn’t dare. Because I’m here, and because he loves me.

As for me? I rush in excitement. It’s sexual. It’s emotional. It’s everything I love about being a Domme, and more. More. I’ve never helped a woman like I’ve been helped by Ian. You can’t see a hard-on beneath my dress, but I am definitely wet, from Topping Stephanie emotionally while Ian takes her physically.

Holy shit do we make a fantastic team.

“I’m shit, Mistress,” Stephanie finally says with too much conviction. “I don’t deserve anything. I’m not a good mother. I couldn’t even help my husband survive. All I’m good for is being taken advantage of and lying. I’m always lying, except for now. Or am I lying?”

Ian and I exchange cautious looks. I nod.


It’s the hardest smack yet. A large, red blot appears on Stephanie’s ass. She bows her head.

And cries.

Ian backs off. I untie Stephanie, helping her stand up, wiping away her tears with my fingertips. Her puffy face doesn’t look like an actress’s, especially with the running makeup. While Ian drops the belt onto the bed, I kiss Stephanie, tasting salt and grief as I push as much affection as I can into her.