1. You __ have looked lovely in a veil, Aunt Em. Didn't she, Uncle? (Galsworthy)2. Won't you sit down, Mr. Anderson? I __ have asked you before; but I'm so troubled. (Shaw)3. I went over to the window....The pavements were damp and reflected the yellow light. It __ have rained to-day. (Murdoch)4. "Now please tell me how you are going to celebrate the great event of my having won a scholarship. __ we have a grand sort of schoolroom treat?"... "We certainly will," replied the mother. "You have worked hard and __ have your reward." (contracted) (Meade)5. "I mean they're sending me to New York for good. To be the head of the New York office." "I don't believe it," Mrs. Smith said... "I simply don't believe it. I think you __ have lost your mind." "It's true," he said,..."I __ to start a week from Saturday." (Benson)6. There were two letters for him. One from his guardian..., the other irom his sister. The man she was engaged to... was afraid that his leave was going to be curtailed. They would __ to be married at once. They might even __ to get a special licence. (Galsworthy) 7. Pearclass="underline" I sent out to the garage and gave instructions that the old Rolls-Royce __ to be taken down at once and the other __ to go to London. (Maugham)8. "Tootie __ have been in school this year," Mr. Smith said defiantly. "And would have been too, if you hadn't carried on so about her being the baby. She'll __ to start school sometime, you know." (Benson)9. Hsshl He's still asleep. What __ we to do when he wakes? __ we go up to him and wait for it? (Galsworthy)10. Let's go over and see old Shropshire. He __ have known your father well, Con. (Galsworthy)11. "Did you __ to take a cab?" "No... there was nothing much to bring." (Cronin)12. Mrs. Ferse asked him if he had had dinner, and if he would like to go to bed; and if he would see a doctor; but he __ speak, he sat with his eyes closed. (contracted) (Galsworthy)13....from time to time he and Esther Norn __ to be seen together. (Dreiser)14. Paula: Ahl (She sits at the piano and touches the keys.) Lady Orreyed: Oh, yes, do play! That's the only thing I envy you for. Paula: What __ I play? (Pinero)15. A doctor called in at this late hour...He suggested a nurse, but this Mrs. Widdle, ill as she was, __ not hear of. It would cost so much. (Dreiser)16. You __ not be so careless with your things. (Gow and D’Usseau)17. You __ not to tell Dad what I told you, Mother. (Galsworthy)18....indignation against Martin ran high. No one __ have anything to do with a Socialist traitor. (London)19. It's all over the town, and __ injure your reputation. (Forster)20. We __ have children, Gretta — a lot of children. There would be no time to worry about ourselves then. (Caldwell)21. "O Sue!" he cried, sitting down beside her and taking her hand. "How is this! You couldn't write?" "No, it wasn't thatl" she answered. "I did catch a bad cold — but I could have written. Only I __ I" (contracted) (Hardy)22. She was always well-dressed and carried herself with an inimitable air that __ have been bora in her. It __ never have been acquired. (Dreiser)23. To Zedelbush Wolff said, "Go and order your men to drop their arms. They __ to leave the hotel singly and with upraised hands." (Heym)24. There are some houses there somewhere. We'll ask, they __ have seen him. (Galsworthy)25. "Well, Annie," he said. "I gave Trask a dollar for his trouble." "You __ not have done that, Father/' Mrs. Smith said. "After all, we do pay him to watch the house." (Benson)26. On the inland side hills __ to be seen, spotted with olive trees... (Murdoch)27. " __ I ask," he said..., "what it is that is bothering you, my dear?"(Carter)28. "I __ be out again directly," he said to the driver, or I __ be kept some time." (Galsworthy)29. You __ to stay out so late: it makes you fit for nothing, (contracted) (Galsworthy)
1. «Помочь вам?» — «Нет, спасибо, я сделаю все сама». 2. «Не знаю, справлюсь ли я с этой работой в такой короткий срок». — «Вы должны были подумать об этом раньше». 3. Не может быть, чтобы он уже вернулся, ведь он вчера только уехал в Москву. Вы, должно быть, ошиблись. 4. Вы не должны позволять ей читать в сумерки, она может испортить глаза. 5. Вы не должны' были оставлять гореть газ, такими вещами нельзя шутить, ведь мог произойти пожар! 6. Он должен был поехать в Москву на прошлой неделе, но конференция задержала его на несколько дней. 7. Тысячу раз я просила ее не хлопать дверью, когда я занимаюсь, но она все равно хлопает. 8. Я вас, должно быть, неправильно понял и поэтому пришел так рано. 9. Вам не к чему брать зонтик, на небе нет ни облачка. 10. Мне придется оставить ей записку, я ее, наверно, не увижу. 11. «Почему они ее тогда не видели?» — «Она могла уйти до их прихода». 12. Вам незачем идти на почту, я отправлю ваше письмо. 13. Джордж должен был вчера у нас обедать, но ои не пришел. 14. Погода была прекрасная; мы пошли в сад, всюду можно было видеть счастливые лица детей. 15. «Купить вам „Сдается в наем" Голсуорси?» — «Нет, не надо; моя сестра была вчера в книжном магазине, она, возможно, купила эту книгу». 16. Доктор велел ей лежать в постели, но она и слышать об этом не хотела. 17. Обычно я хожу в филармонию пешком, но вчера я вышел поздно, и мне пришлось сесть в автобус.