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Exercise 14. Translate into English, using Absolute Constructions.

1. Так как было очень тепло, дети спали на открытом воздухе. 2. Когда все приготовления были закончены, пионеры отправились в поход. 3. Корабль медленно плыл вдоль берегов Белого моря; сотни птиц кружились над ним. 4. Было очень темно, так как на небе не было ни одной ззездочки. 5. Когда солнце село, туристы развели костер. 6. Когда торжественное заседание (grand meeting) окончилось, начался концерт.


1. Вулич молча вышел в спальню майора, мы за ним последовали. (Лермонтов) 2. Меня лечил полковый цырюльник, ибо в крепости другого лекаря не было. (Пушкин)3. Тут Иван Кузмич оборотился к нам, и все его внимание устремилось (to give) на неприятеля. (Пушкин)4. Час спустя Павел Петрович уже лежал в постели с искусно забинтованной ногой. (Тургенев)5. Я лежал на диване, уставив глаза в потолок... когда Вернер вошел в мою комнату. (Лермонтов)6. Оглянешься на (I would look round...) Карла Ивановича, а он сидит себе с книгой в руке и как будто ничего не замечает. (Л. Толстой)

Exercise 15. State the function of the Participle and Participial Constructions.

1. Philip limped to the door, turned there, meaning to say something, saw Adele Gerry sitting in her chair, looking blankly at the floor, with her face a ruin of sorrow... and age. (I. Shaw) 2....the girl being really weak and exhausted, dropped her head over the back of a chair and fainted. (Dickens)3. Poor luck pursuing him, he had secured but ten cents by nightfall. (Dreiser) 4. Vincent glanced over at Christine knitting by the fire. (Stone) 5. At that moment footsteps were heard coming across the hall. (Murdoch)6. He had discovered the loss of his pound when taking his coat off, and had at once suspected Loo; but then he had wondered if he hadn't had his pocket picked at the pub. (Lindsay)7. She frowned a little as though puzzled. (Greene)8. His meal over, and numerous questions from his mother answered, he turned from the table to the hearth. (Ch. Bronte)9....he came in quietly, cap and coat on, and sat down, looking at the candles. (Llewellyn) 10. I imagine that she saw her husband installed in a luxurious suite of rooms, dining at one smart restaurant after another, and she pictured his days spent at race-meetings and his evenings at the play. (Maugham)11. She looked at me slyly, as if concealing something. (Hansford Johnson)12. A man could be seen advancing from the outskirts towards them. (Hardy)13. But is a man not equally attractive when married? (Wilde)14. She found Abraham pacing the- house, his head down, his hands clasped behind his back. (Stone)15. In the night, going slowly along the crowded roads we passed troops marching under the rain, guns, horses pulling wagons, mules, motor trucks, all moving away from the front. (Hemingway)16. I never saw a woman so altered. (Wilde)17. Collingwood did not usually utter a word unless spoken to. (Snow)18. Rosa's voice could now be heard rising above the din. (Murdoch)19. This thought broke her down and she wandered away, with the tears rolling down her cheeks. (Twain)20. Having closed it [the door] on him, Fledgeby returned to Lammle, standing with his back to the bedroom fire, with one hand under his coat-skirts, and all his whiskers in the other. (Dickens)21. The floor, though regularly swept every evening, presented a littered surface. (Dreiser) 22. When next he comes he'll find everything settled. (Maugham)23. The city lay around Central Park in a deep hush, the four-o'clock-in-the-morning sky mild with stars and a frail softly rising mist. (/. Shaw)24. As if touched by wand, Annette and Rainborough froze into a silent immobility, arrested in wild gestures of the struggle. (Murdoch)25. She went to the front.window to see if the rain had stopped; there coming down Eighth Street, a carpet bag in one hand, an unopened umbrella in the other, with his coat-tails flying in the breeze, and his head craned forward, was Abraham. (Stone)26. He listened as though brooding... (Snow)27. Those days are finished. They are blotted out. (Du Maurier)28. Temple held the child, gazing at the woman, her mouth moving... (Faulkner)29. One evening he was seen... going into this very house, but was never seen coming out of it. (Jerome K. Jerome)30. They now had all her telephone calls intercepted. (Snow)31. She was understanding. Educated. Well situated in New York. (Bellow)32. He sat alone, with hate curled inside him, and envied them all, the shouting children, the barking dogs, the lovers whispering. (Greene)33. She saw Abraham coming up the street carrying a blue cotton umbrella. (Stone)34. And still she sat there, her hands lying loosely in front of her, staring at the wall. (Lessing)35. Having finished dinner, he sat with his cigar in a somewhat deserted lounge, turning over weekly papers... (Galsworthy)36. Giano had hesitated with the answer, not wanting to lie, yet not quite knowing how to tell the truth. (Baum)

Exercise 16. Translate into English.

1. M. В. Ломоносов, родившийся в семье бедного крестьянина, с самого детства проникся любовью (to be inspired with love) к своему народу и своей родине. 2. Когда он был мальчиком, он часто ездил с отцом на Белое море и в Северный Ледовитый океан; постоянные морские путешествия развивали в нем волю и упорство. 3. Покинув в возрасте девятнадцати лет родную деревню, он пешком пошел в Москву учиться. 4. Прибыв в Москву, он поступил в Славяно-греко-латинскую академию (the Slavonic-Greek-Latin Academy). 5. Так как Ломоносов был одним из лучших студентов, его послали за границу, чтобы усовершенствовать свои знания. 6. Назначенный профессором химии Петербургской академии наук, Ломоносов повел борьбу за самостоятельное развитие русской науки и культуры. 7. Многие ученые, приехавшие из Европы, презирали русскую культуру. 8. Ломоносов занимался (to be concerned with) вопросами, относящимися к различным областям естествознания, истории и филологии. 9. Он предполагал написать работу, охватывающую (to embrace) все отрасли естествознания. 10. В своей лаборатории Ломоносов делал химические анализы солей н руд, присылаемых в академию. 11. Опыты, проведенные Ломоносовым, привели к многочисленным открытиям; самым важным среди них является закон сохранения материи (the law of preservation of matter). 12. Основанный Ломоносовым университет сделался центром передовой науки.