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Exercise 2. Define the kinds of subordinate clauses (subject, object and predicative clauses). Translate into Russian.

1. Miss Casement stopped what she was doing and stared at Rainsborough. (Murdoch)2. What you saw tonight was an ending. (Murdoch)3. About what was to come she reflected not at all. (Murdoch)4. It's odd how it hurts at these times not to be part of your proper family. (Murdoch)5. The trouble with you, Martin, is that you are always looking for a master. (Murdoch)6. Suddenly realizing what had happened, she sprang to her feet. (Caldwelt) 7. "It looks as though spring will never come," she remarked. (Caldwell)8. I want you to sit here beside me and listen to what I have to say. (Caldwell)9. Who and what he was, Martin never learned. (London)10. That I am hungry and you are aware of it are only ordinary phenomena, and there's no disgrace. (London)11. What he would do next he did not know. (London)12. It was only then that I realized that she was travelling too. (Murdoch)i3. What I want is to be paid for what I do. (London) 14. I cannot help thinking there is something wrong about that closet. (Dickens)-15. And what is puzzling me is why they want me now. (London)16. That was what I came to find out. (London)17. What I want to know is When you're going to get married. (London)18. Her fear was lest they should stay for tea. (Ch. Bronte)19. That they were justified in this she could not but admit. (London)20. What was certain was that I could not now sleep again. (Murdoch)21. What vast wound that catastrophe had perhaps made in Georgie's proud and upright spirit I did not know. (Murdoch)22. After several weeks what he had been waiting for happened. (London)23. And let me say to you in the profoundest and most faithful seriousness that what you saw tonight will have no sequel. (Murdoch)24. I understand all that, but what I want to know is whether or not you have lost faith in me? (London)25. He could recall with startling clarity what previously had been dim and evasive recollections of childhood incidents, early schooling and young manhood. (Caldwell)26. It's been my experience that as a rule the personality of a human being presents as much of a complexity as the medical history of a chronic invalid. (Caldwell)27. He [Cowperwood] had taken no part in the war, and he felt sure that he could only rejoice in its conclusion — not as a patriot, but as a financier. (Dreiser)28. He felt as if the ocean separated him from his past care, and welcomed the new era of life which was dawning for him. (Thackeray)29. It was noticeable to all that even his usual sullen smile had disappeared. (Caldwell)30. That I had no business with two women on my hands already, to go falling in love with a third troubled me comparatively little. (Murdoch)31. I only write down what seems to me to be the truth. (Murdoch)32. Believe me, believe us, it is what is best for you. (Murdoch)33. Pleasantly excited by what she was doing, she momentarily expected somebody to stop her and remind her that she had forgotten to buy the evening paper and had failed to take the bus home at the usual time. (Caldwell)34. I dislike what you call his trade. (Murdoch)

Exercise 3. Define the kinds of attributive clauses. Translate into Russian.

1. "Everybody who makes the kind of blunder I did should apologize," he remarked with a pronounced nodding of his head. (Caldwell)2. Rachel had become aware of the fact that she was talking loudly. (Swinnerton) 3. He took after his blond father, who had been a painter. Rosa took after her dark-haired mother, who had been a Fabian. (Murdoch)4. What we are interested in, as author and reader, is the fact that publishing in England is now an integral part of big business. (Fox) 5. The first thing Martin did next morning was to go counter both to Brissenden's advice and command. (London)6. The invalid, whose strength was now sufficiently restored, threw off his coat, and rushed towards the sea, with the intention of plunging in, and dragging the drowning man ashore. (Dickens)7. He was suddenly reminded of the crumpled money he had snatched from the table and burned in the sink. (Caldwell)8. Georgie, who is now twenty-six, had been an undergraduate at Cambridge, where she had taken a degree in economics. (Murdoch)9. He would speak for hours about them to Harry Esmond; and, indeed, he could have chosen few subjects more likely to interest the unhappy young man, whose heart was now as always devoted to these ladies; and who was thankful to all who loved them, or praised them, or wished them well. (Thackeray)10. I hardly know why I came to the conclusion that you don't consider it an altogether fortunate attachment. (Pinero)11. He walked to the window and stood there looking at the winter night that had finally come upon them. (Caldwell)12. What terrified her most was that she found deep in her heart a strong wish that Mischa might indeed want to reopen negotiations. (Murdoch)13. Directly in front of her window was a wide terrace with a stone parapet which swept round to what she took to be the front of the house, which faced the sea more squarely. (Murdoch)14. He spent half the week in Cambridge, where he lodged with his sister and lent his ear to neurotic undergraduates, and the other half in London, where he seemed to have a formidable number of well-known patients. (Murdoch)15. I went upstairs to lie down and fell into the most profound and peaceful sleep that I had experienced for a long time. (Murdoch)16. "Palmer Anderson," said Georgie, naming Antonia's psychoanalist, who was also a close friend of Antonia and myself. (Murdoch)17. She looked to him much the same child as he had met six years ago... (Murdoch)18. Rosa had the feeling that she was both recognized and expected. (Murdoch)19. Maybe the reason you don't want to goto a specialist is because you don't want to change—you want to stay as you are. (Caldwell)20. Gretta regarded him with a look on her face that was unrevealing of her thoughts. (Caldwell)21. Such light as there was from the little lamp fell now on his face, which looked horrible — for it was all covered with blood. (Priestley) 22. Three days after Gretta and Glenn Kenworthy's Saturday night party, which was still being talked about among those who had been present, Royd Fillmore presented a formal jesignation to the governing board of Medical Square Clinic. (Caldwelf)