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They walked upstairs together. “What rooms will be used for the party?”

“The drawing room, the dining room, and the library. Everything for all three rooms will be in the vans. Actually, I’m much closer to being finished than Sir Charles realizes. From today, it’s mostly cleaning and polishing. My assistant will be in charge while I’m gone. I’ll plan to stay in New York for a week or so, and when I get back I’ll do a walk-around and make lists of things that are imperfect. In a couple of weeks your house will be done. When will you see it again?”

“Late spring, I should think.”

“A good idea to wait for spring weather. Most Americans can’t handle our winters.”

“I’m not one of them. I love this country the year ’round. It’s beautiful when it rains, though not necessarily on the motorway in a deluge.”

“That’s more than a lot of Englishmen would say.”

“If you know a good restaurant, I’ll take you out for dinner.”

“I’m happy to dine in. I’ll be tired by the time everything is in place. I have a lot of pictures to hang, too.”

“Can I help?”

“Certainly not, you’d just be in the way.” She kissed him. “Now go take a nap, or something.”

Stone went back to the master suite, arranged himself in a comfortable armchair with his feet up, and called Dino.

“Where the hell have you been?” Dino demanded. “I’ve heard all sorts of crazy rumors about you buying a country estate in England.”

“They’re all true,” Stone said, “and I can’t wait to show you the place. It’s just terrific.”

“Look, I know you’ve always imagined yourself as an English gentleman, but now you’ve gone — what do they say over there?”

“Around the bend,” Stone replied, “and loving it. I’m flying home Monday morning and bringing a delightful woman who is the designer on the renovation of the house. Let’s have dinner Wednesday night.”

“I guess it’s just as well you managed to get rid of the last one so quickly.”

“I haven’t heard a word from her, so I guess she’s still angry.”

“I tried to reason with her on the flight home from Rome, to no avail. When I told her about the reward you and Marcel posted, it made her even madder. She said she was going to make Arthur repay you.”

“Arthur has already offered, and I accepted before he could change his mind. That’s why I can afford this house — that and if I sell the Washington, Connecticut, place to Bill Eggers.”

“Take pictures of the house,” Dino said. “Viv will kill us both if you don’t. She’s already planning a visit, but I haven’t had time yet to explain to the mayor what I was doing in Rome for ten days. I’ve been avoiding seeing or speaking to him.”

“That sounds like a good policy.”

“Always. Now go take pictures.”

Stone did so, with his iPhone, outside and in.


Stone was dressing for Sunday night’s event when he heard voices and car doors slamming at the front of the house. He peered through the curtains and saw people getting out of Jaguars and Range Rovers, dressed to the nines. They were on time, and he was glad he was not the evening’s host.

Someone rapped on his bedroom door, and he admitted Susan, in a tight red dress and a spectacular necklace.

“I’m not expected to be ready on time, am I,” he asked, “not being the host?”

“I suppose not. May I have a drink?”

“I’ll have to ring downstairs for it, and I think they must be pretty busy.”

“You haven’t explored your suite, have you?” She walked to a corner of the room and tugged on what looked like a bell cord for summoning servants. Two panels in the wall slid silently open, revealing a small wet bar.

“You’ve anticipated my every need,” Stone said, mixing her a martini. “Even an ice machine.”

“I have,” she replied.

He poured himself a Knob Creek. “You look good enough to molest,” he said, “if it weren’t for that dress.”

“It comes off quite easily,” she said, “but you can’t muss my makeup. It goes back on very slowly. Can you restrain yourself until a bit later, when we don’t have guests to greet?”

“Oh, I suppose,” he said.

“May I tie your bow tie?”

“If it would please you.”

She buttoned his collar, took hold of both ends of the tie, made a little motion, and it was tied. He checked the mirror. “How did you do that? It takes me three times longer to get it right, and you’ve done it perfectly the first time.”

“Innate skill,” she replied, “and a little practice.”

They tapped glasses and drank.

“Mmmm,” she said, “you do make a good martini, and it’s good to have a head start on the others. I wouldn’t want to go downstairs entirely sober.”

“Then you shan’t,” Stone said. “What do you have left to do to this room?”

“Hanging of the curtains — these are temporary — and pictures — that’s about it. Oh, I picked up a very nice rug for it, too.”

More car doors were slamming outside, and Stone slipped into his jacket, tucked a white satin pocket square into his breast pocket and a jotter pad and his pen into an inside one. “There. Let’s go downstairs and face them.” They both tossed off the rest of their drinks and walked out the door and downstairs into the hall, where Sir Charles and Elizabeth Bowen were greeting their guests.

“Stone, come stand with us,” Charles said, “and meet your new neighbors, and Susan, you come and take compliments. Everything in the house looks splendid.”

They joined the couple and Stone began to meet his neighbors. More than half of them, he noted, were wearing Squadron mess kits, and he was introduced to several of them as officers in the club, one of them the commodore. Each of them took a few minutes to talk with him and compliment Susan on the house. When the arrivals trickled to a stop they took a stroll around the room, meeting others.

“You’ve really done a wonderful job,” Stone said. “This is the first time I’ve seen completed rooms.”

“Thank you, kind sir. Come this way.” She led him into the hall and showed him his Constable, which he liked very much, then into the library, where a pianist was playing, and he came face-to-face with his other new art acquisition. “This is your new Turner,” she said. “It’s called Storm over Cowes.”

Stone was amazed. The castle was in the foreground, and a storm raged at sunset over the village. Boats were in disarray, and people ran for shelter. “I’ve never seen such a sky,” he said.

“If you spend a few summers in Cowes, you will one day, it’s guaranteed.”

Charles came and stood next to them. “I was a fool to sell it,” he said.

“Well,” Stone said, “I’m not giving it back.”

Charles clapped his hands, and the pianist stopped his tune and played a fanfare. “My Lords and Ladies, ladies and gentlemen,” he called out, “please come in from the hall and gather in the library.” People came in and filled the large room.

Charles took Elizabeth’s hand and moved her before the fireplace, where a man stood, holding a book.

“I know this may come as a shock,” Sir Charles said. “It certainly shocked me, but Elizabeth Bowen has condescended to become my wife.”

Applause and delighted laughs broke out. “Stone, will you and Susan stand up for us?”

“Of course,” Stone said, and escorted Susan to the fireplace. It was over very quickly: the magistrate asked the right questions and got the right answers, and he pronounced them man and wife. The magistrate gave the bride and groom and their witnesses the certificate to sign, then Charles handed it to Major Bugg. “Put that in the safe,” he said. “Now, all of you, a buffet is being served in the dining room, and you must be starved.”