“Has he?” Mick replied disinterestedly.
He’d not seen Silence since he’d sent her away this morning, but their kiss haunted him. Even after taking care of his lust, his flesh still demanded her. He smiled wryly to himself. A kiss. A simple kiss and he was panting after Silence.
And forgetting where he was it seemed. Mick glanced at his lieutenant. “Ye’ll have to repeat yerself, Bran, me lad, I’m afraid me head is in the clouds.”
“Your head has been in the clouds since you brought Mrs. Hollingbrook here,” Bran said in a voice that cracked at the end of his sentence.
Mick had been sitting in his desk chair, his long legs carelessly flung over the arm. Now he slowly straightened and let his booted feet hit the floor heavily. “Have ye somethin’ ye wish to say to me?”
The boy held his gaze—a feat that many older and brawnier men had failed to do. Mick noticed that Bran’s jaw was darkened with his beard. A year or so ago, one could hardly make out the fuzz on Bran’s cheeks. His shoulders seemed heavier, too—and was he an inch taller? Perhaps it was past time Mick stopped thinking of Bran as a boy.
“You always told me that a man must make his decisions with his head, not his cock,” Bran said. “You said that a man entangled by a wench couldn’t think straight. That he lays himself open to misstep and misstep leads to ruin.”
Mick tilted his head, studying Bran thoughtfully. “Why, Bran, me lad, I had no idea ye’d taken me words so to heart.”
Bran merely stared at him, looking a little sullen. “She’s distracted you.”
Mick felt a prick of irritation. “And what o’ yer fair Fionnula, now? Hasn’t she caught yer cock and yer attention?”
“No?” Mick laughed. “Come, Bran, ye needn’t lie to me. Our pretty Fionnula loves ye true.”
“She might,” Bran said coldly, “but that doesn’t mean I love her.”
Mick narrowed his eyes. “Then ye’d give her up, were I to order ye to?”
“And if I told ye to bring her to me bed?” Mick asked softly. “Would ye bring the lass and sweetly hand her over to me?”
“In a thrice,” Bran said stubbornly. “Is that what you want?”
Mick felt his mouth curve. “Oh, not at the moment, no, but I am that glad to hear ye’d whore out yer sweetheart should I want her. Such loyalty is more than a man should expect.”
Finally Bran showed unease. A mottled red flush rose on his neck. “It’s what you asked for.”
“Was it?” Mick asked gently. “I wasn’t exactly sure.”
For a moment Bran stared at Mick, some kind of emotion working behind his features.
Mick watched him thoughtfully. They were all on edge after the deaths of Sean, Mike, and Pat, but something more seemed to be bothering Bran.
Mick came to a decision. “I want ye leadin’ the next raid.”
Bran’s eyes widened in shock. “You’ve never let anyone lead but yourself.”
“Aye, and perhaps it’s time I did,” Mick said. “Ye aren’t tryin’ to back out now, are ye?”
“No! I’d be happy to lead in your stead.”
“Good,” Mick said. “Ye’ll need to make a plan and report back to me on it, hear?”
A grin split Bran’s face. Suddenly he looked more like the oversmart scamp Mick had taken on so long ago. “Aye, Mick!”
He was out the door in an instant.
Mick chuckled to himself. He should’ve given Bran the responsibility months ago. Well, at least he’d done so now.
The door opened again and Harry’s ugly mug appeared. “Mr. Pepper would like a word.”
Mick nodded. “Send him in, then.”
Harry made to leave, but Mick called, “Harry?”
“How’s the lass?”
Harry’s broad face relaxed into a grin. “Mrs. ’Ollingbrook sent down for more vittles this afternoon—the babe is eatin’ like a starvin’ wolf cub.”
Mick sat back, feeling like grinning himself. “She’s better?”
“Oh, aye,” Harry said. “She’s been chasin’ Lad ’round the room and even Bert ’as smiled at ’er play.”
Mick’s eyebrows shot up. “Bert smiled?”
“Well…” Harry considered. “ ’Is mouth twitched anyway. Might’ve been gas, but I like to think ’twere a smile.”
“Huh,” Mick grunted. If Bert was moved by the baby she was quite the charmer. He felt an odd sensation in his chest, something that might’ve been pride.
The rest of the day went by slowly as he examined the books with Pepper and discussed the special “insurance” investments that Pepper had made on his behalf.
It wasn’t until Mick was walking to his dining room, feeling anticipation, that he realized Silence most likely wouldn’t be there tonight. While the baby had been sick, he’d ordered food brought for both her and the child to their rooms. The toddler might be feeling better now, but Silence would probably still stay with her to make sure of her health.
He walked to his seat, barely acknowledging his men. What was it about the woman that his supper should be bleak without her? Every other woman he’d only valued for what lay between her legs. He wanted that from Silence as well—make no mistake—but he also had the strangest urge to simply talk with the woman. To flirt and provoke and watch her brown-green-blue eyes spark in outrage, soften with interest, warm with heat.
Mick sat and stared down at a plate of roast goose without interest, irritated by his own apathy. He’d eaten countless meals without the wench and been perfectly happy—joyous, even—why then should—
“Don’t you like roast goose?”
He felt the grin stretch his lips before he even looked up. “It’s me favorite.”
She looked adorably confused—and a little shy. Perhaps she was remembering the kiss they’d shared that morning. The thought gave him a tender pang near his heart.
She licked her lips. “Then why were you staring at your plate as if you wished the goose was alive again so you might slaughter it?”
He shrugged, leaning back in his chair and propping his chin in one hand to watch her. She’d slept some since he’d last seen her, despite the baby’s return to activity. Her cheeks were a light, healthy pink, and her eyes bright and alert. The sight gladdened him, though he frowned a little at her dress. She wore her usual black with but a white cap and white collar. He’d once seen her in brown, but that had been a year ago.
What would she look like in sparkling blue or deepest red? His gaze dropped to her breasts, barricaded behind worsted wool. She was slim, but still nicely rounded. He’d wager her breasts would look a treat framed by a low-cut emerald bodice, her fair skin shimmering in the candlelight. He’d give—
“Have some boiled turnips,” she said, passing him a bowl.
Mick frowned. “Turnips? At me table? I’ll have a word with Archie, I will.”
“There’s no need,” she said blithely as she served him the misshapen vegetables. “I already have.”
His eyebrows arched. “What do ye mean?”
“I mean,” she said as she accepted a dish of boiled beef from Moll, “that I discussed with Archie the food you serve at your table and I’ve made a few healthful additions. I think you’ll find that your digestion improves considerably.”
He watched in bemusement as she added a heaping mound of steaming carrots to his plate. She was serving him as if she had every right. As if she were the mistress of his table and his home. Strange that. He supported an entire household of people—pirates, servants, and until recently a bevy of doxies—but no one had ever attempted to care for him. The thought spread warm pleasure through his chest—even if the things she was serving did not.
“Vegetables and good English beef, simply prepared, are quite beneficial for the constitution,” she said.