Catriona looked at Amanda. "Precisely." Amanda's tone, and the militant light in her eye, suggested she'd already stubbed her toe on that step.
"The last point, one which, in your cases especially, I would strongly urge you to consider, is his attitude to family." It was on the tip of her tongue to explain that she hadn't considered that herself-because she hadn't known to do so. But The Lady had ordained her marriage-and The Lady had looked out for her. Pausing in her labors, she studied the twins. "You were born into and raised within a large and close family-not everyone has that advantage. But you would miss it dreadfully, and find life very difficult, if the man you chose did not value your family, and the concept of family, as you do."
Two pairs of huge blue eyes blinked at her; in that instant she knew their thoughts. Family? They weren't aware they valued the concept-it had simply been there, a constant all their lives; they had, perhaps until now, taken it for granted.
"Hmmm." Amanda frowned.
"And, of course," Catriona pointed out, "any gentleman wishing to marry either of you will have to run the gauntlet of your family."
Both girls rolled their eyes.
"As if we could ever forget!"
"That's always a worry," Amelia said. "What if the gentleman we want doesn't pass the family's inspection?"
Catriona smiled and looked down at her paste. "If the one you want meets those four criteria, I think you'll find the Cynsters will welcome him with open arms."
Chapter 19
Catriona was not called upon to make any declaration on the question of her husband's complete recovery; the next morning, Richard demonstrated his return to full vigor by ensuring he reached the breakfast table a full hour before she did.
When, distinctly breathless, having lifted heavy lids and found him-and the dawn-long gone, Catriona rushed into the dining hall, she was greeted with wide smiles by the other Cynster ladies and knowing grins by the Cynster men. Straightening her spine, she swept up to the main table; her incorrigible spouse uncurled his long length and rose to pull out her chair.
"I wondered when you'd wake."
The words, murmured in a tone of absolute innocence, brushed her ear as she sat; Catriona stifled a too-vivid recollection of what he'd done to ensure she hadn't.
Lifting her gaze, she met the Dowager's bright eyes.
"Bon! He is recovered, is he not? So all is well, and we really must return south-the Season will start soon, and Louise will be wanting to take the twins to the modistes."
"Indeed," Honoria agreed. As Patience turned to speak to the twins, Honoria turned to Catriona. "I know you'll understand-I want to get back to Sebastian. We've never before left him for so long."
Catriona smiled serenely, sincerely. "I'm so grateful that you came and have stayed for so long. Naturally, you need to get back. And"-with her eyes she indicated Richard, on her other side, talking to Devil and Vane-"there's really no reason you need stay."
Honoria smiled widely, squeezed her hand in empathy, then looked across the table at Devil. "So we can all leave tomorrow."
"We may as well," Patience agreed, turning from the twins.
His gaze briefly touching Vane's, then Richard's, Devil sat back in his chair. And regarded his wife. "Actually, it's not that simple. I'll need a day or so to talk things over with Richard-there's some matters I've set in train that I need to work through with him."
"And I want to go over the trees in the orchard," Vane said. "There's some grafting work you should consider."
"Don't forget those funds that we must discuss before I leave," Gabriel put in.
Honoria, Patience and the Dowager stared up the table.
"Does this mean," Honoria eventually asked, "that you're not yet ready to leave?"
Devil grinned. "It'll just take a day or two." He transferred his limpid gaze to Catriona. "We wouldn't want Richard to overdo things and suffer a relapse."
All the ladies turned to look at Richard, who returned their scrutiny with a look of helpless innocence. Honoria barely stifled a snort; she stood. "I suppose," she conceded, "a day or two more won't hurt."
Honoria looked up as Patience slid into her chair at the breakfast table the next morning. "Have you seen Devil?"
Patience shook her head. "I was about to ask if you'd seen Vane."
Honoria frowned, then both she and Patience looked up. Gliding more slowly than usual, Catriona joined them. She sank into her carved chair. And looked at the teapot. Then she reached out, lifted the pot, and, with careful concentration, filled her cup. Setting the teapot down, she studied the full cup, then reached for the sugarbowl, and dropped in two lumps.
Honoria grinned and exchanged a swift glance with Patience before turning to Catriona. "Where's Richard?"
Eyes closed as she savored her tea, Catriona shook her head. "I don't know-and I don't want to know. Not until I've recovered."
Honoria grinned; Patience chuckled.
Catriona frowned. "Actually, I vaguely-very vaguely, you understand-recall him saying something about having to be busy about 'Cynster business' today." She cracked open her lids. "I assumed he meant with Gabriel."
They all looked down the table, to the four empty places usually filled by the cousins at breakfast time. From the detritus, it was clear they'd already broken their fast.
Honoria frowned. "They're not in the library. I looked."
Patience frowned, too. "What I can't understand is why Vane left so early-he came down before dawn."
"Devil, too."
Catriona frowned, then shook her head. "I can't recall."
Just then, McArdle appeared, stumping slowly along. With his stiff joints, he was always a late riser. Heading for the end of the table, he stopped by Catriona's chair. "The master asked me to give you this, mistress."
Eyes opening fully, Catriona took the single folded sheet and nodded her thanks; McArdle stumped on. For one instant, she studied the missive; Richard had never written to her before. Unfolding it, she scanned the five lines within-she blinked; her eyes kindled. Lips firming, she set her teacup down with a definite click.
"What is it?" Honoria asked.
"Just listen." Drawing a deep breath, Catriona read: "Dear C-Please tell H and P. We have gone to conclude a business deal. We'll be away for four days. You are not to worry. R." She looked at Patience and Honoria. "The 'not' is underlined three times."
They fumed and swore vengeance, then, all three together, they bustled out to the stable.
Catriona led the way. "Huggins-when did the master leave?"
Huggins straightened, letting down the hoof he was checking. "Rode out just at dawn, the boy said."
"And the others?" Honoria asked.
Huggins touched his cap in a half bow. "With him, Your Grace 'Twas the master, His Grace, and both the other Mister Cynsters, ma'am. They rode out all together."
"Which way?" Catriona demanded.
Huggins nodded to the east. Catriona turned and looked, even though the house blocked her view. She glanced back at Huggins. "They rode out of the vale?"
Huggins raised his brows. "Don't know as to that, but they took the road that ways."
"Did they take any provisions?" Patience asked. "Saddlebags, blankets?"
Huggins grimaced. "They saddled their own horses, I believe, ma am. There's usually only one sleepy lad in the stables that early. I doubt he'd 'ave noticed."
"Never mind. Thank you, Huggins." Catriona motioned the other two away. Together, they crossed the yard and went into the gardens, to where, once past the side of the house, they could look down the vale, into the now well-risen sun. Catriona gestured to the vale's mouth. "If they left near dawn, they'll be well beyond the vale by now."