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Josephine might appear fragile, but something about her appealed to the rough crew who by nature of blood were like family to him. Blood or not, though, she is mine, and my brothers better have the sense to keep away. His beast stirred in his mind and growled in agreement.

Clint didn’t let go of her hand until he had closed the door to the upstairs office behind them. He no sooner ushered her into a chair than Brandon breezed in with a grin and perched himself on the edge of Clint’s desk.

Josephine huddled in the chair, her lip-biting trepidation back, but he also smelled the desire and was jolted to realize some of her shyness might stem from her reaction to them. She probably had a strong desire to touch them, an urge she assumably couldn’t understand. An overwhelming desire for contact that Clint-and, he’d bet, Brandon -fought. Even though he’d known vaguely what to expect when he met the one, there was no denying words couldn’t adequately describe it.

“So, when can you start?” Clint asked when the silence drew out.

Her brows creased in a frown. “Don’t you want to ask me some questions first?”

“Are you single?” blurted Brandon, which made Josephine’s eyes widen.

Clint bit back a curse, even as he wanted the answer. He hurried to cover his friend’s gaffe. “What he means to say is sometimes we need to work late, and that a significant other might object.”

His explanation eased some of the tension in her shoulders. “Oh. I don’t have anyone waiting for me at home except for my cat, so working late isn’t an issue.”

A cat? Clint’s beast snorted in disdain, and Clint fought not to smile. His wolf had little use or like for felines. I wonder how she feels about canines with great, big teeth. Clint proceeded to ask her proper interview questions, ignoring Brandon ’s puzzled glances. His best friend didn’t have a subtle bone in his body.

She relaxed, and when it came to talking about her skills, he found the confidence he’d thought she lacked. That confidence shriveled when he said, “So, I guess I should ask why you left your last position.”

He caught the quick flash of fear and disgust in her eyes, and he bit back a growl. Mental note to self-look up her previous place of employment and kick the ass of the jerk who forced her to quit.

She took a deep breath. “The owner decided that when his secretary quit I should assume her… ” She blushed, and Clint clenched his fists under the desk as he suddenly had a vivid image of what had happened. “Um, let’s just say, I had no interest in the extra duties he thought I should provide.”

“Well, you don’t have to worry about that kind of thing happening here. We have no formal rule on dating coworkers, but if anyone harasses you, just let me know, and he’ll be dealt with.” On the end of my fist.

“Thank you.” She met his gaze, and it was like a punch to the gut.

I must have her.

Brandon clasped his hands together and rubbed them. “Well, since that’s all settled, how about I give Josephine here a tour and introduce her to the boys?”

“I don’t actually use Josephine. It’s too long and stuffy. I usually go by Josie.”

“Then Josie it is,” said Brandon as he tugged her up from the chair and tucked her arm into the crook of his arm. With a wink at Clint, he left with her. Meanwhile, Clint clenched his fists in an effort to not run after them and tear his beta from her. His beast didn’t like her leaving their sight-unmarked and in the company of another-and paced restlessly inside him.

Let him have his moment, because I’ll get mine later when I give Josie a ride home. And hopefully soon, the leather seats in my SUV won’t be the only thing she’s sitting on. His cock hardened in anticipation.

Chapter Two

Josie tried to concentrate on what Brandon showed her and the men he introduced her to, but the only thing she registered was how his simple presence and glancing touches made her blood boil. What is wrong with me? Here I’ve lucked out and landed a job, yet all I can think of is how those lips of his would taste. The urge to touch him overwhelmed her, and she fought it by stuffing her hands into her jacket pockets. It didn’t help that he touched her often, brief brushes of his hand and body that made her jump, and to her embarrassment, wet her panties. God, I hope he doesn’t realize just how much he flusters me.

Eventually the tour ended, and she found herself back in Clint’s equally disturbing presence. Darker of countenance with brooding eyes, he didn’t even have to touch her for the shivers to dance down her spine and spiral into her cleft.

“ Brandon, I’m going to run Josie home. Could you make sure her office is ready for the morning?”

Trapped in the close confines of a car with my new, super-sexy boss? I can’t. I’ll melt into a puddle for sure. “Oh, no. You don’t have to drive me anywhere. I’m perfectly fine taking transit.”

“It’s not a problem. Besides, we can talk more about the job on the way. Shall we?” He held open the office door for her, and she thought she caught him smirking at Brandon, who didn’t look happy all of a sudden. But she had little time to ponder their strange interplay, for she found herself ushered down the stairs and out a rear door to a gated parking lot.

He led her to a large black vehicle. He opened the passenger door for her, and she climbed into the luxury vehicle, in a state of bemusement. When he seated himself on the driver side, the large SUV grew small at his overwhelming masculine presence. Josie clutched her hands together nervously, her palms damp. What a strange day. Her new employers seemed remarkable, and not just because they’d taken her fear of spiders in stride. Each had to be the most handsome man she’d ever met, and nice, too.

And much as she fought her attraction to them, if she weren’t mistaken, the interest was reciprocated, judging by their facial and body language. It should have frightened her. I don’t date big, larger-than-life men. But, given her body’s reaction to them, maybe she should. Even with the knowledge that they were her employers, their interest in her as a woman didn’t inspire repugnance, nor did it make her bristle at what some women would perceive as inappropriate sexual interest. On the contrary, she would find it hard to refuse should either of them ask her on a date. However, difficult as it would be to say no, she would, for they were her bosses and she knew better than to mix business with pleasure. I need this job, and having sex with either of them would jeopardize that. A pity, though, because never before have I understood what it meant to be in lust.

She needed to stop thinking of them as possible lovers. She was their employee even if their job offer, so enthusiastically given, stunned her. Not only was her salary much more than she’d expected, they’d given her an office of her own along with free rein to peruse their operations and streamline them. Such confidence in me. I don’t get it, but at the same time, I love it.

Despite her admonishments to her libido to think of them as her bosses, seated so close to Clint, she couldn’t stop the wet warmth that seeped into her panties. Nor could she think of a thing to say other than “You need to turn left at the next set of lights.”

Scintillating conversation to be sure. He pulled up at her direction in front of the white vinyl triplex where she lived on the third floor.

“Thank you,” she said as she ducked her chin down to avoid his mesmerizing green eyes. She pulled on the door handle, and as soon as it had swung open he appeared, hand extended to help her out.