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Goodness, he moves fast. Placing her hand in his, she again experienced the same electrical jolt of earlier, a jolt that zinged through her body and sizzled in her cleft. Oh, my. She blushed when she felt the rush of moisture, glad in the encroaching twilight that he couldn’t see how his simple touch affected her. His and Brandon’s. For, strangely enough, she experienced the same erotic effect when he touched her.

“What time would you like me to pick you up in the morning?” Clint asked as she fumbled her key out to unlock the door.

“Excuse me?” She regarded him blankly. “Why would you pick me up?”

“You don’t have a car, so I’ll just swing by on my way in to work and grab you.”

Josie frowned. “You don’t have to do that. I’m perfectly fine taking public transit.” Not to mention, with the way I keep wetting my panties around you, I’ll need to bring a change for when I get to the office. Make that several pairs.

“I insist, besides you’re on my way. I’ll see you tomorrow morning at eight.” With a wave and a smile that made her panties wet enough to wring, he climbed back into his SUV and zoomed away, leaving Josie flabbergasted on her stoop.

“Nuts. They’re both nuts,” she muttered as she wandered into her apartment. A streak of gray fur came bolting toward her, and Josie bent to catch her furry dynamo.

“Hello, Snickers,” she murmured against the soft fur. “Great news. I’ve got a job working for the two handsomest guys ever.”

As she talked aloud to her cat and bustled about making them dinner, she couldn’t help thinking of Clint and Brandon, their charismatic presence imprinted on her. And what’s up with the electrical shocks when they touch me?

It was like something out of a romance novel, but as Josie reminded herself, this was real life, and while men like her new bosses might find her timid exterior a challenge, it wasn’t long after they caught her that they would let her go for greener pastures. I am not the kind of girl who can keep the attention of men like that. At least, she never had in the past. I wonder if it would be different with them since this time, I’m the one who’s lusting. Foolish thinking that she had to forget. I could never hope to keep a guy like that for long.

But, damn, the heartbreak would probably be worth the wildest naked ride of her life.

* * * *

Clint headed back to his house, a ranch outside the city limits with acres of land and plenty of space to accommodate others of his kind when they came to visit. He wasn’t surprised to find Brandon waiting for him on the front porch. Clint grinned at him, for despite their new rivalry for the chance to win Josie, they were best friends, and competition was the norm.

“Smooth move getting her to ride home with you,” said Brandon grudgingly as he followed him inside.

Clint grabbed them both a beer before dropping his bomb with a smile. “And I’ll be picking her up in the morning.”

“What?” Brandon sputtered. “I checked out her file when you left and saw where she lives. How the fuck did you convince her to ride with you considering you live on the opposite side of town?”

Clint shrugged. “I didn’t tell her that part. So, don’t ruin it. I don’t like the idea of her being on public transit with no one to watch over her.”

Brandon scowled. “Fine, but you’re going to share the driving duties with me.”

Clint didn’t like it, but when he won Josie, he didn’t want Brandon calling foul. “Deal. Talking about sharing, what are we going to do about Josie? We both obviously want her, which I’ve got to admit surprises me considering she’s human.” A really yummy smelling one.

“Yeah, that kind of surprised me, too. I always expected to get paired up with some Amazon blonde. Not that I’m complaining. Josie’s got curves begging to be driven.”

Clint growled, unable to stop the sound at hearing Brandon talk so blatantly about his mate. “Sorry. I hear you talk about her, and my wolf goes nuts.”

“I know the feeling,” said Brandon, who then took a swig of his beer.

“Much as I hate to suggest it, given the way we both feel, we could share her or take turns. But given her timid nature, I don’t get the impression she’d be into that.” Having partaken in threesomes before, Clint wasn’t averse to it, especially with Brandon acting as the second man. I’m not into guys touching me, but watching a woman pleasuring another guy or seeing her being pleasured up close and personal is totally fucking hot.

Brandon shrugged. “So, we let her decide which one of us she wants.” He smiled wickedly. “And may the best wolf win.”

Clint groaned. “Dammit, that brings up another problem. She’s not a shifter. How the hell are we going to break the news to her about our furry side without her freaking out? You saw how she reacted to spiders. Can you imagine what she’ll do when she finds out we’re werewolves?”

“So, we don’t show her our wolves until after we’ve gotten her to trust us and bedded her.”

Clint somehow doubted it would end up that simple. Although under that veneer of fear, I get the impression there might be a core of steel. She might just need a little encouragement to bring it out. And the best place to start is in bed.

* * * *

Josie’s first week at work flew by. True to his word, Clint picked her up every morning with coffee, which by some miracle he’d figured out she took with two creams one sugar. In the evenings, Brandon with a grin and crooked elbow escorted her home in his sports car, which, after the first terrifying ride, she admitted was actually exhilarating, especially when he took the corners fast and tight.

At work, they were professional-most of the time. She gained confidence as her suggestions for improvement were listened to and implemented. She smiled at the lingering scent of Raid every time she entered her office. And while she’d found herself uncomfortable the first day under the scrutiny of the men on staff, by the second day they nodded at her respectfully and called her ma’am, which she found entertaining considering they all towered over her by a good foot or more.

She reorganized the workplace to her liking, her usual shyness disappearing as she found her groove. I am good at what I do. She even had a nickname by the end of her first week, which made her grin when she escaped to her office to work-Little General. I might be short and scared of spiders and stuff, but when it comes to organization, I rock.

The only stressful moment came about a week after she started. Hugging her clipboard while barking orders that made the men scurry, she heard a voice that sent slimy fingers tickling up her spine.

“Josephine, so glad I found you,” said a familiar nasal voice.

Josie whirled to see the balding, pudgy form of her previous boss. “What are you doing here?”

“You wouldn’t take my calls. Lucky me; one of the drivers told me you were working here.” Her sweating ex-boss beamed at her, and Josie took a step back, her shoulders hunching.

“What do you want? I have work to do.” She tried to sound brusque, but instead her voice came out reedy and thin. She still remembered the way he’d cornered her and with a salacious look, propositioned her, his rough hands pinching her as she pushed past him to escape.

“I want you to come back. I’m even prepared to increase your salary,” he announced magnanimously.

Josie shook her head. “No, thank you. I like it here.”

The jovial look on her ex-employer’s face darkened, and his piggy eyes narrowed. “Listen here, missy. Either you take my offer, or I’ll…”